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We present a performance analysis of the DiskMass Survey. The survey uses collisionless tracers in the form of disk stars to measure the surface-density of spiral disks, to provide an absolute calibration of the stellar mass-to-light ratio, and to yi eld robust estimates of the dark-matter halo density profile in the inner regions of galaxies. We find a disk inclination range of 25-35 degrees is optimal for our measurements, consistent with our survey design to select nearly face-on galaxies. Uncertainties in disk scale-heights are significant, but can be estimated from radial scale-lengths to 25% now, and more precisely in the future. We detail the spectroscopic analysis used to derive line-of-sight velocity dispersions, precise at low surface-brightness, and accurate in the presence of composite stellar populations. Our methods take full advantage of large-grasp integral-field spectroscopy and an extensive library of observed stars. We show that the baryon-to-total mass fraction (F_b) is not a well-defined observational quantity because it is coupled to the halo mass model. This remains true even when the disk mass is known and spatially-extended rotation curves are available. In contrast, the fraction of the rotation speed supplied by the disk at 2.2 scale lengths (disk maximality) is a robust observational indicator of the baryonic disk contribution to the potential. We construct the error-budget for the key quantities: dynamical disk mass surface-density, disk stellar mass-to-light ratio, and disk maximality (V_disk / V_circular). Random and systematic errors in these quantities for individual galaxies will be ~25%, while survey precision for sample quartiles are reduced to 10%, largely devoid of systematic errors outside of distance uncertainties.
We present a survey of the mass surface-density of spiral disks, motivated by outstanding uncertainties in rotation-curve decompositions. Our method exploits integral-field spectroscopy to measure stellar and gas kinematics in nearly face-on galaxies sampled at 515, 660, and 860 nm, using the custom-built SparsePak and PPak instruments. A two-tiered sample, selected from the UGC, includes 146 nearly face-on galaxies, with B<14.7 and disk scale-lengths between 10 and 20 arcsec, for which we have obtained H-alpha velocity-fields; and a representative 46-galaxy subset for which we have obtained stellar velocities and velocity dispersions. Based on re-calibration of extant photometric and spectroscopic data, we show these galaxies span factors of 100 in L(K) (0.03 < L/L(K)* < 3), 8 in L(B)/L(K), 10 in R-band disk central surface-brightness, with distances between 15 and 200 Mpc. The survey is augmented by 4-70 micron Spitzer IRAC and MIPS photometry, ground-based UBVRIJHK photometry, and HI aperture-synthesis imaging. We outline the spectroscopic analysis protocol for deriving precise and accurate line-of-sight stellar velocity dispersions. Our key measurement is the dynamical disk-mass surface-density. Star-formation rates and kinematic and photometric regularity of galaxy disks are also central products of the study. The survey is designed to yield random and systematic errors small enough (i) to confirm or disprove the maximum-disk hypothesis for intermediate-type disk galaxies, (ii) to provide an absolute calibration of the stellar mass-to-light ratio well below uncertainties in present-day stellar-population synthesis models, and (iii) to make significant progress in defining the shape of dark halos in the inner regions of disk galaxies.
145 - Matthew A. Bershady 2009
In this Chapter we review the challenges of, and opportunities for, 3D spectroscopy, and how these have lead to new and different approaches to sampling astronomical information. We describe and categorize existing instruments on 4m and 10m telescope s. Our primary focus is on grating-dispersed spectrographs. We discuss how to optimize dispersive elements, such as VPH gratings, to achieve adequate spectral resolution, high throughput, and efficient data packing to maximize spatial sampling for 3D spectroscopy. We review and compare the various coupling methods that make these spectrographs ``3D, including fibers, lenslets, slicers, and filtered multi-slits. We also describe Fabry-Perot and spatial-heterodyne interferometers, pointing out their advantages as field-widened systems relative to conventional, grating-dispersed spectrographs. We explore the parameter space all these instruments sample, highlighting regimes open for exploitation. Present instruments provide a foil for future development. We give an overview of plans for such future instruments on todays large telescopes, in space, and in the coming era of extremely large telescopes. Currently-planned instruments open new domains, but also leave significant areas of parameter space vacant, beckoning further development.
How large disk galaxies have evolved in, and out of, the blue cloud of actively star-forming galaxies as a function of environment and time is an outstanding question. Some of the largest disks become systems like M31, M33 and the Milky Way today. In denser environments, it appears they transform onto the red sequence. Tracking disk systems since z<0.5 as a function HI mass, dynamical mass, and environment should be possible in the coming decade. HI and optical data combined can sample outer and inner disk dynamics to connect halo properties with regions of most intense star-formation, and the gas reservoir to the consumption rate. We describe existing and future IFUs on 4-10m telescopes that complement upcoming HI surveys for studying disks at z<0.5. Multiple units, deployable over large fields-of-view, and with logarithmic sampling will yield kinematic and star-formation maps and properties of the stellar populations, resolving the core but retaining sensitivity to disk outskirts.

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