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Self-supervised learning algorithms based on instance discrimination train encoders to be invariant to pre-defined transformations of the same instance. While most methods treat different views of the same image as positives for a contrastive loss, w e are interested in using positives from other instances in the dataset. Our method, Nearest-Neighbor Contrastive Learning of visual Representations (NNCLR), samples the nearest neighbors from the dataset in the latent space, and treats them as positives. This provides more semantic variations than pre-defined transformations. We find that using the nearest-neighbor as positive in contrastive losses improves performance significantly on ImageNet classification, from 71.7% to 75.6%, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods. On semi-supervised learning benchmarks we improve performance significantly when only 1% ImageNet labels are available, from 53.8% to 56.5%. On transfer learning benchmarks our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods (including supervised learning with ImageNet) on 8 out of 12 downstream datasets. Furthermore, we demonstrate empirically that our method is less reliant on complex data augmentations. We see a relative reduction of only 2.1% ImageNet Top-1 accuracy when we train using only random crops.
Imitation learning is an effective tool for robotic learning tasks where specifying a reinforcement learning (RL) reward is not feasible or where the exploration problem is particularly difficult. Imitation, typically behavior cloning or inverse RL, derive a policy from a collection of first-person action-state trajectories. This is contrary to how humans and other animals imitate: we observe a behavior, even from other species, understand its perceived effect on the state of the environment, and figure out what actions our body can perform to reach a similar outcome. In this work, we explore the possibility of third-person visual imitation of manipulation trajectories, only from vision and without access to actions, demonstrated by embodiments different to the ones of our imitating agent. Specifically, we investigate what would be an appropriate representation method with which an RL agent can visually track trajectories of complex manipulation behavior -- non-planar with multiple-object interactions -- demonstrated by experts with different embodiments. We present a way to train manipulator-independent representations (MIR) that primarily focus on the change in the environment and have all the characteristics that make them suitable for cross-embodiment visual imitation with RL: cross-domain alignment, temporal smoothness, and being actionable. We show that with our proposed method our agents are able to imitate, with complex robot control, trajectories from a variety of embodiments and with significant visual and dynamics differences, e.g. simulation-to-reality gap.
The sense of touch is fundamental in several manipulation tasks, but rarely used in robot manipulation. In this work we tackle the problem of learning rich touch features from cross-modal self-supervision. We evaluate them identifying objects and the ir properties in a few-shot classification setting. Two new datasets are introduced using a simulated anthropomorphic robotic hand equipped with tactile sensors on both synthetic and daily life objects. Several self-supervised learning methods are benchmarked on these datasets, by evaluating few-shot classification on unseen objects and poses. Our experiments indicate that cross-modal self-supervision effectively improves touch representation, and in turn has great potential to enhance robot manipulation skills.
In offline reinforcement learning (RL) agents are trained using a logged dataset. It appears to be the most natural route to attack real-life applications because in domains such as healthcare and robotics interactions with the environment are either expensive or unethical. Training agents usually requires reward functions, but unfortunately, rewards are seldom available in practice and their engineering is challenging and laborious. To overcome this, we investigate reward learning under the constraint of minimizing human reward annotations. We consider two types of supervision: timestep annotations and demonstrations. We propose semi-supervised learning algorithms that learn from limited annotations and incorporate unlabelled data. In our experiments with a simulated robotic arm, we greatly improve upon behavioural cloning and closely approach the performance achieved with ground truth rewards. We further investigate the relationship between the quality of the reward model and the final policies. We notice, for example, that the reward models do not need to be perfect to result in useful policies.
We present an approach for estimating the period with which an action is repeated in a video. The crux of the approach lies in constraining the period prediction module to use temporal self-similarity as an intermediate representation bottleneck that allows generalization to unseen repetitions in videos in the wild. We train this model, called Repnet, with a synthetic dataset that is generated from a large unlabeled video collection by sampling short clips of varying lengths and repeating them with different periods and counts. This combination of synthetic data and a powerful yet constrained model, allows us to predict periods in a class-agnostic fashion. Our model substantially exceeds the state of the art performance on existing periodicity (PERTUBE) and repetition counting (QUVA) benchmarks. We also collect a new challenging dataset called Countix (~90 times larger than existing datasets) which captures the challenges of repetition counting in real-world videos. Project webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/repnet .
Collecting and automatically obtaining reward signals from real robotic visual data for the purposes of training reinforcement learning algorithms can be quite challenging and time-consuming. Methods for utilizing unlabeled data can have a huge poten tial to further accelerate robotic learning. We consider here the problem of performing manipulation tasks from pixels. In such tasks, choosing an appropriate state representation is crucial for planning and control. This is even more relevant with real images where noise, occlusions and resolution affect the accuracy and reliability of state estimation. In this work, we learn a latent state representation implicitly with deep reinforcement learning in simulation, and then adapt it to the real domain using unlabeled real robot data. We propose to do so by optimizing sequence-based self supervised objectives. These exploit the temporal nature of robot experience, and can be common in both the simulated and real domains, without assuming any alignment of underlying states in simulated and unlabeled real images. We propose Contrastive Forward Dynamics loss, which combines dynamics model learning with time-contrastive techniques. The learned state representation that results from our methods can be used to robustly solve a manipulation task in simulation and to successfully transfer the learned skill on a real system. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches by training a vision-based reinforcement learning agent for cube stacking. Agents trained with our method, using only 5 hours of unlabeled real robot data for adaptation, shows a clear improvement over domain randomization, and standard visual domain adaptation techniques for sim-to-real transfer.
We introduce a self-supervised representation learning method based on the task of temporal alignment between videos. The method trains a network using temporal cycle consistency (TCC), a differentiable cycle-consistency loss that can be used to find correspondences across time in multiple videos. The resulting per-frame embeddings can be used to align videos by simply matching frames using the nearest-neighbors in the learned embedding space. To evaluate the power of the embeddings, we densely label the Pouring and Penn Action video datasets for action phases. We show that (i) the learned embeddings enable few-shot classification of these action phases, significantly reducing the supervised training requirements; and (ii) TCC is complementary to other methods of self-supervised learning in videos, such as Shuffle and Learn and Time-Contrastive Networks. The embeddings are also used for a number of applications based on alignment (dense temporal correspondence) between video pairs, including transfer of metadata of synchronized modalities between videos (sounds, temporal semantic labels), synchronized playback of multiple videos, and anomaly detection. Project webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/temporal-cycle-consistency .

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