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In this paper we study several stronger forms of sensitivity for continuous surjective selfmaps on compact metric spaces and relations between them. The main result of the paper states that a minimal system is either multi-sensitive or an almost one- to-one extension of its maximal equicontinuous factor, which is an analog of the Auslander-Yorke dichotomy theorem. For minimal dynamical systems, we also show that all notions of thick sensitivity, multi-sensitivity and thickly syndetical sensitivity are equivalent, and all of them are much stronger than sensitivity.
In this paper we study chaotic behavior of actions of a countable discrete group acting on a compact metric space by self-homeomorphisms. For actions of a countable discrete group G, we introduce local weak mixing and Li-Yorke chaos; and prove that local weak mixing implies Li-Yorke chaos if G is infinite, and positive topological entropy implies local weak mixing if G is an infinite countable discrete amenable group. Moreover, when considering a shift of finite type for actions of an infinite countable amenable group G, if the action has positive topological entropy then its homoclinic equivalence relation is non-trivial, and the converse holds true if additionally G is residually finite and the action contains a dense set of periodic points.
In this paper, we shall introduce $h$-expansiveness and asymptotical $h$-expansiveness for actions of sofic groups. By the definitions, each $h$-expansive action of sofic groups is asymptotically $h$-expansive. We show that each expansive action of s ofic groups is $h$-expansive, and, for any given asymptotically $h$-expansive action of sofic groups, the entropy function (with respect to measures) is upper semi-continuous and hence the system admits a measure with maximal entropy. Observe that asymptotically $h$-expansive property was firstly introduced and studied by Misiurewicz for $mathbb{Z}$-actions using the language of topological conditional entropy. And thus in the remaining part of the paper, we shall compare our definitions of weak expansiveness for actions of sofic groups with the definitions given in the same spirit of Misiurewiczs ideas when the group is amenable. It turns out that these two definitions are equivalent in this setting.
In this paper we generalize Kingmans sub-additive ergodic theorem to a large class of infinite countable discrete amenable group actions.
Let $(X, T)$ be a topological dynamical system. Denote by $h (T, K)$ and $h^B (T, K)$ the covering entropy and dimensional entropy of $Ksubseteq X$, respectively. $(X, T)$ is called D-{it lowerable} (resp. {it lowerable}) if for each $0le hle h (T, X )$ there is a subset (resp. closed subset) $K_h$ with $h^B (T, K_h)= h$ (resp. $h (T, K_h)= h$); is called D-{it hereditarily lowerable} (resp. {it hereditarily lowerable}) if each Souslin subset (resp. closed subset) is D-lowerable (resp. lowerable). In this paper it is proved that each topological dynamical system is not only lowerable but also D-lowerable, and each asymptotically $h$-expansive system is D-hereditarily lowerable. A minimal system which is lowerable and not hereditarily lowerable is demonstrated.
Let $(X, T)$ be a topological dynamical system (TDS), and $h (T, K)$ the topological entropy of a subset $K$ of $X$. $(X, T)$ is {it lowerable} if for each $0le hle h (T, X)$ there is a non-empty compact subset with entropy $h$; is {it hereditarily l owerable} if each non-empty compact subset is lowerable; is {it hereditarily uniformly lowerable} if for each non-empty compact subset $K$ and each $0le hle h (T, K)$ there is a non-empty compact subset $K_hsubseteq K$ with $h (T, K_h)= h$ and $K_h$ has at most one limit point. It is shown that each TDS with finite entropy is lowerable, and that a TDS $(X, T)$ is hereditarily uniformly lowerable if and only if it is asymptotically $h$-expansive.

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