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The celebrated multi-armed bandit problem in decision theory models the basic trade-off between exploration, or learning about the state of a system, and exploitation, or utilizing the system. In this paper we study the variant of the multi-armed ban dit problem where the exploration phase involves costly experiments and occurs before the exploitation phase; and where each play of an arm during the exploration phase updates a prior belief about the arm. The problem of finding an inexpensive exploration strategy to optimize a certain exploitation objective is NP-Hard even when a single play reveals all information about an arm, and all exploration steps cost the same. We provide the first polynomial time constant-factor approximation algorithm for this class of problems. We show that this framework also generalizes several problems of interest studied in the context of data acquisition in sensor networks. Our analyses also extends to switching and setup costs, and to concave utility objectives. Our solution approach is via a novel linear program rounding technique based on stochastic packing. In addition to yielding exploration policies whose performance is within a small constant factor of the adaptive optimal policy, a nice feature of this approach is that the resulting policies explore the arms sequentially without revisiting any arm. Sequentiality is a well-studied concept in decision theory, and is very desirable in domains where multiple explorations can be conducted in parallel, for instance, in the sensor network context.
In several applications such as databases, planning, and sensor networks, parameters such as selectivity, load, or sensed values are known only with some associated uncertainty. The performance of such a system (as captured by some objective function over the parameters) is significantly improved if some of these parameters can be probed or observed. In a resource constrained situation, deciding which parameters to observe in order to optimize system performance itself becomes an interesting and important optimization problem. This general problem is the focus of this paper. One of the most important considerations in this framework is whether adaptivity is required for the observations. Adaptive observations introduce blocking or sequential operations in the system whereas non-adaptive observations can be performed in parallel. One of the important questions in this regard is to characterize the benefit of adaptivity for probes and observation. We present general techniques for designing constant factor approximations to the optimal observation schemes for several widely used scheduling and metric objective functions. We show a unifying technique that relates this optimization problem to the outlier version of the corresponding deterministic optimization. By making this connection, our technique shows constant factor upper bounds for the benefit of adaptivity of the observation schemes. We show that while probing yields significant improvement in the objective function, being adaptive about the probing is not beneficial beyond constant factors.
The restless bandit problem is one of the most well-studied generalizations of the celebrated stochastic multi-armed bandit problem in decision theory. In its ultimate generality, the restless bandit problem is known to be PSPACE-Hard to approximate to any non-trivial factor, and little progress has been made despite its importance in modeling activity allocation under uncertainty. We consider a special case that we call Feedback MAB, where the reward obtained by playing each of n independent arms varies according to an underlying on/off Markov process whose exact state is only revealed when the arm is played. The goal is to design a policy for playing the arms in order to maximize the infinite horizon time average expected reward. This problem is also an instance of a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), and is widely studied in wireless scheduling and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) routing. Unlike the stochastic MAB problem, the Feedback MAB problem does not admit to greedy index-based optimal policies. We develop a novel and general duality-based algorithmic technique that yields a surprisingly simple and intuitive 2+epsilon-approximate greedy policy to this problem. We then define a general sub-class of restless bandit problems that we term Monotone bandits, for which our policy is a 2-approximation. Our technique is robust enough to handle generalizations of these problems to incorporate various side-constraints such as blocking plays and switching costs. This technique is also of independent interest for other restless bandit problems. By presenting the first (and efficient) O(1) approximations for non-trivial instances of restless bandits as well as of POMDPs, our work initiates the study of approximation algorithms in both these contexts.

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