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111 - Wanzheng Zhu , Suma Bhat 2021
It is a well-known approach for fringe groups and organizations to use euphemisms -- ordinary-sounding and innocent-looking words with a secret meaning -- to conceal what they are discussing. For instance, drug dealers often use pot for marijuana and avocado for heroin. From a social media content moderation perspective, though recent advances in NLP have enabled the automatic detection of such single-word euphemisms, no existing work is capable of automatically detecting multi-word euphemisms, such as blue dream (marijuana) and black tar (heroin). Our paper tackles the problem of euphemistic phrase detection without human effort for the first time, as far as we are aware. We first perform phrase mining on a raw text corpus (e.g., social media posts) to extract quality phrases. Then, we utilize word embedding similarities to select a set of euphemistic phrase candidates. Finally, we rank those candidates by a masked language model -- SpanBERT. Compared to strong baselines, we report 20-50% higher detection accuracies using our algorithm for detecting euphemistic phrases.
According to WHO statistics, there are more than 204,617,027 confirmed COVID-19 cases including 4,323,247 deaths worldwide till August 12, 2021. During the coronavirus epidemic, almost everyone wears a facial mask. Traditionally, face recognition app roaches process mostly non-occluded faces, which include primary facial features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Removing the mask for authentication in airports or laboratories will increase the risk of virus infection, posing a huge challenge to current face recognition systems. Due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, there are yet no publicly available real-world masked face recognition (MFR) benchmark. To cope with the above-mentioned issue, we organize the Face Bio-metrics under COVID Workshop and Masked Face Recognition Challenge in ICCV 2021. Enabled by the ultra-large-scale WebFace260M benchmark and the Face Recognition Under Inference Time conStraint (FRUITS) protocol, this challenge (WebFace260M Track) aims to push the frontiers of practical MFR. Since public evaluation sets are mostly saturated or contain noise, a new test set is gathered consisting of elaborated 2,478 celebrities and 60,926 faces. Meanwhile, we collect the world-largest real-world masked test set. In the first phase of WebFace260M Track, 69 teams (total 833 solutions) participate in the challenge and 49 teams exceed the performance of our baseline. There are second phase of the challenge till October 1, 2021 and on-going leaderboard. We will actively update this report in the future.
For autonomous vehicles integrating onto roadways with human traffic participants, it requires understanding and adapting to the participants intention and driving styles by responding in predictable ways without explicit communication. This paper pr oposes a reinforcement learning based negotiation-aware motion planning framework, which adopts RL to adjust the driving style of the planner by dynamically modifying the prediction horizon length of the motion planner in real time adaptively w.r.t the event of a change in environment, typically triggered by traffic participants switch of intents with different driving styles. The framework models the interaction between the autonomous vehicle and other traffic participants as a Markov Decision Process. A temporal sequence of occupancy grid maps are taken as inputs for RL module to embed an implicit intention reasoning. Curriculum learning is employed to enhance the training efficiency and the robustness of the algorithm. We applied our method to narrow lane navigation in both simulation and real world to demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the common alternative due to its advantage in alleviating the social dilemma problem with proper negotiation skills.
Recent advances in self-attention and pure multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) models for vision have shown great potential in achieving promising performance with fewer inductive biases. These models are generally based on learning interaction among spati al locations from raw data. The complexity of self-attention and MLP grows quadratically as the image size increases, which makes these models hard to scale up when high-resolution features are required. In this paper, we present the Global Filter Network (GFNet), a conceptually simple yet computationally efficient architecture, that learns long-term spatial dependencies in the frequency domain with log-linear complexity. Our architecture replaces the self-attention layer in vision transformers with three key operations: a 2D discrete Fourier transform, an element-wise multiplication between frequency-domain features and learnable global filters, and a 2D inverse Fourier transform. We exhibit favorable accuracy/complexity trade-offs of our models on both ImageNet and downstream tasks. Our results demonstrate that GFNet can be a very competitive alternative to transformer-style models and CNNs in efficiency, generalization ability and robustness. Code is available at https://github.com/raoyongming/GFNet
This paper describes the SPAPL system for the INTERSPEECH 2021 Challenge: Shared Task on Automatic Speech Recognition for Non-Native Childrens Speech in German. ~ 5 hours of transcribed data and ~ 60 hours of untranscribed data are provided to develo p a German ASR system for children. For the training of the transcribed data, we propose a non-speech state discriminative loss (NSDL) to mitigate the influence of long-duration non-speech segments within speech utterances. In order to explore the use of the untranscribed data, various approaches are implemented and combined together to incrementally improve the system performance. First, bidirectional autoregressive predictive coding (Bi-APC) is used to learn initial parameters for acoustic modelling using the provided untranscribed data. Second, incremental semi-supervised learning is further used to iteratively generate pseudo-transcribed data. Third, different data augmentation schemes are used at different training stages to increase the variability and size of the training data. Finally, a recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM) is used for rescoring. Our system achieves a word error rate (WER) of 39.68% on the evaluation data, an approximately 12% relative improvement over the official baseline (45.21%).
We prove that a bi-Lipschitz image of a planar $BV$-extension domain is also a $BV$-extension domain, and that a bi-Lipschitz image of a planar $W^{1,1}$-extension domain is again a $W^{1,1}$-extension domain.
86 - Wanzheng Zhu , Suma Bhat 2021
Countermeasures to effectively fight the ever increasing hate speech online without blocking freedom of speech is of great social interest. Natural Language Generation (NLG), is uniquely capable of developing scalable solutions. However, off-the-shel f NLG methods are primarily sequence-to-sequence neural models and they are limited in that they generate commonplace, repetitive and safe responses regardless of the hate speech (e.g., Please refrain from using such language.) or irrelevant responses, making them ineffective for de-escalating hateful conversations. In this paper, we design a three-module pipeline approach to effectively improve the diversity and relevance. Our proposed pipeline first generates various counterspeech candidates by a generative model to promote diversity, then filters the ungrammatical ones using a BERT model, and finally selects the most relevant counterspeech response using a novel retrieval-based method. Extensive Experiments on three representative datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in generating diverse and relevant counterspeech.
95 - Zheng Zhu 2021
In this paper, we study the Sobolev extension property of Lp-quasidisks which are the generalizations of the classical quasidisks. After that, we also find some applications of their Sobolev extension property.
The practical application requests both accuracy and efficiency on multi-person pose estimation algorithms. But the high accuracy and fast inference speed are dominated by top-down methods and bottom-up methods respectively. To make a better trade-of f between accuracy and efficiency, we propose a novel multi-person pose estimation framework, SIngle-network with Mimicking and Point Learning for Bottom-up Human Pose Estimation (SIMPLE). Specifically, in the training process, we enable SIMPLE to mimic the pose knowledge from the high-performance top-down pipeline, which significantly promotes SIMPLEs accuracy while maintaining its high efficiency during inference. Besides, SIMPLE formulates human detection and pose estimation as a unified point learning framework to complement each other in single-network. This is quite different from previous works where the two tasks may interfere with each other. To the best of our knowledge, both mimicking strategy between different method types and unified point learning are firstly proposed in pose estimation. In experiments, our approach achieves the new state-of-the-art performance among bottom-up methods on the COCO, MPII and PoseTrack datasets. Compared with the top-down approaches, SIMPLE has comparable accuracy and faster inference speed.
In this paper, we contribute a new million-scale face benchmark containing noisy 4M identities/260M faces (WebFace260M) and cleaned 2M identities/42M faces (WebFace42M) training data, as well as an elaborately designed time-constrained evaluation pro tocol. Firstly, we collect 4M name list and download 260M faces from the Internet. Then, a Cleaning Automatically utilizing Self-Training (CAST) pipeline is devised to purify the tremendous WebFace260M, which is efficient and scalable. To the best of our knowledge, the cleaned WebFace42M is the largest public face recognition training set and we expect to close the data gap between academia and industry. Referring to practical scenarios, Face Recognition Under Inference Time conStraint (FRUITS) protocol and a test set are constructed to comprehensively evaluate face matchers. Equipped with this benchmark, we delve into million-scale face recognition problems. A distributed framework is developed to train face recognition models efficiently without tampering with the performance. Empowered by WebFace42M, we reduce relative 40% failure rate on the challenging IJB-C set, and ranks the 3rd among 430 entries on NIST-FRVT. Even 10% data (WebFace4M) shows superior performance compared with public training set. Furthermore, comprehensive baselines are established on our rich-attribute test set under FRUITS-100ms/500ms/1000ms protocol, including MobileNet, EfficientNet, AttentionNet, ResNet, SENet, ResNeXt and RegNet families. Benchmark website is https://www.face-benchmark.org.

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