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132 - Jiv{r}i Hrivnak 2015
In this thesis new objects to the existing set of invariants of Lie algebras are added. These invariant characteristics are capable of describing the nilpotent parametric continuum of Lie algebras. The properties of these invariants, in view of possi ble alternative classifications of Lie algebras, are formulated and their behaviour on known lower--dimensional Lie algebras investigated. It is demonstrated that these invariants, in view of their application on graded contractions of sl(3,C), are also effective in higher dimensions. A necessary contraction criterion involving these invariants is derived and applied to lower--dimensional cases. Possible application of these invariant characteristics to Jordan algebras is investigated.
The affine Weyl groups with their corresponding four types of orbit functions are considered. Two independent admissible shifts, which preserve the symmetries of the weight and the dual weight lattices, are classified. Finite subsets of the shifted w eight and the shifted dual weight lattices, which serve as a sampling grid and a set of labels of the orbit functions, respectively, are introduced. The complete sets of discretely orthogonal orbit functions over the sampling grids are found and the corresponding discrete Fourier transforms are formulated. The eight standard one-dimensional discrete cosine and sine transforms form special cases of the presented transforms.
The Gell-Mann grading, one of the four gradings of sl(3,C) that cannot be further refined, is considered as the initial grading for the graded contraction procedure. Using the symmetries of the Gell-Mann grading, the system of contraction equations i s reduced and solved. Each non-trivial solution of this system determines a Lie algebra which is not isomorphic to the original algebra sl(3,C). The resulting 53 contracted algebras are divided into two classes - the first is represented by the algebras which are also continuous Inonu-Wigner contractions, the second is formed by the discrete graded contractions.
The properties of the four families of special functions of three real variables, called here C-, S-, S^s- and S^l-functions, are studied. The S^s- and S^l-functions are considered in all details required for their exploitation in Fourier expansions of digital data, sampled on finite fragment of lattices of any density and of the 3D symmetry imposed by the weight lattices of B_3 and C_3 simple Lie algebras/groups. The continuous interpolations, which are induced by the discrete expansions, are exemplified and compared for some model functions.
The discrete orthogonality of special function families, called $C$- and $S$-functions, which are derived from the characters of compact simple Lie groups, is described in Hrivnak and Patera (2009 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 385208). Here, the result s of Hrivnak and Patera are extended to two additional recently discovered families of special functions, called $S^s-$ and $S^l-$functions. The main result is an explicit description of their pairwise discrete orthogonality within each family, when the functions are sampled on finite fragments $F^s_M$ and $F^l_M$ of a lattice in any dimension $ngeq2$ and of any density controlled by $M$, and of the symmetry of the weight lattice of any compact simple Lie group with two different lengths of roots.
404 - Jiri Hrivnak , Petr Novotny 2009
We consider finite-dimensional complex Lie algebras. Using certain complex parameters we generalize the concept of cohomology cocycles of Lie algebras. A special case is generalization of 1-cocycles with respect to the adjoint representation - so cal led $(alpha,beta,gamma)$--derivations. Parametric sets of spaces of cocycles allow us to define complex functions which are invariant under Lie isomorphisms. Such complex functions thus represent useful invariants - we show how they classify three and four-dimensional Lie algebras as well as how they apply to some eight-dimensional one-parametric nilpotent continua of Lie algebras. These functions also provide necessary criteria for existence of 1-parametric continuous contraction.
217 - Jiri Hrivnak , Jiri Patera 2009
Three types of numerical data are provided for simple Lie groups of any type and rank. This data is indispensable for Fourier-like expansions of multidimensional digital data into finite series of $C-$ or $S-$functions on the fundamental domain $F$ o f the underlying Lie group $G$. Firstly, we consider the number $|F_M|$ of points in $F$ from the lattice $P^{vee}_M$, which is the refinement of the dual weight lattice $P^{vee}$ of $G$ by a positive integer $M$. Secondly, we find the lowest set $Lambda_M$ of dominant weights, specifying the maximal set of $C-$ and $S-$functions that are pairwise orthogonal on the point set $F_M$. Finally, we describe an efficient algorithm for finding, on the maximal torus of $G$, the number of conjugate points to every point of $F_M$. Discrete $C-$ and $S-$transforms, together with their continuous interpolations, are presented in full generality.

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