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84 - Matthew W. Kunz 2013
The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is the most promising mechanism by which angular momentum is efficiently transported outwards in astrophysical discs. However, its application to protoplanetary discs remains problematic. These discs are so poo rly ionised that they may not support magnetorotational turbulence in regions referred to as `dead zones. It has recently been suggested that the Hall effect, a non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect, could revive these dead zones by enhancing the magnetically active column density by an order of magnitude or more. We investigate this idea by performing local, three-dimensional, resistive Hall-MHD simulations of the MRI in situations where the Hall effect dominates over Ohmic dissipation. As expected from linear stability analysis, we find an exponentially growing instability in regimes otherwise linearly stable in resistive MHD. However, instead of vigorous and sustained magnetorotational turbulence, we find that the MRI saturates by producing large-scale, long-lived, axisymmetric structures in the magnetic and velocity fields. We refer to these structures as zonal fields and zonal flows, respectively. Their emergence causes a steep reduction in turbulent transport by at least two orders of magnitude from extrapolations based upon resistive MHD, a result that calls into question contemporary models of layered accretion. We construct a rigorous mean-field theory to explain this new behaviour and to predict when it should occur. Implications for protoplanetary disc structure and evolution, as well as for theories of planet formation, are briefly discussed.
The mechanism of angular momentum transport in accretion discs has long been debated. Although the magnetorotational instability appears to be a promising process, poorly ionized regions of accretion discs may not undergo this instability. In this le tter, we revisit the possibility of transporting angular momentum by turbulent thermal convection. Using high-resolution spectral methods, we show that strongly turbulent convection can drive outward angular momentum transport at a rate that is, under certain conditions, compatible with observations of discs. We find however that the angular momentum transport is always much weaker than the vertical heat transport. These results indicate that convection might be another way to explain global disc evolution, provided that a sufficiently unstable vertical temperature profile can be maintained.
(abriged) MRI turbulence is a leading mechanism for the generation of an efficient turbulent transport of angular momentum in an accretion disk through a turbulent viscosity effect. It is believed that the same process could also transport large-scal e magnetic fields in disks, reshaping the magnetic structures in these objects. This process, known as turbulent resistivity, has been suggested and used in several accretion-ejection models and simulations to produce jets. Still, the efficiency of MRI-driven turbulence to transport large-scale magnetic fields is largely unknown. We investigate this problem both analytically and numerically. We introduce a linear calculation of the MRI in the presence of a spatially inhomogeneous mean magnetic field. We show that, in this configuration, MRI modes lead to an efficient magnetic field transport, on the order of the angular momentum transport. We next use fully non linear simulations of MRI turbulence to compute the turbulent resistivity in several magnetic configurations. We find that the turbulent resistivity is on the order of the turbulent viscosity in all our simulations, although somewhat lower. The turbulent resistivity tensor is found to be highly anisotropic with a diffusion coefficient 3 times greater in the radial direction than in the vertical direction. These results support the possibility of driving jets from turbulent disks; the resulting jets may not be steady.
113 - G. Lesur , G. I. Ogilvie 2008
(Abriged) The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is believed to be an efficient way to transport angular momentum in accretion discs. It has also been suggested as a way to amplify magnetic fields in discs, the instability acting as a nonlinear dyna mo. Recent numerical work has shown that a large-scale magnetic field, which is predominantly azimuthal, can be sustained by motions driven by the MRI of this same field. Following this idea, we present an analytical calculation of the MRI in the presence of an azimuthal field with a non-trivial vertical structure. We find that the mean radial EMF associated to MRI modes tends to reduce the magnetic energy, acting like a turbulent resistivity by mixing the non-uniform azimuthal field. Meanwhile, the azimuthal EMF generates a radial field that, in combination with the Keplerian shear, tends to amplify the azimuthal field and can therefore assist in the dynamo process. This effect, however, is reversed for sufficiently strong azimuthal fields, naturally leading to a saturation of the dynamo and possibly to a cyclic behaviour of the magnetic field, as found in previous numerical works.
94 - G. Lesur , G. I. Ogilvie 2008
(abridged) MHD turbulence is known to exist in shearing boxes with either zero or nonzero net magnetic flux. However, the way turbulence survives in the zero-net-flux case is not explained by linear theory and appears as a purely numerical result. Ai ms: We look for a nonlinear mechanism able to explain the persistence of MHD turbulence in shearing boxes with zero net magnetic flux, and potentially leading to large-scale dynamo action. Method: Spectral nonlinear simulations of the magnetorotational instability are shown to exhibit a large-scale axisymmetric magnetic field, maintained for a few orbits. The generation process of this field is investigated using the results of the simulations and an inhomogeneous linear approach. Results: The mechanism by which turbulence is sustained in zero-net-flux shearing boxes is shown to be related to the existence of a large-scale azimuthal field, surviving for several orbits. In particular, it is shown that MHD turbulence in shearing boxes can be seen as a dynamo process coupled to a magnetorotational-type instability.

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