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133 - Richard Lieu , Tom W.B. Kibble , 2014
As an extension of the ideas of Hanbury-Brown and Twiss, a method is proposed to eliminate the phase noise of white chaotic light in the regime where it is dominant, and to measure the much smaller Poisson fluctuations from which the incoming flux ca n be reconstructed (via the equality between variance and mean). The best effect is achieved when the timing resolution is finer than the inverse bandwidth of the spectral filter. There may be applications to radio astronomy at the phase noise dominated frequencies of $1 - 10$GHz, in terms of potentially increasing the sensitivity of telescopes by an order of magnitude.
399 - Richard Lieu , Lingze Duan , 2013
The `missing baryons of the near universe are believed to be principally in a partially ionized state. Although passing electromagnetic waves are dispersed by the plasma, the effect has hitherto not been utilized as a means of detection because it is generally believed that a successful observation requires the background source to be highly variable, ie~the class of sources that could potentially deliver a verdict is limited. We argue in two stages that this condition is not necessary. First, by modeling the fluctuations on macroscopic scales as interference between wave packets we show that, in accordance with the ideas advanced by Einstein in 1917, both the behavior of photons as bosons (ie~the intensity variance has contributions from Poisson and phase noise) and the van-Cittert-Zernike theorem are a consequence of wave-particle duality. Nevertheless, we then point out that in general the variance on some macroscopic timescale $tau$ consists of (a) a main contributing term $propto 1/tau$, plus (b) a small negative term $propto 1/tau^2$ due to the finite size of the wave packets. If the radiation passes through a dispersive medium, this size will be enlarged well beyond its vacuum minimum value of $Delta t approx 1/Delta u$, leading to a more negative (b) term (while (a) remains unchanged) and hence a suppression of the variance w.r.t. the vacuum scenario. The phenomenon, which is typically at the few parts in 10$^5$ level, enables one to measure cosmological dispersion in principle. Signal-to-noise estimates, along with systematic issues and how to overcome them, will be presented.
323 - Richard Lieu , Lingze Duan 2013
For each photon wave packet of extragalactic light, the dispersion by line-of-sight intergalactic plasma causes an increase in the envelope width and a chirp (drift) in the carrier frequency. It is shown that for continuous emission of many temporall y overlapping wave packets with random epoch phases, such as quasars in the radio band, this in turn leads to quasi-periodic variations in the intensity of the arriving light on timescales between the coherence time (defined as the reciprocal of the bandwidth of frequency selection, taken here as of order 0.01 GHz for radio observations) and the stretched envelope, with most of the fluctuation power on the latter scale which is typically in the millisecond range for intergalactic dispersion. Thus, by monitoring quasar light curves on such short scales, it should be possible to determine the line-of-sight plasma column along the many directions and distances to the various quasars, affording one a 3-dimensional picture of the ionized baryons in the near universe.
We suggest here a mechanism for the seeding of the primordial density fluctuations. We point out that a process like reheating at the end of inflation will inevitably generate perturbations, even on superhorizon scales, by the local diffusion of ener gy. Provided that the reheating temperature is of order the GUT scale, the density contrast $delta_R$ for spheres of radius $R$ will be of order $10^{-5}$ at horizon entry, consistent with the values measured by texttt{WMAP}. If this were a purely classical process, $delta_R^2$ would fall as $1/R^4$ beyond the horizon, and the resulting primordial density power spectrum would be $P(k) propto k^n$ with $n=4$. However, as shown by Gabrielli et al, a quantum diffusion process can generate a power spectrum with any index in the range $0<nleq 4$, including values close to the observed $n=1$ ($delta_R^2$ will then be $propto 1/R^{3+n}$ for $n<1$ and $1/R^4$ for $n>1$). Thus, the two characteristic parameters that determine the appearance of present day structures could be natural consequences of this mechanism. These are in any case the minimum density variations that must have formed if the universe was rapidly heated to GUT temperatures by the decay of a `false vacuum. There is then no emph{a priori} necessity to postulate additional (and fine tuned) quantum fluctuations in the `false vacuum, nor a pre-inflationary period. Given also the very stringent pre-conditions required to trigger a satisfactory period of inflation, altogether it seems at least as natural to assume that the universe began in a flat and homogeneously expanding phase.

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