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Interconnected networks are mathematical representation of systems where two or more simple networks are coupled to each other. Depending on the coupling weight between the two components, the interconnected network can function in two regimes: one w here the two networks are structurally distinguishable, and one where they are not. The coupling threshold--denoting this structural transition--is one of the most crucial concepts in interconnected networks. Yet, current information about the coupling threshold is limited. This letter presents an analytical expression for the exact value of the coupling threshold and outlines network interrelation implications.
This study extends the SIS epidemic model for single virus propagation over an arbitrary graph to an SI1SI2S epidemic model of two exclusive, competitive viruses over a two-layer network with generic structure, where network layers represent the dist inct transmission routes of the viruses. We find analytical results determining extinction, mutual exclusion, and coexistence of the viruses by introducing the concepts of survival threshold and winning threshold. Furthermore, we show the possibility of coexistence in SIS-type competitive spreading over multilayer networks. Not only do we rigorously prove a region of coexistence, we quantitate it via interrelation of central nodes across the network layers. Little to no overlapping of layers central nodes is the key determinant of coexistence. Specifically, we show coexistence is impossible if network layers are identical yet possible if the network layers have distinct dominant eigenvectors and node degree vectors. For example, we show both analytically and numerically that positive correlation of network layers makes it difficult for a virus to survive while in a network with negatively correlated layers survival is easier but total removal of the other virus is more difficult. We believe our methodology has great potentials for application to broader classes of multi-pathogen spreading over multi-layer and interconnected networks.
In epidemic modeling, the term infection strength indicates the ratio of infection rate and cure rate. If the infection strength is higher than a certain threshold -- which we define as the epidemic threshold - then the epidemic spreads through the p opulation and persists in the long run. For a single generic graph representing the contact network of the population under consideration, the epidemic threshold turns out to be equal to the inverse of the spectral radius of the contact graph. However, in a real world scenario it is not possible to isolate a population completely: there is always some interconnection with another network, which partially overlaps with the contact network. Results for epidemic threshold in interconnected networks are limited to homogeneous mixing populations and degree distribution arguments. In this paper, we adopt a spectral approach. We show how the epidemic threshold in a given network changes as a result of being coupled with another network with fixed infection strength. In our model, the contact network and the interconnections are generic. Using bifurcation theory and algebraic graph theory, we rigorously derive the epidemic threshold in interconnected networks. These results have implications for the broad field of epidemic modeling and control. Our analytical results are supported by numerical simulations.
One of the popular dynamics on complex networks is the epidemic spreading. An epidemic model describes how infections spread throughout a network. Among the compartmental models used to describe epidemics, the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) m odel has been widely used. In the SIS model, each node can be susceptible, become infected with a given infection rate, and become again susceptible with a given curing rate. In this paper, we add a new compartment to the classic SIS model to account for human response to epidemic spread. Each individual can be infected, susceptible, or alert. Susceptible individuals can become alert with an alerting rate if infected individuals exist in their neighborhood. An individual in the alert state is less probable to become infected than an individual in the susceptible state; due to a newly adopted cautious behavior. The problem is formulated as a continuous-time Markov process on a general static graph and then modeled into a set of ordinary differential equations using mean field approximation method and the corresponding Kolmogorov forward equations. The model is then studied using results from algebraic graph theory and center manifold theorem. We analytically show that our model exhibits two distinct thresholds in the dynamics of epidemic spread. Below the first threshold, infection dies out exponentially. Beyond the second threshold, infection persists in the steady state. Between the two thresholds, the infection spreads at the first stage but then dies out asymptotically as the result of increased alertness in the network. Finally, simulations are provided to support our findings. Our results suggest that alertness can be considered as a strategy of controlling the epidemics which propose multiple potential areas of applications, from infectious diseases mitigations to malware impact reduction.

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