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We show that optomechanical systems in the quantum regime can be used to demonstrate EPR-type quantum entanglement between the optical field and the mechanical oscillator, via quantum-state steering. Namely, the conditional quantum state of the mecha nical oscillator can be steered into different quantum states depending the choice made on which quadrature of the out-going field is to be measured via homodyne detection. More specifically, if quantum radiation pressure force dominates over thermal force, the oscillators quantum state is steerable with a photodetection efficiency as low as 50%, approaching the ideal limit shown by Wiseman and Gambetta [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 108}, 220402 (2012)]. We also show that requirement for steerability is the same as those for achieving sub-Heisenberg state tomography using the same experimental setup.
Measurement-induced back action, a direct consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is the defining feature of quantum measurements. We use quantum measurement theory to analyze the recent experiment of Safavi-Naeini et al. [Phys. Rev. Let t. {bf 108}, 033602 (2012)], and show that results of this experiment not only characterize the zero-point fluctuation of a near-ground-state nanomechanical oscillator, but also demonstrate the existence of quantum back-action noise --- through correlations that exist between sensing noise and back-action noise. These correlations arise from the quantum coherence between the mechanical oscillator and the measuring device, which build up during the measurement process, and are key to improving sensitivities beyond the Standard Quantum Limit.
Non-Markovianity, as an important feature of general open quantum systems, is usually difficult to quantify with limited knowledge of how the plant that we are interested in interacts with its environment-the bath. It often happens that the reduced d ynamics of the plant attached to a non-Markovian bath becomes indistinguishable from the one with a Markovian bath, if we left the entire system freely evolve. Here we show that non-Markovianity can be revealed via applying local unitary operations on the plant-they will influence the plant evolution at later times due to memory of the bath. This not only provides a new criterion for non-Markovianity, but also sheds light on protecting and recovering quantum coherence in non-Markovian systems, which will be useful for quantum-information processing.
For cavity-assisted optomechanical cooling experiments, it has been shown in the literature that the cavity bandwidth needs to be smaller than the mechanical frequency in order to achieve the quantum ground state of the mechanical oscillator, which i s the so-called resolved-sideband or good-cavity limit. We provide a new but physically equivalent insight into the origin of such a limit: that is information loss due to a finite cavity bandwidth. With an optimal feedback control to recover those information, we can surpass the resolved-sideband limit and achieve the quantum ground state. Interestingly, recovering those information can also significantly enhance the optomechanical entanglement. Especially when the environmental temperature is high, the entanglement will either exist or vanish critically depending on whether information is recovered or not, which is a vivid example of a quantum eraser.
We propose a protocol for coherently transferring non-Gaussian quantum states from optical field to a mechanical oscillator. The open quantum dynamics and continuous-measurement process, which can not be treated by the stochastic-master-equation form alism, are studied by a new path-integral-based approach. We obtain an elegant relation between the quantum state of the mechanical oscillator and that of the optical field, which is valid for general linear quantum dynamics. We demonstrate the experimental feasibility of such protocol by considering the cases of both large-scale gravitational-wave detectors and small-scale cavity-assisted optomechanical devices.
We derive a standard quantum limit for probing mechanical energy quantization in a class of systems with mechanical modes parametrically coupled to external degrees of freedom. To resolve a single mechanical quantum, it requires a strong-coupling reg ime -- the decay rate of external degrees of freedom is smaller than the parametric coupling rate. In the case for cavity-assisted optomechanical systems, e.g. the one proposed by Thompson et al., zero-point motion of the mechanical oscillator needs to be comparable to linear dynamical range of the optical system which is characterized by the optical wavelength divided by the cavity finesse.

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