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120 - Ian Norris , Nandor Sieben 2011
In a biased weak $(a,b)$ polyform achievement game, the maker and the breaker alternately mark $a,b$ previously unmarked cells on an infinite board, respectively. The makers goal is to mark a set of cells congruent to a polyform. The breaker tries to prevent the maker from achieving this goal. A winning maker strategy for the $(a,b)$ game can be built from winning strategies for games involving fewer marks for the maker and the breaker. A new type of breaker strategy called the priority strategy is introduced. The winners are determined for all $(a,b)$ pairs for polyiamonds and polyominoes up to size four.
We seek solutions $uinR^n$ to the semilinear elliptic partial difference equation $-Lu + f_s(u) = 0$, where $L$ is the matrix corresponding to the Laplacian operator on a graph $G$ and $f_s$ is a one-parameter family of nonlinear functions. This arti cle combines the ideas introduced by the authors in two papers: a) {it Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Difference Equations on Graphs} (J. Experimental Mathematics, 2006), which introduces analytical and numerical techniques for solving such equations, and b) {it Symmetry and Automated Branch Following for a Semilinear Elliptic PDE on a Fractal Region} wherein we present some of our recent advances concerning symmetry, bifurcation, and automation fo We apply the symmetry analysis found in the SIAM paper to arbitrary graphs in order to obtain better initial guesses for Newtons method, create informative graphics, and be in the underlying variational structure. We use two modified implementations of the gradient Newton-Galerkin algorithm (GNGA, Neuberger and Swift) to follow bifurcation branches in a robust way. By handling difficulties that arise when encountering accidental degeneracies and higher-dimension we can find many solutions of many symmetry types to the discrete nonlinear system. We present a selection of experimental results which demonstrate our algorithms capability to automatically generate bifurcation diagrams and solution graphics starting with only an edgelis of a graph. We highlight interesting symmetry and variational phenomena.
We apply the Gradient-Newton-Galerkin-Algorithm (GNGA) of Neuberger & Swift to find solutions to a semilinear elliptic Dirichlet problem on the region whose boundary is the Koch snowflake. In a recent paper, we described an accurate and efficient met hod for generating a basis of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on this region. In that work, we used the symmetry of the snowflake region to analyze and post-process the basis, rendering it suitable for input to the GNGA. The GNGA uses Newtons method on the eigenfunction expansion coefficients to find solutions to the semilinear problem. This article introduces the bifurcation digraph, an extension of the lattice of isotropy subgroups. For our example, the bifurcation digraph shows the 23 possible symmetry types of solutions to the PDE and the 59 generic symmetry-breaking bifurcations among these symmetry types. Our numerical code uses continuation methods, and follows branches created at symmetry-breaking bifurcations, so the human user does not need to supply initial guesses for Newtons method. Starting from the known trivial solution, the code automatically finds at least one solution with each of the symmetry types that we predict can exist. Such computationally intensive investigations necessitated the writing of automated branch following code, whereby symmetry information was used to reduce the number of computations per GNGA execution and to make intelligent branch following decisions at bifurcation points.
In this paper we numerically solve the eigenvalue problem $Delta u + lambda u = 0$ on the fractal region defined by the Koch Snowflake, with zero-Dirichlet or zero-Neumann boundary conditions. The Laplacian with boundary conditions is approximated by a large symmetric matrix. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix are computed by ARPACK. We impose the boundary conditions in a way that gives improved accuracy over the previous computations of Lapidus, Neuberger, Renka & Griffith. We extrapolate the results for grid spacing $h$ to the limit $h rightarrow 0$ in order to estimate eigenvalues of the Laplacian and compare our results to those of Lapdus et al. We analyze the symmetry of the region to explain the multiplicity-two eigenvalues, and present a canonical choice of the two eigenfunctions that span each two-dimensional eigenspace.
In a polyomino set (1,2)-achievement game the maker and the breaker alternately mark one and two previously unmarked cells respectively. The makers goal is to mark a set of cells congruent to one of a given set of polyominoes. The breaker tries to pr event the maker from achieving his goal. The teams of polyominoes for which the maker has a winning strategy is determined up to size 4. In set achievement games, it is natural to study infinitely large polyominoes. This enables the construction of super winners that characterize all winning teams up to a certain size.
145 - Nandor Sieben 2010
Morita equivalence of twisted inverse semigroup actions and discrete twisted partial actions are introduced. Morita equivalent actions have Morita equivalent crossed products.
A pebbling move on a graph removes two pebbles at a vertex and adds one pebble at an adjacent vertex. Rubbling is a version of pebbling where an additional move is allowed. In this new move, one pebble each is removed at vertices $v$ and $w$ adjacent to a vertex $u$, and an extra pebble is added at vertex $u$. A vertex is reachable from a pebble distribution if it is possible to move a pebble to that vertex using rubbling moves. The rubbling number is the smallest number $m$ needed to guarantee that any vertex is reachable from any pebble distribution of $m$ pebbles. The optimal rubbling number is the smallest number $m$ needed to guarantee a pebble distribution of $m$ pebbles from which any vertex is reachable. We give bounds for rubbling and optimal rubbling numbers. In particular, we find an upper bound for the rubbling number of $n$-vertex, diameter $d$ graphs, and estimates for the maximum rubbling number of diameter 2 graphs. We also give a sharp upper bound for the optimal rubbling number, and sharp upper and lower bounds in terms of the diameter.
76 - Nandor Sieben 2009
A pebbling move on a weighted graph removes some pebbles at a vertex and adds one pebble at an adjacent vertex. The number of pebbles removed is the weight of the edge connecting the vertices. A vertex is reachable from a pebble distribution if it is possible to move a pebble to that vertex using pebbling moves. The pebbling number of a weighted graph is the smallest number $m$ needed to guarantee that any vertex is reachable from any pebble distribution of $m$ pebbles. Regular pebbling problems on unweighted graphs are special cases when the weight on every edge is 2. A regular pebbling problem often simplifies to a pebbling problem on a simpler weighted graph. We present an algorithm to find the pebbling number of weighted graphs. We use this algorithm together with graph simplifications to find the regular pebbling number of all connected graphs with at most nine vertices.
117 - Nandor Sieben 2007
A subset $U$ of a set $S$ with a binary operation is called {it avoidable} if $S$ can be partitioned into two subsets $A$ and $B$ such that no element of $U$ can be written as a product of two distinct elements of $A$ or as the product of two distinc t elements of $B$. The avoidable sets of the bicyclic inverse semigroup are classified.

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