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Here we observe that list coloring in graph theory coincides with the zero-temperature antiferromagnetic Potts model with an external field. We give a list coloring polynomial that equals the partition function in this case. This is analogous to the well-known connection between the chromatic polynomial and the zero-temperature, zero-field, antiferromagnetic Potts model. The subsequent cross fertilization yields immediate results for the Potts model and suggests new research directions in list coloring.
The Las Vergnas polynomial is an extension of the Tutte polynomial to cellularly embedded graphs. It was introduced by Michel Las Vergnas in 1978 as special case of his Tutte polynomial of a morphism of matroids. While the general Tutte polynomial of a morphism of matroids has a complete set of deletion-contraction relations, its specialisation to cellularly embedded graphs does not. Here we extend the Las Vergnas polynomial to graphs in pseudo-surfaces. We show that in this setting we can define deletion and contraction for embedded graphs consistently with the deletion and contraction of the underlying matroid perspective, thus yielding a version of the Las Vergnas polynomial with complete recursive definition. This also enables us to obtain a deeper understanding of the relationships among the Las Vergnas polynomial, the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial, and the Krushkal polynomial. We also take this opportunity to extend some of Las Vergnas results on Eulerian circuits from graphs in surfaces of low genus to surfaces of arbitrary genus.
Building a structure using self-assembly of DNA molecules by origami folding requires finding a route for the scaffolding strand through the desired structure. When the target structure is a 1-complex (or the geometric realization of a graph), an opt imal route corresponds to an Eulerian circuit through the graph with minimum turning cost. By showing that it leads to a solution to the 3-SAT problem, we prove that the general problem of finding an optimal route for a scaffolding strand for such structures is NP-hard. We then show that the problem may readily be transformed into a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), so that machinery that has been developed for the TSP may be applied to find optimal routes for the scaffolding strand in a DNA origami self-assembly process. We give results for a few special cases, showing for example that the problem remains intractable for graphs with maximum degree 8, but is polynomial time for 4-regular plane graphs if the circuit is restricted to following faces. We conclude with some implications of these results for related problems, such as biomolecular computing and mill routing problems.
We find new properties of the topological transition polynomial of embedded graphs, $Q(G)$. We use these properties to explain the striking similarities between certain evaluations of Bollobas and Riordans ribbon graph polynomial, $R(G)$, and the top ological Penrose polynomial, $P(G)$. The general framework provided by $Q(G)$ also leads to several other combinatorial interpretations these polynomials. In particular, we express $P(G)$, $R(G)$, and the Tutte polynomial, $T(G)$, as sums of chromatic polynomials of graphs derived from $G$; show that these polynomials count $k$-valuations of medial graphs; show that $R(G)$ counts edge 3-colourings; and reformulate the Four Colour Theorem in terms of $R(G)$. We conclude with a reduction formula for the transition polynomial of the tensor product of two embedded graphs, showing that it leads to additional relations among these polynomials and to further combinatorial interpretations of $P(G)$ and $R(G)$.
We extend the Penrose polynomial, originally defined only for plane graphs, to graphs embedded in arbitrary surfaces. Considering this Penrose polynomial of embedded graphs leads to new identities and relations for the Penrose polynomial which can no t be realized within the class of plane graphs. In particular, by exploiting connections with the transition polynomial and the ribbon group action, we find a deletion-contraction-type relation for the Penrose polynomial. We relate the Penrose polynomial of an orientable checkerboard colourable graph to the circuit partition polynomial of its medial graph and use this to find new combinatorial interpretations of the Penrose polynomial. We also show that the Penrose polynomial of a plane graph G can be expressed as a sum of chromatic polynomials of twisted duals of G. This allows us to obtain a new reformulation of the Four Colour Theorem.
The classical relationship between the Tutte polynomial of graph theory and the Potts model of statistical mechanics has resulted in valuable interactions between the disciplines. Unfortunately, it does not include the external magnetic fields that a ppear in most Potts model applications. Here we define the V-polynomial, which lifts the classical relationship between the Tutte polynomial and the zero field Potts model to encompass external magnetic fields. The V-polynomial generalizes Nobel and Welshs W-polynomial, which extends the Tutte polynomial by incorporating vertex weights and adapting contraction to accommodate them. We prove that the variable field Potts model partition function (with its many specializations) is an evaluation of the V-polynomial, and hence a polynomial with deletion-contraction reduction and Fortuin-Kasteleyn type representation. This unifies an important segment of Potts model theory and brings previously successful combinatorial machinery, including complexity results, to bear on a wider range of statistical mechanics models.
We consider two operations on an edge of an embedded graph (or equivalently a ribbon graph): giving a half-twist to the edge and taking the partial dual with respect to the edge. These two operations give rise to an action of S_3^{|E(G)|}, the ribbon group, on G. The action of the ribbon group on embedded graphs extends the concepts of duality, partial duality and Petrie duality. We show that this ribbon group action gives a complete characterization of duality in that if G is any cellularly embedded graph with medial graph G_m, then the orbit of G under the group action is precisely the set of all graphs with medial graphs isomorphic (as abstract graphs) to G_m. We provide characterizations of special sets of twisted duals, such as the partial duals, of embedded graphs in terms of medial graphs and we show how different kinds of graph isomorphism give rise to these various notions of duality. The ribbon group action then leads to a deeper understanding of the properties of, and relationships among, various graph polynomials via the generalized transition polynomial which interacts naturally with the ribbon group action.

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