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We show how to construct loss-tolerant linear steering inequalities using a generic set of von Neumann measurements that are violated by $d$-dimensional states, and that rely only upon a simple property of the set of measurements used (the maximal ov erlap between measurement directions). Using these inequalities we show that the critical detection efficiency above which $n$ von Neumann measurements can demonstrate steering is $1/n$. We show furthermore that using our construction and high dimensional states allows for steering demonstrations which are also highly robust to depolarising noise and produce unbounded violations in the presence of loss. Finally, our results provide an explicit means to certify the non-joint measurability of any set of inefficient von Neuman measurements.
The future of quantum communication relies on quantum networks composed by observers sharing multipartite quantum states. The certification of multipartite entanglement will be crucial to the usefulness of these networks. In many real situations it i s natural to assume that some observers are more trusted than others in the sense that they have more knowledge of their measurement apparatuses. Here we propose a general method to certify all kinds of multipartite entanglement in this asymmetric scenario and experimentally demonstrate it in an optical experiment. Our results, which can be seen as a definition of genuine multipartite quantum steering, give a method to detect entanglement in a scenario in between the standard entanglement and fully device-independent scenarios, and provide a basis for semi-device-independent cryptographic applications in quantum networks.
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering is a form of bipartite quantum correlation that is intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. It allows for entanglement certification when the measurements performed by one of the parties are not c haracterised (or are untrusted) and has applications in quantum key distribution. Despite its foundational and applied importance, EPR steering lacks a quantitative assessment. Here we propose a way of quantifying this phenomenon and use it to study the steerability of several quantum states. In particular we show that every pure entangled state is maximally steerable, the projector onto the anti-symmetric subspace is maximally steerable for all dimensions, we provide a new example of one-way steering, and give strong support that states with positive-partial-transposition are not steerable.
Quantum steering, loosely speaking the distribution of entanglement from an untrusted party, is a form of quantum nonlocality which is intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Determining which states can be steered is important from a conceptual point of view, but also for applications, e.g. in quantum cryptography. Here we show that bound entanglement, although it represents the weakest form of entanglement, can nevertheless lead to quantum steering. This is done by noticing that steering inequalities can be derived from entropic uncertainty relations. Our result has implications on the connection between entanglement distillability and nonlocality, and shows that bound entangled states can be useful for information-theoretic tasks featuring an untrusted party.
Understanding the relation between the different forms of inseparability in quantum mechanics is a longstanding problem in the foundations of quantum theory and has implications for quantum information processing. Here we make progress in this direct ion by establishing a direct link between quantum teleportation and Bell nonlocality. In particular, we show that all entangled states which are useful for teleportation are nonlocal resources, i.e. lead to deterministic violation of Bells inequality. Our result exploits the phenomenon of super-activation of quantum nonlocality, recently proved by Palazuelos, and suggests that the latter might in fact be generic.
When separated measurements on entangled quantum systems are performed, the theory predicts correlations that cannot be explained by any classical mechanism: communication is excluded because the signal should travel faster than light; pre-establishe d agreement is excluded because Bell inequalities are violated. All optical demonstrations of such violations have involved discrete degrees of freedom and are plagued by the detection-efficiency loophole. A promising alternative is to use continuous variables combined with highly efficient homodyne measurements. However, all the schemes proposed so far use states or measurements that are extremely difficult to achieve, or produce very weak violations. We present a simple method to generate large violations for feasible states using both photon counting and homodyne detections. The present scheme can also be used to obtain nonlocality from easy-to-prepare Gaussian states (e.g. two-mode squeezed state).
Although quantum mechanics is a very successful theory, its foundations are still a subject of intense debate. One of the main problems is the fact that quantum mechanics is based on abstract mathematical axioms, rather than on physical principles. Q uantum information theory has recently provided new ideas from which one could obtain physical axioms constraining the resulting statistics one can obtain in experiments. Information causality and macroscopic locality are two principles recently proposed to solve this problem. However none of them were proven to define the set of correlations one can observe. In this paper, we present an extension of information causality and study its consequences. It is shown that the two above-mentioned principles are inequivalent: if the correlations allowed by nature were the ones satisfying macroscopic locality, information causality would be violated. This gives more confidence in information causality as a physical principle defining the possible correlation allowed by nature.
We address the presence of bound entanglement in strongly-interacting spin systems at thermal equilibrium. In particular, we consider thermal graph states composed of an arbitrary number of particles. We show that for a certain range of temperatures no entanglement can be extracted by means of local operations and classical communication, even though the system is still entangled. This is found by harnessing the independence of the entanglement in some bipartitions of such states with the systems size. Specific examples for one- and two-dimensional systems are given. Our results thus prove the existence of thermal bound entanglement in an arbitrary large spin system with finite-range local interactions.

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