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We have used the JVLA at the 1 cm band to map five highly-excited metastable inversion transitions of ammonia, (J,K)=(6,6), (7,7), (9,9), (10,10), and (13,13), in W51 IRS2 with ~0.2 angular resolution. We present detections of both thermal (extended) ammonia emission in the five inversion lines, with rotational states ranging in energy from about 400 to 1700 K, and point-like ammonia maser emission in the (6,6), (7,7), and (9,9) lines. The thermal ammonia emits around a velocity of 60 km/s, near the clouds systemic velocity, is elongated in the east-west direction across 4 and is confined by the HII regions W51d, W51d1, and W51d2. The ammonia masers are observed in the eastern tip of the dense clump traced by thermal ammonia, offset by 0.65 to the East from its emission peak, and have a peak velocity at ~47.5 km/s. No maser components are detected near the systemic velocity. The ammonia masers are separated by 0.65 (3500 AU) from the (rare) vibrationally-excited SiO masers, excited by the deeply-embedded YSO W51-North. This excludes that the two maser species are excited by the same object. Interestingly, the ammonia masers originate at the same sky position as a peak in a submm line of SO2 imaged with the SMA, tracing a face-on circumstellar disk/ring around W51-North. In addition, the thermal emission from the most highly excited ammonia lines, (10,10) and (13,13), shows two main condensations, the dominant one towards W51-North with the SiO/H2O masers, and a weaker peak at the ammonia maser position. We propose a scenario where the ring seen in SO2 emission is a circumbinary disk surrounding (at least) two high-mass YSOs, W51-North (exciting the SiO masers) and a nearby companion (exciting the ammonia masers), separated by 3500 AU. This finding indicates a physical connection (in a binary) between the two rare SiO and ammonia maser species.
To constrain theoretical models of high-mass star formation, observational signatures of mass accretion in O-type forming stars are desirable. Using the JVLA, we have mapped the hot and dense molecular gas in the hot core NGC7538 IRS1, with 0.2 angul ar resolution, in seven metastable (J=K) inversion transitions of ammonia: (J,K)=(6,6), (7,7), (9,9), (10,10), (12,12), (13,13), and (14,14). These lines arise from energy levels between ~400 K and ~1950 K above the ground state, and are observed in absorption against the HC-HII region associated with NGC7538 IRS1. With a 500 AU linear resolution, we resolve the elongated North-South ammonia structure into two compact components: the main core and a southernmost component. Previous observations of the radio continuum with a 0.08 (or 200 AU) resolution, resolved in turn the compact core in two (northern and southern) components. These features correspond to a triple system of high-mass YSOs IRS1a, IRS1b, and IRS1c identified with VLBI measurements of methanol masers. The velocity maps of the compact core show a clear velocity gradient in all lines, which is indicative of rotation in a (circumbinary) envelope, containing ~40 solar masses (dynamical mass). In addition, we derived physical conditions of the molecular gas: rotational temperatures ~280 K, ammonia column densities ~1.4-2.5 x 10^19 cm-2, H_2 volume densities ~3.5-6.2 x 10^10 cm-3, and a total gas mass in the range of 19-34 solar masses, for the main core. We conclude that NGC7538 IRS1 is the densest hot molecular core known, containing a rotating envelope which hosts a multiple system of high-mass YSOs, possibly surrounded by accretion disks. Future JVLA observations in the A-configuration are needed to resolve the binary system in the core and may allow to study the gas kinematics in the accretion disks associated with individual binary members.
NGC7538 IRS1 is considered the best high-mass accretion disk candidate around an O-type young star in the northern hemisphere. We investigated the 3D kinematics and dynamics of circumstellar gas with very high linear resolution, from tens to 1500 AU, with the ultimate goal of building a comprehensive dynamical model for this YSO. We employed four different observing epochs of EVN data at 6.7 GHz, spanning almost eight years, which enabled us to measure, besides line-of-sight (l.o.s.) velocities and positions, also l.o.s. accelerations and proper motions of methanol masers. In addition, we imaged with the JVLA-B array highly-excited ammonia inversion lines, from (6,6) to (13,13), which enabled us to probe the hottest molecular gas very close to the exciting source(s). We found five 6.7 GHz maser clusters which are distributed over a region extended N-S across ~1500 AU and are associated with three peaks of the radio continuum. We proposed that these maser clusters identify three individual high-mass YSOs, named IRS1a, IRS1b, and IRS1c. We modeled the maser clusters in IRS1a and IRS1b in terms of edge-on disks in centrifugal equilibrium. In the first case, masers may trace a quasi-Keplerian thin disk, orbiting around a high-mass YSO, IRS1a, of up to 25 solar masses. This YSO dominates the bolometric luminosity of the region. The second disk is both massive (<16 Msun within ~500 AU) and thick, and the mass of the central YSO, IRS1b, is constrained to be at most a few solar masses. In summary, we present compelling evidence that NGC7538 IRS1 is not forming just one single high-mass YSO, but consists of a multiple system of high-mass YSOs, which are surrounded by accretion disks, and are probably driving individual outflows. This new model naturally explains all the different orientations and disk/outflow structures proposed for the region in previous models.
We have surveyed molecular line emission from Orion BN/KL from 42.3 to 43.6 GHz with the Green Bank Telescope. Sixty-seven lines were identified and ascribed to 13 different molecular species. The spectrum at 7 mm is dominated by SiO, SO2, CH3OCH3, a nd C2H5CN. Five transitions have been detected from the SiO isotopologues 28SiO, 29SiO, and 30SiO. We report here for the first time the spectra of the 29SiO and 30SiO v=0 J=1-0 emission in Orion BN/KL, and we show that they have double-peaked profiles with velocity extents similar to the main isotopologue. The main motivation for the survey was the search of high-velocity (100-1000 km/s) outflows in the BN/KL region as traced by SiO Doppler components. Some of the unidentified lines in principle could be high-velocity SiO features, but without imaging data their location cannot be established. Wings of emission are present in the v=0 28SiO, 29SiO and 30SiO profiles, and we suggest that the v=0 emission from the three isotopologues might trace a moderately high-velocity (~30-50 km/s) component of the flows around the high-mass protostar Source I in the Orion BN/KL region. We also confirm the 7 mm detection of a complex oxygen-bearing species, acetone (CH3COCH3), which has been recently observed towards the hot core at 3 mm, and we have found further indications of the presence of long cyanopolyynes (HC5N and HC7N) in the quiescent cold gas of the extended ridge.

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