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The central idea of contrastive learning is to discriminate between different instances and force different views of the same instance to share the same representation. To avoid trivial solutions, augmentation plays an important role in generating di fferent views, among which random cropping is shown to be effective for the model to learn a strong and generalized representation. Commonly used random crop operation keeps the difference between two views statistically consistent along the training process. In this work, we challenge this convention by showing that adaptively controlling the disparity between two augmented views along the training process enhances the quality of the learnt representation. Specifically, we present a parametric cubic cropping operation, ParamCrop, for video contrastive learning, which automatically crops a 3D cubic from the video by differentiable 3D affine transformations. ParamCrop is trained simultaneously with the video backbone using an adversarial objective and learns an optimal cropping strategy from the data. The visualizations show that the center distance and the IoU between two augmented views are adaptively controlled by ParamCrop and the learned change in the disparity along the training process is beneficial to learning a strong representation. Extensive ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ParamCrop on multiple contrastive learning frameworks and video backbones. With ParamCrop, we improve the state-of-the-art performance on both HMDB51 and UCF101 datasets.
Temporal action localization aims to localize starting and ending time with action category. Limited by GPU memory, mainstream methods pre-extract features for each video. Therefore, feature quality determines the upper bound of detection performance . In this technical report, we explored classic convolution-based backbones and the recent surge of transformer-based backbones. We found that the transformer-based methods can achieve better classification performance than convolution-based, but they cannot generate accuracy action proposals. In addition, extracting features with larger frame resolution to reduce the loss of spatial information can also effectively improve the performance of temporal action localization. Finally, we achieve 42.42% in terms of mAP on validation set with a single SlowFast feature by a simple combination: BMN+TCANet, which is 1.87% higher than the result of 2020s multi-model ensemble. Finally, we achieve Rank 1st on the CVPR2021 HACS supervised Temporal Action Localization Challenge.
Most recent approaches for online action detection tend to apply Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to capture long-range temporal structure. However, RNN suffers from non-parallelism and gradient vanishing, hence it is hard to be optimized. In this pape r, we propose a new encoder-decoder framework based on Transformers, named OadTR, to tackle these problems. The encoder attached with a task token aims to capture the relationships and global interactions between historical observations. The decoder extracts auxiliary information by aggregating anticipated future clip representations. Therefore, OadTR can recognize current actions by encoding historical information and predicting future context simultaneously. We extensively evaluate the proposed OadTR on three challenging datasets: HDD, TVSeries, and THUMOS14. The experimental results show that OadTR achieves higher training and inference speeds than current RNN based approaches, and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both mAP and mcAP. Code is available at https://github.com/wangxiang1230/OadTR.
Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization (WS-TAL) task aims to recognize and localize temporal starts and ends of action instances in an untrimmed video with only video-level label supervision. Due to lack of negative samples of background cate gory, it is difficult for the network to separate foreground and background, resulting in poor detection performance. In this report, we present our 2021 HACS Challenge - Weakly-supervised Learning Track solution that based on BaSNet to address above problem. Specifically, we first adopt pre-trained CSN, Slowfast, TDN, and ViViT as feature extractors to get feature sequences. Then our proposed Local-Global Background Modeling Network (LGBM-Net) is trained to localize instances by using only video-level labels based on Multi-Instance Learning (MIL). Finally, we ensemble multiple models to get the final detection results and reach 22.45% mAP on the test set
This technical report presents our solution for temporal action detection task in AcitivityNet Challenge 2021. The purpose of this task is to locate and identify actions of interest in long untrimmed videos. The crucial challenge of the task comes fr om that the temporal duration of action varies dramatically, and the target actions are typically embedded in a background of irrelevant activities. Our solution builds on BMN, and mainly contains three steps: 1) action classification and feature encoding by Slowfast, CSN and ViViT; 2) proposal generation. We improve BMN by embedding the proposed Proposal Relation Network (PRN), by which we can generate proposals of high quality; 3) action detection. We calculate the detection results by assigning the proposals with corresponding classification results. Finally, we ensemble the results under different settings and achieve 44.7% on the test set, which improves the champion result in ActivityNet 2020 by 1.9% in terms of average mAP.
This technical report analyzes an egocentric video action detection method we used in the 2021 EPIC-KITCHENS-100 competition hosted in CVPR2021 Workshop. The goal of our task is to locate the start time and the end time of the action in the long untr immed video, and predict action category. We adopt sliding window strategy to generate proposals, which can better adapt to short-duration actions. In addition, we show that classification and proposals are conflict in the same network. The separation of the two tasks boost the detection performance with high efficiency. By simply employing these strategy, we achieved 16.10% performance on the test set of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Action Detection challenge using a single model, surpassing the baseline method by 11.7% in terms of average mAP.
With the recent surge in the research of vision transformers, they have demonstrated remarkable potential for various challenging computer vision applications, such as image recognition, point cloud classification as well as video understanding. In t his paper, we present empirical results for training a stronger video vision transformer on the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Action Recognition dataset. Specifically, we explore training techniques for video vision transformers, such as augmentations, resolutions as well as initialization, etc. With our training recipe, a single ViViT model achieves the performance of 47.4% on the validation set of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 dataset, outperforming what is reported in the original paper by 3.4%. We found that video transformers are especially good at predicting the noun in the verb-noun action prediction task. This makes the overall action prediction accuracy of video transformers notably higher than convolutional ones. Surprisingly, even the best video transformers underperform the convolutional networks on the verb prediction. Therefore, we combine the video vision transformers and some of the convolutional video networks and present our solution to the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Action Recognition competition.
Self-supervised learning presents a remarkable performance to utilize unlabeled data for various video tasks. In this paper, we focus on applying the power of self-supervised methods to improve semi-supervised action proposal generation. Particularly , we design an effective Self-supervised Semi-supervised Temporal Action Proposal (SSTAP) framework. The SSTAP contains two crucial branches, i.e., temporal-aware semi-supervised branch and relation-aware self-supervised branch. The semi-supervised branch improves the proposal model by introducing two temporal perturbations, i.e., temporal feature shift and temporal feature flip, in the mean teacher framework. The self-supervised branch defines two pretext tasks, including masked feature reconstruction and clip-order prediction, to learn the relation of temporal clues. By this means, SSTAP can better explore unlabeled videos, and improve the discriminative abilities of learned action features. We extensively evaluate the proposed SSTAP on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet v1.3 datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that SSTAP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods and even matches fully-supervised methods. Code is available at https://github.com/wangxiang1230/SSTAP.
Temporal action proposal generation aims to estimate temporal intervals of actions in untrimmed videos, which is a challenging yet important task in the video understanding field. The proposals generated by current methods still suffer from inaccurat e temporal boundaries and inferior confidence used for retrieval owing to the lack of efficient temporal modeling and effective boundary context utilization. In this paper, we propose Temporal Context Aggregation Network (TCANet) to generate high-quality action proposals through local and global temporal context aggregation and complementary as well as progressive boundary refinement. Specifically, we first design a Local-Global Temporal Encoder (LGTE), which adopts the channel grouping strategy to efficiently encode both local and global temporal inter-dependencies. Furthermore, both the boundary and internal context of proposals are adopted for frame-level and segment-level boundary regressions, respectively. Temporal Boundary Regressor (TBR) is designed to combine these two regression granularities in an end-to-end fashion, which achieves the precise boundaries and reliable confidence of proposals through progressive refinement. Extensive experiments are conducted on three challenging datasets: HACS, ActivityNet-v1.3, and THUMOS-14, where TCANet can generate proposals with high precision and recall. By combining with the existing action classifier, TCANet can obtain remarkable temporal action detection performance compared with other methods. Not surprisingly, the proposed TCANet won the 1$^{st}$ place in the CVPR 2020 - HACS challenge leaderboard on temporal action localization task.
In this report, we present our solution for the task of temporal action localization (detection) (task 1) in ActivityNet Challenge 2020. The purpose of this task is to temporally localize intervals where actions of interest occur and predict the acti on categories in a long untrimmed video. Our solution mainly includes three components: 1) feature encoding: we apply three kinds of backbones, including TSN [7], Slowfast[3] and I3d[1], which are both pretrained on Kinetics dataset[2]. Applying these models, we can extract snippet-level video representations; 2) proposal generation: we choose BMN [5] as our baseline, base on which we design a Cascade Boundary Refinement Network (CBR-Net) to conduct proposal detection. The CBR-Net mainly contains two modules: temporal feature encoding, which applies BiLSTM to encode long-term temporal information; CBR module, which targets to refine the proposal precision under different parameter settings; 3) action localization: In this stage, we combine the video-level classification results obtained by the fine tuning networks to predict the category of each proposal. Moreover, we also apply to different ensemble strategies to improve the performance of the designed solution, by which we achieve 42.788% on the testing set of ActivityNet v1.3 dataset in terms of mean Average Precision metrics.

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