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313 - Gian Salis , Nikolaj Moll 2019
For the variational quantum eigensolver we propose to generate trial wavefunctions from a small amount of selected Pauli terms of the problem Hamiltonian. Two different approaches, one inspired by the quantum approximate optimization algorithm and th e other by imaginary-time evolution, are proposed and studied in detail. Using numerical calculations, we study the efficiency of these trial wavefunctions for finding the ground-state energy of three molecules: H2, LiH and H2O. We find that only a small number of Pauli terms are needed to reach chemical accuracy, leading to short-depth quantum circuits with a small number of variational parameters. For the LiH molecule, the quantum circuit consists of 36 two-qubit gates, 45 one-qubit gates, and four variational parameters, with a favorable scaling for larger molecules.
Universal fault-tolerant quantum computers will require error-free execution of long sequences of quantum gate operations, which is expected to involve millions of physical qubits. Before the full power of such machines will be available, near-term q uantum devices will provide several hundred qubits and limited error correction. Still, there is a realistic prospect to run useful algorithms within the limited circuit depth of such devices. Particularly promising are optimization algorithms that follow a hybrid approach: the aim is to steer a highly entangled state on a quantum system to a target state that minimizes a cost function via variation of some gate parameters. This variational approach can be used both for classical optimization problems as well as for problems in quantum chemistry. The challenge is to converge to the target state given the limited coherence time and connectivity of the qubits. In this context, the quantum volume as a metric to compare the power of near-term quantum devices is discussed. With focus on chemistry applications, a general description of variational algorithms is provided and the mapping from fermions to qubits is explained. Coupled-cluster and heuristic trial wave-functions are considered for efficiently finding molecular ground states. Furthermore, simple error-mitigation schemes are introduced that could improve the accuracy of determining ground-state energies. Advancing these techniques may lead to near-term demonstrations of useful quantum computation with systems containing several hundred qubits.
Quantum chemistry simulations on a quantum computer suffer from the overhead needed for encoding the fermionic problem in a bosonic system of qubits. By exploiting the block diagonality of a fermionic Hamiltonian, we show that the number of required qubits can be reduced by a factor of two or more. There is no need to go into the basis of the Hilbert space for this reduction because all operations can be performed in the operator space. The scheme is conceived as a pre-computational step that would be performed on a classical computer prior to the actual quantum simulation. We apply this scheme to reduce the number of qubits necessary to simulate both the Hamiltonian of the two-site Fermi-Hubbard model and the hydrogen molecule. Both quantum systems can then be simulated with a two-qubit quantum computer.
147 - Yu. A. Vlasov , N. Moll , 2003
e investigate both experimentally and theoretically the waveguiding properties of a novel double trench waveguide where a conventional single-mode strip waveguide is embedded in a two dimensional photonic crystal (PhC) slab formed in silicon on insul ator (SOI) wafers. We demonstrate that the bandwidth for relatively low-loss (50dB/cm) waveguiding is significantly expanded to 250nm covering almost all the photonic band gap owing to nearly linear dispersion of the TE-like waveguiding mode. The flat transmission spectrum however is interrupted by numerous narrow stop bands. We found that these stop bands can be attributed to anti-crossing between TE-like (positive parity) and TM-like (negative parity) modes. This effect is a direct result of the strong asymmetry of the waveguides that have an upper cladding of air and lower cladding of oxide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of the effects of cladding asymmetry on the transmission characteristics of the PhC slab waveguides.

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