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We investigate if a recently introduced formulation of general relativity on a Weyl-integrable geometry, contains cosmological solutions exhibiting acceleration in the present cosmic expansion. We derive the general conditions to have acceleration in the expansion of the universe and obtain a particular solution for the Weyl scalar field describing a cosmological model for the present time in concordance with the data combination Planck + WP + BAO + SN.
Using a new kind of 5D Ricci-flat canonical metric, we obtain by a static foliation an effective 4D Schwarzschild-de Sitter hypersurface. We examine some particular initial conditions which could be responsible for the inflationary expansion of the e arly universe, which could be driven by the explosion of a White Hole (WH). The zeroth order spectrum outside the WH describes quantum fluctuations, which for a scale invariant power spectrum, can be expressed in terms of the cosmological constant, or the square mass of the WH.
We explore the cosmological consequences of some possible big bang produced by a black-hole with mass $M$ in an 5D extended SdS. Under these particular circumstances, the effective 4D metric obtained by the use of a constant foliation on the extra co ordinate is comported as a false white-hole (FWH), which evaporates for all unstable modes that have wavelengths bigger than the size of the FWH. Outside the white hole the repulsive gravitational field can be considered as weak, so that the dynamics for fluctuations of the inflaton field and the scalar perturbations of the metric can be linearized.
What is the physical origin of dark energy? Could this energy be originated by other fields than the inflaton? In this work we explore the possibility that the expansion of the universe can be driven by a condensate of spinors. These spinors are free of interactions on 5D relativistic vacuum in an extended de Sitter spacetime. The extra coordinate is considered as noncompact. After making a static foliation on the extra coordinate, we obtain an effective 4D (inflationary) de Sitter expansion which describes an inflationary universe. In view of our results we conclude that the condensate of spinors here studied could be an interesting candidate to explain the presence of dark energy in the early universe.
We develop a non-perturbative formalism for scalar metric fluctuations from a 5D extended version of general relativity in vacuum. In this work we concentrate our efforts on calculations valid on large cosmological scales, which are the dominant duri ng the inflationary phase of the universe. The resulting metric in this limit is obtained after implementing a planar coordinate transformation on a 5D Ricci-flat metric solution. We calculate the spectrum of these fluctuations with an effective 4D Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime on cosmological scales, which is obtained after we make a static foliation on the non-compact extra coordinate. Our results show how the squared metric fluctuations of the primordial universe become scale invariant with the inflationary expansion.
We investigate, in the transverse traceless (TT) gauge, the generation of the relic background of gravitational waves, generated during an early inflationary stage, on the framework of a large-scale repulsive gravity model. We calculate the spectrum of the tensor metric fluctuations of an effective 4D Schwarzschild-de-Sitter metric, which is obtained after implementing a planar coordinate transformation on a 5D Ricci-flat metric solution, in the context of a non-compact Kaluza-Klein theory of gravity. We found that the spectrum is nearly scale invariant under certain conditions. One interesting aspect of this model is that is possible to derive dynamical field equations for the tensor metric fluctuations, valid not just at cosmological scales, but also at astrophysical scales, from the same theoretical model. The astrophysical and cosmological scales are determined by the gravity- antigravity radius, which is a natural length scale of the model, that indicates when gravity becomes repulsive in nature.
We extend some previous attempts to explain the origin and evolution of primordial magnetic fields during inflation induced from a 5D vacuum. We show that the usual quantum fluctuations of a generalized 5D electromagnetic field cannot provide us with the desired magnetic seeds. We show that special fields without propagation on the extra non-compact dimension are needed to arrive to appreciable magnetic strengths. We also identify a new magnetic tensor field $B_{ij}$ in this kind of extra dimensional theories. Our results are in very good agreement with observational requirements, in particular from TeV Blazars and CMB radiation limits we obtain that primordial cosmological magnetic fields should be close scale invariance.
We revisit a collapsing pre-big-bang model of the universe to study with detail the non-perturbative quantum dynamics of the dispersal scalar field whose dynamics becomes from the dynamical foliation of test massless scalar field $phi$ on a 5D Rieman n-flat metric, such that the extra space-like coordinate is noncompact. The important result here obtained is that the evolution of the system, which is described thorough the equation of state has the unique origin in the quantum contributions of the effective 4D scalar field.
We develop a stochastic approach to study scalar field fluctuations of the inflaton field in an early inflationary universe with a black-hole (BH), which is described by an effective 4D SdS metric. Considering a 5D Ricci-flat SdS static metric, we im plement a planar coordinate transformation, in order to obtain a 5D cosmological metric, from which the effective 4D SdS metric can be induced on a 4D hypersurface. We found that at the end of inflation, the squared fluctuations of the inflaton field are not exactly scale independent and becomes sensitive with the mass of the BH.
Using some ideas of Modern Kaluza-Klein theory, we examine the evolution of entropy on a 4D Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) brane from a 5D vacuum state, which is defined on a 5D background Riemann-flat metric. We found that entropy production is su fficiently important during inflation: $S > 10^{90}$, for all the initial values of temperature $T_0 < T_{GU}$.

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