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216 - Jean Gallier 2014
One of the main goals of these notes is to explain how rotations in reals^n are induced by the action of a certain group, Spin(n), on reals^n, in a way that generalizes the action of the unit complex numbers, U(1), on reals^2, and the action of the u nit quaternions, SU(2), on reals^3 (i.e., the action is defined in terms of multiplication in a larger algebra containing both the group Spin(n) and reals^n). The group Spin(n), called a spinor group, is defined as a certain subgroup of units of an algebra, Cl_n, the Clifford algebra associated with reals^n. Since the spinor groups are certain well chosen subgroups of units of Clifford algebras, it is necessary to investigate Clifford algebras to get a firm understanding of spinor groups. These notes provide a tutorial on Clifford algebra and the groups Spin and Pin, including a study of the structure of the Clifford algebra Cl_{p, q} associated with a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form of signature (p, q) and culminating in the beautiful 8-periodicity theorem of Elie Cartan and Raoul Bott (with proofs).
70 - Jean Gallier 2013
These are notes on the method of normalized graph cuts and its applications to graph clustering. I provide a fairly thorough treatment of this deeply original method due to Shi and Malik, including complete proofs. I include the necessary background on graphs and graph Laplacians. I then explain in detail how the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian can be used to draw a graph. This is an attractive application of graph Laplacians. The main thrust of this paper is the method of normalized cuts. I give a detailed account for K = 2 clusters, and also for K > 2 clusters, based on the work of Yu and Shi. Three points that do not appear to have been clearly articulated before are elaborated: 1. The solutions of the main optimization problem should be viewed as tuples in the K-fold cartesian product of projective space RP^{N-1}. 2. When K > 2, the solutions of the relaxed problem should be viewed as elements of the Grassmannian G(K,N). 3. Two possible Riemannian distances are available to compare the closeness of solutions: (a) The distance on (RP^{N-1})^K. (b) The distance on the Grassmannian. I also clarify what should be the necessary and sufficient conditions for a matrix to represent a partition of the vertices of a graph to be clustered.
171 - Jean Gallier 2013
In these notes, we consider the problem of finding the logarithm or the square root of a real matrix. It is known that for every real n x n matrix, A, if no real eigenvalue of A is negative or zero, then A has a real logarithm, that is, there is a re al matrix, X, such that e^X = A. Furthermore, if the eigenvalues, xi, of X satisfy the property -pi < Im(xi) < pi, then X is unique. It is also known that under the same condition every real n x n matrix, A, has a real square root, that is, there is a real matrix, X, such that X^2 = A. Moreover, if the eigenvalues, rho e^{i theta}, of X satisfy the condition -pi/2 < theta < pi/2, then X is unique. These theorems are the theoretical basis for various numerical methods for exponentiating a matrix or for computing its logarithm using a method known as scaling and squaring (resp. inverse scaling and squaring). Such methods play an important role in the log-Euclidean framework due to Arsigny, Fillard, Pennec and Ayache and its applications to medical imaging. Actually, there is a necessary and sufficient condition for a real matrix to have a real logarithm (or a real square root) but it is fairly subtle as it involves the parity of the number of Jordan blocks associated with negative eigenvalues. As far as I know, with the exception of Highams recent book, proofs of these results are scattered in the literature and it is not easy to locate them. Moreover, Highams excellent book assumes a certain level of background in linear algebra that readers interested in the topics of this paper may not possess so we feel that a more elementary presentation might be a valuable supplement to Higham. In these notes, I present a unified exposition of these results and give more direct proofs of some of them using the Real Jordan Form.
64 - Jean Gallier 2008
These are notes on discrete mathematics for computer scientists. The presentation is somewhat unconventional. Indeed I begin with a discussion of the basic rules of mathematical reasoning and of the notion of proof formalized in a natural deduction s ystem ``a la Prawitz. The rest of the material is more or less traditional but I emphasize partial functions more than usual (after all, programs may not terminate for all input) and I provide a fairly complete account of the basic concepts of graph theory.
89 - Jean Gallier 2008
The purpose of these notes is to present a fairly complete proof of the classification Theorem for compact surfaces. Other presentations are often quite informal (see the references in Chapter V) and we have tried to be more rigorous. Our main source of inspiration is the beautiful book on Riemann Surfaces by Ahlfors and Sario. However, Ahlfors and Sarios presentation is very formal and quite compact. As a result, uninitiated readers will probably have a hard time reading this book. Our goal is to help the reader reach the top of the mountain and help him not to get lost or discouraged too early. This is not an easy task! We provide quite a bit of topological background material and the basic facts of algebraic topology needed for understanding how the proof goes, with more than an impressionistic feeling. We hope that these notes will be helpful to readers interested in geometry, and who still believe in the rewards of serious hiking!
183 - Jean Gallier 2008
Some basic mathematical tools such as convex sets, polytopes and combinatorial topology, are used quite heavily in applied fields such as geometric modeling, meshing, computer vision, medical imaging and robotics. This report may be viewed as a tutor ial and a set of notes on convex sets, polytopes, polyhedra, combinatorial topology, Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations. It is intended for a broad audience of mathematically inclined readers. I have included a rather thorough treatment of the equivalence of V-polytopes and H-polytopes and also of the equivalence of V-polyhedra and H-polyhedra, which is a bit harder. In particular, the Fourier-Motzkin elimination method (a version of Gaussian elimination for inequalities) is discussed in some detail. I also included some material on projective spaces, projective maps and polar duality w.r.t. a nondegenerate quadric in order to define a suitable notion of ``projective polyhedron based on cones. To the best of our knowledge, this notion of projective polyhedron is new. We also believe that some of our proofs establishing the equivalence of V-polyhedra and H-polyhedra are new.

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