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212 - Hassan Allouba 2014
Generalizing the L-Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (L-KS) kernel from our earlier work, we give a novel explicit-kernel formulation useful for a large class of fourth order deterministic, stochastic, linear, and nonlinear PDEs in multispatial dimensions. These include pattern formation equations like the Swift-Hohenberg and many other prominent and new PDEs. We first establish existence, uniqueness, and sharp dimension-dependent spatio-temporal Holder regularity for the canonical (zero drift) L-KS SPDE, driven by white noise on ${RptimesRd}_{d=1}^{3}$. The spatio-temporal Holder exponents are exactly the same as the striking ones we proved for our recently introduced Brownian-time Brownian motion (BTBM) stochastic integral equation, associated with time-fractional PDEs. The challenge here is that, unlike the positive BTBM density, the L-KS kernel is the Gaussian average of a modified, highly oscillatory, and complex Schrodinger propagator. We use a combination of harmonic and delicate analysis to get the necessary estimates. Second, attaching order parameters $vepo$ to the L-KS spatial operator and $vept$ to the noise term, we show that the dimension-dependent critical ratio $vept/vepo^{d/8}$ controls the limiting behavior of the L-KS SPDE, as $vepo,veptsearrow0$; and we compare this behavior to that of the less regular second order heat SPDEs. Finally, we give a change-of-measure equivalence between the canonical L-KS SPDE and nonlinear L-KS SPDEs. In particular, we prove uniqueness in law for the Swift-Hohenberg and the law equivalence---and hence the same Holder regularity---of the Swift-Hohenberg SPDE and the canonical L-KS SPDE on compacts in one-to-three dimensions.
144 - Hassan Allouba 2013
We delve deeper into the compelling regularizing effect of the Brownian-time Brownian motion density, $KBtxy$, on the space-time-white-noise-driven stochastic integral equation we call BTBM SIE, which we recently introduced. In sharp contrast to seco nd order heat-based SPDEs--whose real-valued mild solutions are confined to $d=1$--we prove the existence of solutions to the BTBM SIE in $d=1,2,3$ with dimension-dependent and striking Holder regularity, under both less than Lipschitz and Lipschitz conditions. In space, we show an unprecedented nearly local Lipschitz regularity for $d=1,2$--roughly, the SIE is spatially twice as regular as the Brownian sheet in these dimensions--and nearly local Holder 1/2 regularity in d=3. In time, our solutions are locally Holder continuous with exponent $gammain(0,(4-d)/(8))$ for $1le dle3$. To investigate our SIE, we (a) introduce the Brownian-time random walk and we use it to formulate the spatial lattice version of the BTBM SIE; and (b) develop a delicate variant of Stroock-Varadhan martingale approach, the K-martingale approach, tailor-made for a wide variety of kernel SIEs including BTBM SIEs and the mild forms of many SPDEs of different orders on the lattice. Here, solutions types to our SIE are both direct and limits of their lattice version. The BTBM SIE is intimately connected to intriguing fourth order SPDEs in two ways. First, we show that it is connected to the diagonals of a new unconventional fourth order SPDE we call parametrized BTBM SPDE. Second, replacing $KBtxy$ by the intimately connected kernel of our recently introduced imaginary-Brownian time-Brownian-angle process (IBTBAP), our SIE becomes the mild form of a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky SPDE with linear PDE part. Ideas developed here are adapted in separate papers to give a new approach, via our explicit IBTBAP representation, to many KS-type SPDEs in multi spatial dimensions.
66 - Hassan Allouba 2012
High order and fractional PDEs have become prominent in theory and in modeling many phenomena. Here, we focus on the regularizing effect of a large class of memoryful high-order or time-fractional PDEs---through their fundamental solutions---on stoch astic integral equations (SIEs) driven by space-time white noise. Surprisingly, we show that maximum spatial regularity is achieved in the fourth-order-bi-Laplacian case; and any further increase of the spatial-Laplacian order is entirely translated into additional temporal regularization of the SIE. We started this program in (Allouba 2013, Allouba 2006), where we introduced two different stochast
239 - Hassan Allouba , Erkan Nane 2011
Lately, many phenomena in both applied and abstract mathematics and related disciplines have been expressed in terms of high order and fractional PDEs. Recently, Allouba introduced the Brownian-time Brownian sheet (BTBS) and connected it to a new sys tem of fourth order interacting PDEs. The interaction in this multiparameter BTBS-PDEs connection is novel, leads to an intimately-connected linear system variant of the celebrated Kuramoto-Sivashinsky PDE, and is not shared with its one-time-parameter counterpart. It also means that these PDEs systems are to be solved for a family of functions, a feature exhibited in well known fluids dynamics models. On the other hand, the memory-preserving interaction between the PDE solution and the initial data is common to both the single and the multi parameter Brownian-time PDEs. Here, we introduce a new---even in the one parameter case---proof that judiciously combines stochastic analysis with analysis and fractional calculus to simultaneously link BTBS to a new system of temporally half-derivative interacting PDEs as well as to the fourth order system proved earlier and differently by Allouba. We then introduce a general class of random fields we call inverse-stable-Levy-time Brownian sheets (ISLTBSs), and we link them to $beta$-fractional-time-derivative systems of interacting PDEs for $0<beta<1$. When $beta=1/ u$, $ uinlbr2,3,...rbr$, our proof also connects an ISLTBS to a system of memory-preserving $ u$-Laplacian interacting PDEs. Memory is expressed via a sum of temporally-scaled $k$-Laplacians of the initial data, $k=1,..., u-1$. Using a Fourier-Laplace-transform-fractional-calculus approach, we give a conditional equivalence result that gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence between the fractional and the high order systems. In the one parameter case this condition automatically holds.
In a 2006 article (cite{A1}), Allouba gave his quadratic covariation differentiation theory for It^os integral calculus. He defined the derivative of a semimartingale with respect to a Brownian motion as the time derivative of their quadratic covaria tion and a generalization thereof. He then obtained a systematic differentiation theory containing a fundamental theorem of stochastic calculus relating this derivative to It^os integral, a differential stochastic chain rule, a differential stochastic mean value theorem, and other differentiation rules. Here, we use this differentiation theory to obtain variants of the Clark-Ocone and Stroock formulas, with and without change of measure. We prove our variants of the Clark-Ocone formula under $L^{2}$-type conditions; with no Malliavin calculus, without the use of weak distributional or Radon-Nikodym type derivatives, and without the significant machinery of the Hida-Malliavin calculus. Unlike Malliavin or Hida-Malliavin calculi, the form of our variant of the Clark-Ocone formula under change of measure is as simple as it is under no change of measure, and without requiring any further differentiability conditions on the Girsanov transform integrand beyond Novikovs condition. This is due to the invariance under change of measure of the first authors derivative in cite{A1}. The formulations and proofs are natural applications of the differentiation theory in cite{A1} and standard It^o integral calculus. Iterating our Clark-Ocone formula, we obtain variants of Stroocks formula. We illustrate the applicability of these formulas by easily, and without Hida-Malliavin methods, obtaining the representation of the Brownian indicator $F=mathbb{I}_{[K,infty)}(W_{T})$, which is not standard Malliavin differentiable, and by applying them to digital options in finance. We then identify the chaos expansion of the Brownian indicator.
252 - Hassan Allouba 2010
We introduce $n$-parameter $Rd$-valued Brownian-time Brownian sheet (BTBS): a Brownian sheet where each time parameter is replaced with the modulus of an independent Brownian motion. We then connect BTBS to a new system of $n$ linear, fourth order, a nd interacting PDEs and to a corresponding fourth order interacting nonlinear PDE. The coupling phenomenon is a result of the interaction between the Brownian sheet, through its variance, and the Brownian motions in the BTBS; and it leads to an intricate, intriguing, and random field generalization of our earlier Brownian-time-processes (BTPs) connection to fourth order linear PDEs. Our BTBS does not belong to the classical theory of random fields; and to prove our new PDEs connections, we generalize our BTP approach in cite{Abtp1,Abtp2} and we mix it with the Brownian sheet connection to a linear PDE system, which we also give along with its corresponding nonlinear second order PDE and $2n$-th order linear PDE. In addition, we introduce the $n$-parameter $d$-dimensional linear Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) sheet kernel (or transition density); and we link it to an intimately connected system of new linear Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-variant interacting PDEs, generalizing our earlier one parameter imaginary-Brownian-time-Brownian-angle kernel and its connection to the KS PDE. The interactions here mean that our PDEs systems are to be solved for a family of functions, a feature shared with well known fluids dynamics models. The interacting PDEs connections established here open up another new fundamental front in the rapidly growing field of iterated-type processes and their connections to both new and important higher order PDEs and to some equivalent fractional Cauchy problems. We connect the BTBS fourth order interacting PDEs system given here with an interacting fractional PDE system and further study it in another article.
66 - Hassan Allouba 2010
A peculiar feature of It^os calculus is that it is an integral calculus that gives no explicit derivative with a systematic differentiation theory counterpart, as in elementary calculus. So, can we define a pathwise stochastic derivative of semimarti ngales with respect to Brownian motion that leads to a differentiation theory counterpart to It^os integral calculus? From It^os definition of his integral, such a derivative must be based on the quadratic covariation process. We give such a derivative in this note and we show that it leads to a fundamental theorem of stochastic calculus, a generalized stochastic chain rule that includes the case of convex functions acting on continuous semimartingales, and the stochastic mean value and Rolles theorems. In addition, it interacts with basic algebraic operations on semimartingales similarly to the way the deterministic derivative does on deterministic functions, making it natural for computations. Such a differentiation theory leads to many interesting applications some of which we address in an upcoming article.
We delve deeper into the study of semimartingale attractors that we recently introduced in Allouba and Langa cite{AL0}. In this article we focus on second order SPDEs of the Allen-Cahn type. After proving existence, uniqueness, and detailed regularit y results for our SPDEs and a corresponding random PDE of Allen-Cahn type, we prove the existence of semimartingale global attractors for these equations. We also give some results on the finite dimensional asymptotic behavior of the solutions. In particular, we show the finite fractal dimension of this random attractor and give a result on determining modes, both in the forward and the pullback sense.
197 - Hassan Allouba 2010
We start by introducing a new definition of solutions to heat-based SPDEs driven by space-time white noise: SDDEs (stochastic differential-difference equations) limits solutions. In contrast to the standard direct definition of SPDEs solutions; this new notion, which builds on and refines our SDDEs approach to SPDEs from earlier work, is entirely based on the approximating SDDEs. It is applicable to, and gives a multiscale view of, a variety of SPDEs. We extend this approach in related work to other heat-based SPDEs (Burgers, Allen-Cahn, and others) and to the difficult case of SPDEs with multi-dimensional spacial variable. We focus here on one-spacial-dimensional reaction-diffusion SPDEs; and we prove the existence of a SDDEs limit solution to these equations under less-than-Lipschitz conditions on the drift and the diffusion coefficients, thus extending our earlier SDDEs work to the nonzero drift case. The regularity of this solution is obtained as a by-product of the existence estimates. The uniqueness in law of our SPDEs follows, for a large class of such drifts/diffusions, as a simple extension of our recent Allen-Cahn uniqueness result. We also examine briefly, through order parameters $epsilon_1$ and $epsilon_2$ multiplied by the Laplacian and the noise, the effect of letting $epsilon_1,epsilon_2to 0$ at different speeds. More precisely, it is shown that the ratio $epsilon_2/epsilon_1^{1/4}$ determines the behavior as $epsilon_1,epsilon_2to 0$.

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