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74 - Ke Sun , Zigang Geng , Depu Meng 2020
The typical bottom-up human pose estimation framework includes two stages, keypoint detection and grouping. Most existing works focus on developing grouping algorithms, e.g., associative embedding, and pixel-wise keypoint regression that we adopt in our approach. We present several schemes that are rarely or unthoroughly studied before for improving keypoint detection and grouping (keypoint regression) performance. First, we exploit the keypoint heatmaps for pixel-wise keypoint regression instead of separating them for improving keypoint regression. Second, we adopt a pixel-wise spatial transformer network to learn adaptive representations for handling the scale and orientation variance to further improve keypoint regression quality. Last, we present a joint shape and heatvalue scoring scheme to promote the estimated poses that are more likely to be true poses. Together with the tradeoff heatmap estimation loss for balancing the background and keypoint pixels and thus improving heatmap estimation quality, we get the state-of-the-art bottom-up human pose estimation result. Code is available at https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Bottom-up-Pose-Estimation.

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