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123 - Bo Fu , Zi-Ang Hu , Shun-Qing Shen 2021
The chiral hinge modes are the key feature of a second order topological insulator in three dimensions. Here we propose a quadrupole index in combination of a slab Chern number in the bulk to characterize the flowing pattern of chiral hinge modes alo ng the hinges at the intersection of the surfaces of a sample. We further utilize the topological field theory to demonstrate the correspondent connection of the chiral hinge modes to the quadrupole index and the slab Chern number, and present a picture of three-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall effect as a consequence of chiral hinge modes. The two bulk topological invariants can be measured in electric transport and magneto-optical experiments. In this way we establish the bulk-hinge correspondence in a three-dimensional second order topological insulator.
68 - Bo Fu , Zi-Ang Hu , Chang-An Li 2020
Chiral Majorana hinge modes are characteristic of a second-order topological superconductor in three dimensions. Here we systematically study pairing symmetry in the point group D_{2h}, and find that the leading pairing channels can be of s-, d-, and s+id-wave pairing in Dirac materials. Except for the odd-parity s-wave pairing superconductivity, the s+id-wave pairing superconductor is topologically nontrivial and possesses Majorana hinge and surface modes. The chiral Majorana hinge modes can be characterized by a winding number of the quadrupole moment, or quantized quadruple moment at the symmetrically invariant point. Our findings suggest the strong spin-orbital coupling, crystalline symmetries and electron-electron interaction in the Dirac materials may provide a microscopic mechanism to realize chiral Majorana hinge modes without utilizing the proximity effect or external fields.
110 - Chang-An Li , Bo Fu , Zi-Ang Hu 2020
We investigate disorder-driven topological phase transitions in quantized electric quadrupole insulators. We show that chiral symmetry can protect the quantization of the quadrupole moment $q_{xy}$, such that the higher-order topological invariant is well-defined even when disorder has broken all crystalline symmetries. Moreover, nonvanishing $q_{xy}$ and consequent corner modes can be induced from a trivial insulating phase by disorder that preserves chiral symmetry. The critical points of such topological phase transitions are marked by the occurrence of extended boundary states even in the presence of strong disorder. We provide a systematic characterization of these disorder-driven topological phase transitions from both bulk and boundary descriptions.

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