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Localizing individuals in crowds is more in accordance with the practical demands of subsequent high-level crowd analysis tasks than simply counting. However, existing localization based methods relying on intermediate representations (textit{i.e.}, density maps or pseudo boxes) serving as learning targets are counter-intuitive and error-prone. In this paper, we propose a purely point-based framework for joint crowd counting and individual localization. For this framework, instead of merely reporting the absolute counting error at image level, we propose a new metric, called density Normalized Average Precision (nAP), to provide more comprehensive and more precise performance evaluation. Moreover, we design an intuitive solution under this framework, which is called Point to Point Network (P2PNet). P2PNet discards superfluous steps and directly predicts a set of point proposals to represent heads in an image, being consistent with the human annotation results. By thorough analysis, we reveal the key step towards implementing such a novel idea is to assign optimal learning targets for these proposals. Therefore, we propose to conduct this crucial association in an one-to-one matching manner using the Hungarian algorithm. The P2PNet not only significantly surpasses state-of-the-art methods on popular counting benchmarks, but also achieves promising localization accuracy. The codes will be available at: https://github.com/TencentYoutuResearch/CrowdCounting-P2PNet.
Recently, most siamese network based trackers locate targets via object classification and bounding-box regression. Generally, they select the bounding-box with maximum classification confidence as the final prediction. This strategy may miss the rig ht result due to the accuracy misalignment between classification and regression. In this paper, we propose a novel siamese tracking algorithm called SiamRCR, addressing this problem with a simple, light and effective solution. It builds reciprocal links between classification and regression branches, which can dynamically re-weight their losses for each positive sample. In addition, we add a localization branch to predict the localization accuracy, so that it can work as the replacement of the regression assistance link during inference. This branch makes the training and inference more consistent. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of SiamRCR and its superiority over the state-of-the-art competitors on GOT-10k, LaSOT, TrackingNet, OTB-2015, VOT-2018 and VOT-2019. Moreover, our SiamRCR runs at 65 FPS, far above the real-time requirement.
The Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) presents a remarkable approach to alleviate the scale variance in object representation by performing instance-level assignments. Nevertheless, this strategy ignores the distinct characteristics of different sub-regi ons in an instance. To this end, we propose a fine-grained dynamic head to conditionally select a pixel-level combination of FPN features from different scales for each instance, which further releases the ability of multi-scale feature representation. Moreover, we design a spatial gate with the new activation function to reduce computational complexity dramatically through spatially sparse convolutions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method on several state-of-the-art detection benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/StevenGrove/DynamicHead.
The Learnable Tree Filter presents a remarkable approach to model structure-preserving relations for semantic segmentation. Nevertheless, the intrinsic geometric constraint forces it to focus on the regions with close spatial distance, hindering the effective long-range interactions. To relax the geometric constraint, we give the analysis by reformulating it as a Markov Random Field and introduce a learnable unary term. Besides, we propose a learnable spanning tree algorithm to replace the original non-differentiable one, which further improves the flexibility and robustness. With the above improvements, our method can better capture long-range dependencies and preserve structural details with linear complexity, which is extended to several vision tasks for more generic feature transform. Extensive experiments on object detection/instance segmentation demonstrate the consistent improvements over the original version. For semantic segmentation, we achieve leading performance (82.1% mIoU) on the Cityscapes benchmark without bells-and-whistles. Code is available at https://github.com/StevenGrove/LearnableTreeFilterV2.
Determining positive/negative samples for object detection is known as label assignment. Here we present an anchor-free detector named AutoAssign. It requires little human knowledge and achieves appearance-aware through a fully differentiable weighti ng mechanism. During training, to both satisfy the prior distribution of data and adapt to category characteristics, we present Center Weighting to adjust the category-specific prior distributions. To adapt to object appearances, Confidence Weighting is proposed to adjust the specific assign strategy of each instance. The two weighting modules are then combined to generate positive and negative weights to adjust each locations confidence. Extensive experiments on the MS COCO show that our method steadily surpasses other best sampling strategies by large margins with various backbones. Moreover, our best model achieves 52.1% AP, outperforming all existing one-stage detectors. Besides, experiments on other datasets, e.g., PASCAL VOC, Objects365, and WiderFace, demonstrate the broad applicability of AutoAssign.
Transferring existing image-based detectors to the video is non-trivial since the quality of frames is always deteriorated by part occlusion, rare pose, and motion blur. Previous approaches exploit to propagate and aggregate features across video fra mes by using optical flow-warping. However, directly applying image-level optical flow onto the high-level features might not establish accurate spatial correspondences. Therefore, a novel module called Learnable Spatio-Temporal Sampling (LSTS) has been proposed to learn semantic-level correspondences among adjacent frame features accurately. The sampled locations are first randomly initialized, then updated iteratively to find better spatial correspondences guided by detection supervision progressively. Besides, Sparsely Recursive Feature Updating (SRFU) module and Dense Feature Aggregation (DFA) module are also introduced to model temporal relations and enhance per-frame features, respectively. Without bells and whistles, the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet VID dataset with less computational complexity and real-time speed. Code will be made available at https://github.com/jiangzhengkai/LSTS.
This report presents our method which wins the nuScenes3D Detection Challenge [17] held in Workshop on Autonomous Driving(WAD, CVPR 2019). Generally, we utilize sparse 3D convolution to extract rich semantic features, which are then fed into a class- balanced multi-head network to perform 3D object detection. To handle the severe class imbalance problem inherent in the autonomous driving scenarios, we design a class-balanced sampling and augmentation strategy to generate a more balanced data distribution. Furthermore, we propose a balanced group-ing head to boost the performance for the categories withsimilar shapes. Based on the Challenge results, our methodoutperforms the PointPillars [14] baseline by a large mar-gin across all metrics, achieving state-of-the-art detection performance on the nuScenes dataset. Code will be released at CBGS.
Learning effective fusion of multi-modality features is at the heart of visual question answering. We propose a novel method of dynamically fusing multi-modal features with intra- and inter-modality information flow, which alternatively pass dynamic information between and across the visual and language modalities. It can robustly capture the high-level interactions between language and vision domains, thus significantly improves the performance of visual question answering. We also show that the proposed dynamic intra-modality attention flow conditioned on the other modality can dynamically modulate the intra-modality attention of the target modality, which is vital for multimodality feature fusion. Experimental evaluations on the VQA 2.0 dataset show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art VQA performance. Extensive ablation studies are carried out for the comprehensive analysis of the proposed method.

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