ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

In this activity, students will make a working model of an atomic force microscope (AFM). A permanent magnet attached to a compact disc (CD) strip acts as the sensor. The sensor is attached to a base made from Legos. Laser light is reflected from the CD sensor and onto a sheet of photosensitive paper. An array of permanent magnets attached to cardboard acts as the atoms on a surface. When the sensor is brought near this atomic surface the magnets will deflect the sensor, which in turn deflects the reflected laser. This deflection is recorded on the photosensitive paper, which students can take home with them.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا