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We bootstrap the S-matrix of massless particles in unitary, relativistic two dimensional quantum field theories. We find that the low energy expansion of such S-matrices is strongly constrained by the existence of a UV completion. In the context of f lux tube physics, this allows us to constrain several terms in the S-matrix low energy expansion or -- equivalently -- on Wilson coefficients of several irrelevant operators showing up in the flux tube effective action. These bounds have direct implications for other physical quantities; for instance, they allow us to further bound the ground state energy as well as the level splitting of degenerate energy levels of large flux tubes. We find that the S-matrices living at the boundary of the allowed space exhibit an intricate pattern of resonances with one sharper resonance whose quantum numbers, mass and width are precisely those of the world-sheet axion proposed in [1,2]. The general method proposed here should be extendable to massless S-matrices in higher dimensions and should lead to new quantitative bounds on irrelevant operators in theories of Goldstones and also in gauge and gravity theories.
We analyze the pentagon transitions involving arbitrarily many flux-tube gluonic excitations and bound states thereof in planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory. We derive all-loop expressions for all these transitions by factorization and fusion of the e lementary transitions for the lightest gluonic excitations conjectured in a previous paper. We apply the proposals so obtained to the computation of MHV and NMHV scattering amplitudes at any loop order and find perfect agreement with available perturbative data up to four loops.
We study three-point correlation functions of local operators in planar $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at weak coupling using integrability. We consider correlation functions involving two scalar BPS operators and an operator with spin, in the so called SL(2) se ctor. At tree level we derive the corresponding structure constant for any such operator. We also conjecture its one loop correction. To check our proposals we analyze the conformal partial wave decomposition of known four-point correlation functions of BPS operators. In perturbation theory, we extract from this decomposition sums of structure constants involving all primaries of a given spin and twist. On the other hand, in our integrable setup these sum rules are computed by summing over all solutions to the Bethe equations. A perfect match is found between the two approaches.
We compute structure constants in N=4 SYM at one loop using Integrability. This requires having full control over the two loop eigenvectors of the dilatation operator for operators of arbitrary size. To achieve this, we develop an algebraic descripti on called the Theta-morphism. In this approach we introduce impurities at each spin chain site, act with particular differential operators on the standard algebraic Bethe ansatz vectors and generate in this way higher loop eigenvectors. The final results for the structure constants take a surprisingly simple form. For some quantities we conjecture all loop generalizations. These are based on the tree level and one loop patterns together and also on some higher loop experiments involving simple operators.
We extend the Operator Product Expansion for Null Polygon Wilson loops to the Mason-Skinner-Caron-Huot super loop, dual to non MHV gluon amplitudes. We explain how the known tree level amplitudes can be promoted into an infinite amount of data at any loop order in the OPE picture. As an application, we re-derive all one loop NMHV six gluon amplitudes by promoting their tree level expressions. We also present some new all loops predictions for these amplitudes.
We compute three-point functions of single trace operators in planar N=4 SYM. We consider the limit where one of the operators is much smaller than the other two. We find a precise match between weak and strong coupling in the Frolov-Tseytlin classic al limit for a very general class of classical solutions. To achieve this match we clarify the issue of back-reaction and identify precisely which three-point functions are captured by a classical computation.
We compute the full dimension of Konishi operator in planar N=4 SYM theory it for a wide range of couplings, from weak to strong coupling regime, and predict the subleading terms in its strong coupling asymptotics. For this purpose we solve numerical ly the integral form of the AdS/CFT Y-system equations for the exact energies of excited states proposed by us and A.Kozak.
Using the thermodynamical Bethe ansatz method we derive an infinite set of integral non-linear equations for the spectrum of states/operators in AdS/CFT. The Y-system conjectured in arXiv:0901.3753 for the spectrum of all operators in planar N=4 SYM theory follows from these equations. In particular, we present the integral equations for the spectrum of all operators within the sl(2) sector. We prove that all the kernels and free terms entering these TBA equations are real and have nice fusion properties in the relevant mirror kinematics. We find the analogue of DHM formula for the dressing kernel in the mirror kinematics.

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