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We prove existence and pathwise uniqueness results for four different types of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) perturbed by the past maximum process and/or the local time at zero. Along the first three studies, the coefficients are no longer Lipschitz. The first type is the equation label{eq1} X_{t}=int_{0}^{t}sigma (s,X_{s})dW_{s}+int_{0}^{t}b(s,X_{s})ds+alpha max_{0leq sleq t}X_{s}. The second type is the equation label{eq2} {l} X_{t} =ig{0}{t}sigma (s,X_{s})dW_{s}+ig{0}{t}b(s,X_{s})ds+alpha max_{0leq sleq t}X_{s},,+L_{t}^{0}, X_{t} geq 0, forall tgeq 0. The third type is the equation label{eq3} X_{t}=x+W_{t}+int_{0}^{t}b(X_{s},max_{0leq uleq s}X_{u})ds. We end the paper by establishing the existence of strong solution and pathwise uniqueness, under Lipschitz condition, for the SDE label{e2} X_t=xi+int_0^t si(s,X_s)dW_s +int_0^t b(s,X_s)ds +almax_{0leq sleq t}X_s +be min_{0leq s leq t}X_s.

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