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We obtain analytic expressions for the time correlation functions of a liquid of spherical particles, exact in the limit of high dimensions $d$. The derivation is long but straightforward: a dynamic virial expansion for which only the first two terms survive, followed by a change to generalized spherical coordinates in the dynamic variables leading to saddle-point evaluation of integrals for large $d$. The problem is thus mapped onto a one-dimensional diffusion in a perturbed harmonic potential with colored noise. At high density, an ergodicity-breaking glass transition is found. In this regime, our results agree with thermodynamics, consistently with the general Random First Order Transition scenario. The glass transition density is higher than the best known lower bound for hard sphere packings in large $d$. Because our calculation is, if not rigorous, elementary, an improvement in the bound for sphere packings in large dimensions is at hand.
Recent theoretical advances offer an exact, first-principle theory of jamming criticality in infinite dimension as well as universal scaling relations between critical exponents in all dimensions. For packings of frictionless spheres near the jamming transition, these advances predict that nontrivial power-law exponents characterize the critical distribution of (i) small inter-particle gaps and (ii) weak contact forces, both of which are crucial for mechanical stability. The scaling of the inter-particle gaps is known to be constant in all spatial dimensions $d$ -- including the physically relevant $d=2$ and 3, but the value of the weak force exponent remains the object of debate and confusion. Here, we resolve this ambiguity by numerical simulations. We construct isostatic jammed packings with extremely high accuracy, and introduce a simple criterion to separate the contribution of particles that give rise to localized buckling excitations, i.e., bucklers, from the others. This analysis reveals the remarkable dimensional robustness of mean-field marginality and its associated criticality.
We discuss the slow relaxation phenomenon in glassy systems by means of replicas by constructing a static field theory approach to the problem. At the mean field level we study how criticality in the four point correlation functions arises because of the presence of soft modes and we derive an effective replica field theory for these critical fluctuations. By using this at the Gaussian level we obtain many physical quantities: the correlation length, the exponent parameter that controls the Mode-Coupling dynamical exponents for the two-point correlation functions, and the prefactor of the critical part of the four point correlation functions. Moreover we perform a one-loop computation in order to identify the region in which the mean field Gaussian approximation is valid. The result is a Ginzburg criterion for the glass transition. We define and compute in this way a proper Ginzburg number. Finally, we present numerical values of all these quantities obtained from the Hypernetted Chain approximation for the replicated liquid theory.
We generalize to higher spatial dimensions the Stokes--Einstein relation (SER) and the leading correction to diffusivity in periodic systems, and validate them using numerical simulations. Using these results, we investigate the evolution of the SER violation with dimension in simple hard sphere glass formers. The analysis suggests that the SER violation disappears around dimension d=8, above which SER is not violated. The critical exponent associated to the violation appears to evolve linearly in 8-d below d=8, as predicted by Biroli and Bouchaud [J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 19, 205101 (2007)], but the linear coefficient is not consistent with their prediction. The SER violation evolution with d establishes a new benchmark for theory, and a complete description remains an open problem.
In this paper we study the performance of the quantum adiabatic algorithm on random instances of two combinatorial optimization problems, 3-regular 3-XORSAT and 3-regular Max-Cut. The cost functions associated with these two clause-based optimization problems are similar as they are both defined on 3-regular hypergraphs. For 3-regular 3-XORSAT the clauses contain three variables and for 3-regular Max-Cut the clauses contain two variables. The quantum adiabatic algorithms we study for these two problems use interpolating Hamiltonians which are stoquastic and therefore amenable to sign-problem free quantum Monte Carlo and quantum cavity methods. Using these techniques we find that the quantum adiabatic algorithm fails to solve either of these problems efficiently, although for different reasons.
We develop a full microscopic replica field theory of the dynamical transition in glasses. By studying the soft modes that appear at the dynamical temperature we obtain an effective theory for the critical fluctuations. This analysis leads to several results: we give expressions for the mean field critical exponents, and we study analytically the critical behavior of a set of four-points correlation functions from which we can extract the dynamical correlation length. Finally, we can obtain a Ginzburg criterion that states the range of validity of our analysis. We compute all these quantities within the Hypernetted Chain Approximation (HNC) for the Gibbs free energy and we find results that are consistent with numerical simulations.
We extend our theory of amorphous packings of hard spheres to binary mixtures and more generally to multicomponent systems. The theory is based on the assumption that amorphous packings produced by typical experimental or numerical protocols can be i dentified with the infinite pressure limit of long lived metastable glassy states. We test this assumption against numerical and experimental data and show that the theory correctly reproduces the variation with mixture composition of structural observables, such as the total packing fraction and the partial coordination numbers.
The cavity method is a well established technique for solving classical spin models on sparse random graphs (mean-field models with finite connectivity). Laumann et al. [arXiv:0706.4391] proposed recently an extension of this method to quantum spin-1 /2 models in a transverse field, using a discretized Suzuki-Trotter imaginary time formalism. Here we show how to take analytically the continuous imaginary time limit. Our main technical contribution is an explicit procedure to generate the spin trajectories in a path integral representation of the imaginary time dynamics. As a side result we also show how this procedure can be used in simple heat-bath like Monte Carlo simulations of generic quantum spin models. The replica symmetric continuous time quantum cavity method is formulated for a wide class of models, and applied as a simple example on the Bethe lattice ferromagnet in a transverse field. The results of the methods are confronted with various approximation schemes in this particular case. On this system we performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations that confirm the exactness of the cavity method in the thermodynamic limit.
We review the connection between statistical mechanics and the analysis of random optimization problems, with particular emphasis on the random k-SAT problem. We discuss and characterize the different phase transitions that are met in these problems, starting from basic concepts. We also discuss how statistical mechanics methods can be used to investigate the behavior of local search and decimation based algorithms.

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