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364 - Sergey Lysenko 2020
Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic >2. Consider the dual pair H=GSO_{2m}, G=GSp_{2n} over X, where H splits over an etale two-sheeted covering of X. Write Bun_G and Bun_H for the stacks of G-torsor s and H-torsors on X. We show that for mle n (respectively, for m>n) the theta-lifting functor from D(Bun_H) to D(Bun_G) (respectively, from D(Bun_G) to D(Bun_H)) commutes with Hecke functors with respect to a morphism of the corresponding L-groups involving the SL_2 of Arthur. So, they realize the geometric Langlands functoriality for the corresponding morphisms of L-groups. As an application, we prove a particular case of the geometric Langlands conjectures for GSp_4. Namely, we construct the automorphic Hecke eigensheaves on Bun_{GSp_4} corresponding to the endoscopic local systems on X.
113 - Sergey Lysenko 2014
Let G be a simple simply-connected group over an algebraically closed field k, X be a smooth connected projective curve over k. In this paper we develop the theory of geometric Eisenstein series on the moduli stack Bun_G of G-torsors on X in the sett ing of the quantum geometric Langlands program (for etale l-adic sheaves) in analogy with [3]. We calculate the intersection cohomology sheaf on the version of Drinfeld compactification in our twisted setting. In the case G=SL_2 we derive some results about the Fourier coefficients of our Eisenstein series. In the case of G=SL_2 and X=P^1 we also construct the corresponding theta-sheaves and prove their Hecke property.
34 - Sergey Lysenko 2013
In this paper we extend the calculation of the geometric Waldspurger periods from our paper math/0510110 to the case of ramified coverings. We give some applications to the study of Whittaker coefficients of the theta-lifting of automorphic sheaves f rom PGL_2 to the metaplectic group Mp_2, they agree with our conjectures from arXiv:1211.1596. In the process of the proof, we get some new automorphic sheaves for GL_2 in the ramified setting. We also formulate stronger conjectures about Waldspurger periods and geometric theta-lifting for the dual pair (SL_2, Mp_2).
97 - Sergey Lysenko 2012
Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic >2. Let Bun_{Mp_2} be the stack of metaplectic bundles on X of rank 2. In this paper we study the derived category of genuine l-adic sheaves on Bun_{Mp_2} in the framework of the quantum geometric Langlands. We describe the corresponding Whittaker category, develop the theory of geometric Eisenstein series and calculate the most non-degenerate Fourier coefficients of these Eisenstein series. The existing constructions of automorphic sheaves for GL_n are based on using Whittaker sheaves. Our calculations lead to a conjectural characterization of the Whittaker sheaf for Mp_2, though its existence is not clear. We also formulate a conjectural relation between the quantum Langlands functors and the theta-lifting functors for the dual pair (Mp_2, PGL_2).

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