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156 - Thomas Haettel 2021
Starting with a lattice with an action of $mathbb{Z}$ or $mathbb{R}$, we build a Helly graph or an injective metric space. We deduce that the $ell^infty$ orthoscheme complex of any bounded graded lattice is injective. We also prove a Cartan-Hadamard result for locally injective metric spaces. We apply this to show that any Garside group acts on an injective metric space and on a Helly graph. We also deduce that the natural piecewise $ell^infty$ metric on any Euclidean building of type $tilde{A_n}$ extended, $tilde{B_n}$, $tilde{C_n}$ or $tilde{D_n}$ is injective, and its thickening is a Helly graph. Concerning Artin groups of Euclidean types $tilde{A_n}$ and $tilde{C_n}$, we show that the natural piecewise $ell^infty$ metric on the Deligne complex is injective, the thickening is a Helly graph, and it admits a convex bicombing. This gives a metric proof of the $K(pi,1)$ conjecture, as well as several other consequences usually known when the Deligne complex has a CAT(0) metric.
We prove that for every $N e 4$ there is only one right triangle that tiles the regular $N$-gon.
129 - Xian-Tao Huang 2021
We prove that on an essentially non-branching $mathrm{MCP}(K,N)$ space, if a geodesic ball has a volume lower bound and satisfies some additional geometric conditions, then in a smaller geodesic ball (in a quantified sense) we have an estimate on the isoperimetric constants.
111 - Joseph ORourke 2021
We prove that every tetrahedron T has a simple, closed quasigeodesic that passes through three vertices of T. Equivalently, every T has a face whose exterior angles are at most pi.
120 - Anthony Genevois 2021
It is known that a cocompact special group $G$ does not contain $mathbb{Z} times mathbb{Z}$ if and only if it is hyperbolic; and it does not contain $mathbb{F}_2 times mathbb{Z}$ if and only if it is toric relatively hyperbolic. Pursuing in this dire ction, we show that $G$ does not contain $mathbb{F}_2 times mathbb{F}_2$ if and only if it is weakly hyperbolic relative to cyclic subgroups, or cyclically hyperbolic for short. This observation motivates the study of cyclically hyperbolic groups, which we initiate in the class of groups acting geometrically on CAT(0) cube complexes. Given such a group $G$, we first prove a structure theorem: $G$ virtually splits as the direct sum of a free abelian group and an acylindrically hyperbolic cubulable group. Next, we prove a strong Tits alternative: every subgroup $H leq G$ either is virtually abelian or it admits a series $H=H_0 rhd H_1 rhd cdots rhd H_k$ where $H_k$ is acylindrically hyperbolic and where $H_i/H_{i+1}$ is finite or free abelian. As a consequence, $G$ is SQ-universal and it cannot contain subgroups such that products of free groups and virtually simple groups.
This paper proves the following statement: If a convex body can form a three or fourfold translative tiling in three-dimensional space, it must be a parallelohedron. In other words, it must be a parallelotope, a hexagonal prism, a rhombic dodecahedro n, an elongated dodecahedron, or a truncated octahedron.
102 - Christian Wei{ss} 2021
In this short note, we reformulate the task of calculating the pair correlation statistics of a Kronecker sequence as a lattice point counting problem. This can be done analogously to the lattice based approach which was used to (re-)prove the famous three gap property for Kronecker sequences. We show that recently developed lattice point counting techniques can then be applied to derive that a certain class of Kronecker sequences have $beta$-pair correlations for all $0 < beta < 1$.
130 - Ian Doust , Reinhard Wolf 2021
Let $D$ denote the distance matrix for an $n+1$ point metric space $(X,d)$. In the case that $X$ is an unweighted metric tree, the sum of the entries in $D^{-1}$ is always equal to $2/n$. Such trees can be considered as affinely independent subsets o f the Hamming cube $H_n$, and it was conjectured that the value $2/n$ was minimal among all such subsets. In this paper we confirm this conjecture and give a geometric interpretation of our result which applies to any subset of $H_n$.
Coxeter groups are a special class of groups generated by involutions. They play important roles in the various areas of mathematics. This survey particularly focuses on how one use Coxeter groups to construct interesting examples of discrete subgroups of Lie group.
We continue to develop a program in geometric measure theory that seeks to identify how measures in a space interact with canonical families of sets in the space. In particular, extending a theorem of the first author and R. Schul in Euclidean space, for an arbitrary locally finite Borel measure in an arbitrary Carnot group, we develop tests that identify the part of the measure that is carried by rectifiable curves and the part of the measure that is singular to rectifiable curves. Our main result is entwined with an extension of the Analysts Traveling Salesman Theorem, which characterizes subsets of rectifiable curves in $mathbb{R}^2$ (P. Jones, 1990), in $mathbb{R}^n$ (K. Okikolu, 1992), or in an arbitrary Carnot group (the second author) in terms of local geometric least squares data called Jones $beta$-numbers. In a secondary result, we implement the Garnett-Killip-Schul construction of a doubling measure in $mathbb{R}^n$ that charges a rectifiable curve in an arbitrary complete, quasiconvex, doubling metric space.

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