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We present here a provenance management system adapted to astronomical projects needs. We collected use cases from various astronomy projects and defined a data model in the ecosystem developed by the IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) . From those use cases, we observed that some projects already have data collections generated and archived, from which the provenance has to be extracted (provenance on top), and some projects are building complex pipelines that automatically capture provenance information during the data processing (capture inside). Different tools and prototypes have been developed and tested to capture, store, access and visualize the provenance information, which participate to the shaping of a full provenance management system able to handle detailed provenance information.
Recently the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) released a standard to structure provenance metadata, and several implementations are in development in order to capture, store, access and visualize the provenance of astronomy data prod ucts. This BoF will be focused on practical needs for provenance in astronomy. A growing number of projects express the requirement to propose FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and thus manage provenance information to ensure the quality, reliability and trustworthiness of this data. The concepts are in place, but now, applied specifications and practical tools are needed to answer concrete use cases. During this session we discussed which strategies are considered by projects (observatories or data providers) to capture provenance in their context and how a end-user might query the provenance information to enhance her/his data selection and retrieval. The objective was to identify the development of tools and formats now needed to make provenance more practical needed to increase provenance take-up in the astronomical domain.
We developed several pieces of software to enable the tracking of provenance information for the large-scale complex astronomical observatory CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Such major facilities produce data that will be publicly released to a l arge community of scientists. There are thus strong requirements to ensure data quality, reliability and trustworthiness. Among those requirements, traceability and reproducibility of the data products have to be included in the development of large projects. Those requirements can be answered by structuring and storing the provenance information for each data product. We followed the Provenance data model, currently discussed at the IVOA, and implemented solutions to collect provenance information during the CTA data processing and the execution of jobs on a work cluster.
We present the last developments on the IVOA Provenance data model, mainly based on the W3C PROV concept. In the context of the Cherenkov astronomy, the data processing stages imply both assumptions and comparison to dedicated simulations. As a conse quence, Provenance information is crucial to the end user in order to interpret the high level data products. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), currently in preparation, is thus a perfect test case for the development of an IVOA standard on Provenance information. We describe general use-cases for the computational Provenance in the CTA production pipeline and explore the proposed W3C notations like PROV-N formats, as well as Provenance access solutions.
We aim at characterising the structure of the gas and dust around the high mass X-ray binary GX 301-2, a highly obscured X-ray binary hosting a hypergiant star and a neutron star, in order to better constrain its evolution. We used Herschel PACS to o bserve GX 301-2 in the far infrared and completed the spectral energy distribution of the source using published data or catalogs, from the optical to the radio range (0.4 to 4x10^4 micrometer). GX 301-2 is detected for the first time at 70 and 100 micrometer. We fitted different models of circumstellar environments to the data. All tested models are statistically acceptable, and consistent with a hypergiant star at ~3 kpc. We found that the addition of a free-free emission component from the strong stellar wind is required and could dominate the far infrared flux. Through comparisons with similar systems and discussion on the estimated model parameters, we favour a disk-like circumstellar environment of ~8 AU that would enshroud the binary system. The temperature goes down to ~200 K at the edge of the disk, allowing for dust formation. This disk is probably a rimmed viscous disk with an inner rim at the temperature of the dust sublimation temperature (~1500 K). The similarities between the hypergiant GX 301-2, B[e] supergiants and the highly obscured X-ray binaries (in particular IGR J16318-4848) are strengthened. GX 301-2 might represent a transition stage in the evolution of massive stars in binary systems, connecting supergiant B[e] systems to luminous blue variables.
We analyzed the 100-yr light curves of Galactic high-mass X-ray binaries using the Harvard photographic plate collection, made accessible through the DASCH project (Digital Access to a Sky Century at Harvard). As scanning is still in progress, we foc us on the four objects that are currently well covered: the supergiant X-ray binary Cyg X-1 (V1357 Cyg), and the Be X-ray binaries 1H 1936+541 (BD+53 2262), RX J1744.7-2713 (HD 161103), and RX J2030.5+4751 (SAO 49725), the latter two objects being similar to gamma Cas. The star associated with Cyg X-1 does not show evidence for variability with an amplitude higher than 0.3 magnitude over a hundred years. We found significant variability of one magnitude with timescales of more than 10 years for SAO 49725, as well as a possible period of 500-600 days and an amplitude of 0.05 magnitude that might be the orbital, or super-orbital period of the system. The data is insufficient to conclude for HD 161103 but suggests a similar long-term variability. We thus observe an additional characteristic of gamma Cas-like objects: their long-term variability. This variability seems to be due to the slow evolution of a decretion disk around the Be star, but may be triggered by the presence of a compact object in the system, possibly a white dwarf. This characteristic could be used to identify further similar objects otherwise difficult to detect.
The nature of ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which are off-nuclear extragalactic X-ray sources that exceed the Eddington luminosity for a stellar-mass black hole, is still largely unknown. They might be black hole X-ray binaries in a super-Eddi ngton accretion state, possibly with significant beaming of their emission, or they might harbor a black hole of intermediate mass (10^2 to 10^5 solar masses). Due to the enormous amount of energy radiated, ULXs can have strong interactions with their environment, particularly if the emission is not beamed and if they host a massive black hole. We present early results of a project that uses archival Herschel infrared observations of galaxies hosting bright ULXs in order to constrain the nature of the environment surrounding the ULXs and possible interactions. We already observe a spatial correlation between ULXs and dense clouds of cold material, that will be quantified in subsequent work. Those observations will allow us to test the similarities with the environment of Galactic high mass X-ray binaries. This project will also shed light on the nature of the host galaxies, and the possible factors that could favor the presence of a ULX in a galaxy.
Using deep Chandra observations of the globular cluster M28, we study the quiescent X-ray emission of a neutron star in a low-mass X-ray binary in order to constrain the chemical composition of the neutron star atmosphere and the equation of state of dense matter. We fit the spectrum with different neutron star atmosphere models composed of hydrogen, helium or carbon. The parameter values obtained with the carbon model are unphysical and such a model can be ruled out. Hydrogen and helium models give realistic parameter values for a neutron star, and the derived mass and radius are clearly distinct depending on the composition of the atmosphere. The hydrogen model gives masses/radii consistent with the canonical values of 1.4 Msun and 10 km, and would allow for the presence of exotic matter inside neutron stars. On the other hand, the helium model provides solutions with higher masses/radii, consistent with the stiffest equations of state. Measurements of neutron star masses/radii by spectral fitting should consider the possibility of heavier element atmospheres, which produce larger masses/radii for the same data, unless the composition of the accretor is known independently.
Using new Chandra X-ray observations and existing XMM-Newton X-ray and Hubble far ultraviolet observations, we aim to detect and identify the faint X-ray sources belonging to the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808 in order to understand their role in the evolution of globular clusters. We present a Chandra X-ray observation of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808. We classify the X-ray sources associated with the cluster by analysing their colours and variability. Previous observations with XMM-Newton and far ultraviolet observations with the Hubble Space Telescope are re-investigated to help identify the Chandra sources associated with the cluster. We compare our results to population synthesis models and observations of other Galactic globular clusters. We detect 113 sources, of which 16 fall inside the half-mass radius of NGC 2808 and are concentrated towards the cluster core. From statistical analysis, these 16 sources are very likely to be linked to the cluster. We detect short-term (1 day) variability in X-rays for 7 sources, of which 2 fall inside the half-mass radius, and long-term (28 months) variability for 10 further sources, of which 2 fall inside the half-mass radius. Ultraviolet counterparts are found for 8 Chandra sources in the core, of which 2 have good matching probabilities and have ultraviolet properties expected for cataclysmic variables. We find one likely neutron star-quiescent low-mass X-ray binary and 7 cataclysmic variable candidates in the core of NGC 2808. The other 8 sources are cataclysmic variable candidates, but some could possibly be active binaries or millisecond pulsars. We find a possible deficit of X-ray sources compared to 47 Tuc which could be related to the metallicity content and the complexity of the evolution of NGC 2808.

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