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While uncertainty estimation is a well-studied topic in deep learning, most such work focuses on marginal uncertainty estimates, i.e. the predictive mean and variance at individual input locations. But it is often more useful to estimate predictive c orrelations between the function values at different input locations. In this paper, we consider the problem of benchmarking how accurately Bayesian models can estimate predictive correlations. We first consider a downstream task which depends on posterior predictive correlations: transductive active learning (TAL). We find that TAL makes better use of models uncertainty estimates than ordinary active learning, and recommend this as a benchmark for evaluating Bayesian models. Since TAL is too expensive and indirect to guide development of algorithms, we introduce two metrics which more directly evaluate the predictive correlations and which can be computed efficiently: meta-correlations (i.e. the correlations between the models correlation estimates and the true values), and cross-normalized likelihoods (XLL). We validate these metrics by demonstrating their consistency with TAL performance and obtain insights about the relative performance of current Bayesian neural net and Gaussian process models.
Overparameterization has been shown to benefit both the optimization and generalization of neural networks, but large networks are resource hungry at both training and test time. Network pruning can reduce test-time resource requirements, but is typi cally applied to trained networks and therefore cannot avoid the expensive training process. We aim to prune networks at initialization, thereby saving resources at training time as well. Specifically, we argue that efficient training requires preserving the gradient flow through the network. This leads to a simple but effective pruning criterion we term Gradient Signal Preservation (GraSP). We empirically investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method with extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet and ImageNet, using VGGNet and ResNet architectures. Our method can prune 80% of the weights of a VGG-16 network on ImageNet at initialization, with only a 1.6% drop in top-1 accuracy. Moreover, our method achieves significantly better performance than the baseline at extreme sparsity levels.
Reducing the test time resource requirements of a neural network while preserving test accuracy is crucial for running inference on resource-constrained devices. To achieve this goal, we introduce a novel network reparameterization based on the Krone cker-factored eigenbasis (KFE), and then apply Hessian-based structured pruning methods in this basis. As opposed to existing Hessian-based pruning algorithms which do pruning in parameter coordinates, our method works in the KFE where different weights are approximately independent, enabling accurate pruning and fast computation. We demonstrate empirically the effectiveness of the proposed method through extensive experiments. In particular, we highlight that the improvements are especially significant for more challenging datasets and networks. With negligible loss of accuracy, an iterative-pruning version gives a 10$times$ reduction in model size and a 8$times$ reduction in FLOPs on wide ResNet32.

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