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Batched network coding (BNC) is a low-complexity solution to network transmission in multi-hop packet networks with packet loss. BNC encodes the source data into batches of packets. As a network coding scheme, the intermediate nodes perform recoding on the received packets belonging to the same batch instead of just forwarding them. A recoding scheme that may generate more recoded packets for batches of a higher rank is also called adaptive recoding. Meanwhile, in order to combat burst packet loss, the transmission of a block of batches can be interleaved. Stream interleaving studied in literature achieves the maximum separation among any two consecutive packets of a batch, but permutes packets across blocks and hence cannot bound the buffer size and the latency. To resolve the issue of stream interleaver, we design an intrablock interleaver for adaptive recoding that can preserve the advantages of using a block interleaver when the number of recoded packets is the same for all batches. We use potential energy in classical mechanics to measure the performance of an interleaver, and propose an algorithm to optimize the interleaver with this performance measure. Our problem formulation and algorithm for intrablock interleaving are also of independent interest.
116 - Z. Zhong , Y. Guo , M. D. Ding 2018
Magnetic flux ropes play a key role in triggering solar flares in the solar atmosphere. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of active region NOAA 12268 within 36 hours from 2015 January 29 to 30, during which a flux rope was formed and three M-class and three C-class flares were triggered without coronal mass ejections. During the evolution of the active region, the flare emission seen in the H$alpha$ and ultraviolet wavebands changed from a circular shape (plus an adjacent conjugated ribbon and a remote ribbon) to three relatively straight and parallel ribbons. Based on a series of reconstructed nonlinear force-free fields, we find sheared or twisted magnetic field lines and a large-scale quasi-separatrix layer (QSL) associated with 3D null points in a quadrupolar magnetic field. These features always existed and constantly evolved during the two days. The twist of the flux rope was gradually accumulated that eventually led to its instability. Around the flux rope, there were some topological structures, including a bald patch, a hyperbolic flux tube and a torus QSL. We discuss how the particular magnetic structure and its evolution produce the flare emission. In particular, the bifurcation of the flux rope can explain the transition of the flares from circular to parallel ribbons. We propose a two-stage evolution of the magnetic structure and its associated flares. In the first stage, sheared arcades under the dome-like large-scale QSL were gradually transformed into a flux rope through magnetic reconnection, which produced the circular ribbon flare. In the second stage, the flux rope bifurcated to form the three relatively straight and parallel flare ribbons.
Stream constraint programming is a recent addition to the family of constraint programming frameworks, where variable domains are sets of infinite streams over finite alphabets. Previous works showed promising results for its applicability to real-wo rld planning and control problems. In this paper, motivated by the modelling of planning applications, we improve the expressiveness of the framework by introducing 1) the until constraint, a new construct that is adapted from Linear Temporal Logic and 2) the @ operator on streams, a syntactic sugar for which we provide a more efficient solving algorithm over simple desugaring. For both constructs, we propose corresponding novel solving algorithms and prove their correctness. We present competitive experimental results on the Missionaries and Cannibals logic puzzle and a standard path planning application on the grid, by comparing with Apt and Brands method for verifying eventuality conditions using a CP approach.
99 - N. Simos , Z. Zhong , S. Ghose 2017
A comprehensive study on the effects of energetic protons on carbon-fiber composites and compounds under consideration for use as low-Z pion production targets in future high-power accelerators and low-impedance collimating elements for intercepting TeV-level protons at the Large Hadron Collider has been undertaken addressing two key areas, namely, thermal shock absorption and resistance to irradiation damage.
Engineering the electronic band structure of two-dimensional electron liquids (2DELs) confined at the surface or interface of transition metal oxides is key to unlocking their full potential. Here we describe a new approach to tailoring the electroni c structure of an oxide surface 2DEL demonstrating the lateral modulation of electronic states with atomic scale precision on an unprecedented length scale comparable to the Fermi wavelength. To this end, we use pulsed laser deposition to grow anatase TiO2 films terminated by a (1 x 4) in-plane surface reconstruction. Employing photo-stimulated chemical surface doping we induce 2DELs with tunable carrier densities that are confined within a few TiO2 layers below the surface. Subsequent in-situ angle resolved photoemission experiments demonstrate that the (1 x 4) surface reconstruction provides a periodic lateral perturbation of the electron liquid. This causes strong backfolding of the electronic bands, opening of unidirectional gaps and a saddle point singularity in the density of states near the chemical potential.
Transition metal oxide heterostructures often, but by far not always, exhibit strong electronic correlations. State-of-the-art calculations account for these by dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). We discuss the physical situations in which DMFT is n eeded, not needed, and where it is actually not sufficient. By means of an example, SrVO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$, we discuss step-by-step and figure-by-figure a density functional theory(DFT)+DMFT calculation. The second part reviews DFT+DMFT calculations for oxide heterostructure focusing on titanates, nickelates, vanadates, and ruthenates.
227 - M. X. Chen , Z. Zhong , M. Weinert 2015
We propose a guideline for exploring substrates that stabilize the monolayer honeycomb structure of silicene and germanene while simultaneously preserve the Dirac states: in addition to have a strong binding energy to the monolayer, a suitable substr ate should be a large-gap semiconductor with a proper workfunction such that the Dirac point lies in the gap and far from the substrate states when their bands align. We illustrate our idea by performing first-principles calculations for silicene and germanene on the Al-terminated (0001) surface of Al2O3 . The overlaid monolayers on Al-terminated Al2O3(0001) retain the main structural profile of the low-buckled honeycomb structure via a binding energy comparable to the one between silicene and Ag(111). Unfolded band structure derived from the k-projection method reveals that gapped Dirac cone is formed at the K point due to the structural distortion and the interaction with the substrate. The gaps of 0.4 eV and 0.3 eV respectively for the supported silicene and germanene suggest that they may have potential applications in nanoelectronics.
We identify the driving mechanism of the gigantic Seebeck coefficient in FeSb$_2$ as the phonon-drag effect associated with an in-gap density of states that we demonstrate to derive from excess iron. We accurately model electronic and thermoelectric transport coefficients and explain the so far ill-understood correlation of maxima and inflection points in different response functions. Our scenario has far-reaching consequences for attempts to harvest the spectacular powerfactor of FeSb$_2$.
We report the formation of a non-magnetic band insulator at the isopolar interface between the antiferromagnetic Mott-Hubbard insulator LaTiO3 and the antiferromagnetic charge transfer insulator LaFeO3. By density functional theory calculations, we f ind that the formation of this interface state is driven by the combination of O band alignment and crystal field splitting energy of the t2g and eg bands. As a result of these two driving forces, the Fe 3d bands rearrange and electrons are transferred from Ti to Fe. This picture is supported by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which confirms the rearrangement of the Fe 3d bands and reveals an unprecedented charge transfer up to 1.2+/-0.2 e-/interface unit cell in our LaTiO3/LaFeO3 heterostructures.

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