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316 - Yuqing Zhu , Yanzhe An , Yuan Zi 2021
We present a record-breaking result and lessons learned in practicing TPCx-IoT benchmarking for a real-world use case. We find that more system characteristics need to be benchmarked for its application to real-world use cases. We introduce an extens ion to the TPCx-IoT benchmark, covering fundamental requirements of time-series data management for IoT infrastructure. We characterize them as data compression and system scalability. To evaluate these two important features of IoT databases, we propose IoTDataBench and update four aspects of TPCx-IoT, i.e., data generation, workloads, metrics and test procedures. Preliminary evaluation results show systems that fail to effectively compress data or flexibly scale can negatively affect the redesigned metrics, while systems with high compression ratios and linear scalability are rewarded in the final metrics. Such systems have the ability to scale up computing resources on demand and can thus save dollar costs.
Characterizing the privacy degradation over compositions, i.e., privacy accounting, is a fundamental topic in differential privacy (DP) with many applications to differentially private machine learning and federated learning. We propose a unificati on of recent advances (Renyi DP, privacy profiles, $f$-DP and the PLD formalism) via the characteristic function ($phi$-function) of a certain ``worst-case privacy loss random variable. We show that our approach allows natural adaptive composition like Renyi DP, provides exactly tight privacy accounting like PLD, and can be (often losslessly) converted to privacy profile and $f$-DP, thus providing $(epsilon,delta)$-DP guarantees and interpretable tradeoff functions. Algorithmically, we propose an analytical Fourier accountant that represents the complex logarithm of $phi$-functions symbolically and uses Gaussian quadrature for numerical computation. On several popular DP mechanisms and their subsampled counterparts, we demonstrate the flexibility and tightness of our approach in theory and experiments.
Network embedding (NE) can generate succinct node representations for massive-scale networks and enable direct applications of common machine learning methods to the network structure. Various NE algorithms have been proposed and used in a number of applications, such as node classification and link prediction. NE algorithms typically contain hyperparameters that are key to performance, but the hyperparameter tuning process can be time consuming. It is desirable to have the hyperparameters tuned within a specified length of time. Although AutoML methods have been applied to the hyperparameter tuning of NE algorithms, the problem of how to tune hyperparameters in a given period of time is not studied for NE algorithms before. In this paper, we propose JITuNE, a just-in-time hyperparameter tuning framework for NE algorithms. Our JITuNE framework enables the time-constrained hyperparameter tuning for NE algorithms by employing the tuning over hierarchical network synopses and transferring the knowledge obtained on synopses to the whole network. The hierarchical generation of synopsis and a time-constrained tuning method enable the constraining of overall tuning time. Extensive experiments demonstrate that JITuNE can significantly improve performances of NE algorithms, outperforming state-of-the-art methods within the same number of algorithm runs.
The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework is one of the most promising recent approaches in differentially private learning. Existing theoretical analysis shows that PATE consistently learns any VC-classes in the realizable settin g, but falls short in explaining its success in more general cases where the error rate of the optimal classifier is bounded away from zero. We fill in this gap by introducing the Tsybakov Noise Condition (TNC) and establish stronger and more interpretable learning bounds. These bounds provide new insights into when PATE works and improve over existing results even in the narrower realizable setting. We also investigate the compelling idea of using active learning for saving privacy budget. The novel components in the proofs include a more refined analysis of the majority voting classifier -- which could be of independent interest -- and an observation that the synthetic student learning problem is nearly realizable by construction under the Tsybakov noise condition.
An ever increasing number of configuration parameters are provided to system users. But many users have used one configuration setting across different workloads, leaving untapped the performance potential of systems. A good configuration setting can greatly improve the performance of a deployed system under certain workloads. But with tens or hundreds of parameters, it becomes a highly costly task to decide which configuration setting leads to the best performance. While such task requires the strong expertise in both the system and the application, users commonly lack such expertise. To help users tap the performance potential of systems, we present BestConfig, a system for automatically finding a best configuration setting within a resource limit for a deployed system under a given application workload. BestConfig is designed with an extensible architecture to automate the configuration tuning for general systems. To tune system configurations within a resource limit, we propose the divide-and-diverge sampling method and the recursive bound-and-search algorithm. BestConfig can improve the throughput of Tomcat by 75%, that of Cassandra by 63%, that of MySQL by 430%, and reduce the running time of Hive join job by about 50% and that of Spark join job by about 80%, solely by configuration adjustment.
To support the variety of Big Data use cases, many Big Data related systems expose a large number of user-specifiable configuration parameters. Highlighted in our experiments, a MySQL deployment with well-tuned configuration parameters achieves a pea k throughput as 12 times much as one with the default setting. However, finding the best setting for the tens or hundreds of configuration parameters is mission impossible for ordinary users. Worse still, many Big Data applications require the support of multiple systems co-deployed in the same cluster. As these co-deployed systems can interact to affect the overall performance, they must be tuned together. Automatic configuration tuning with scalability guarantees (ACTS) is in need to help system users. Solutions to ACTS must scale to various systems, workloads, deployments, parameters and resource limits. Proposing and implementing an ACTS solution, we demonstrate that ACTS can benefit users not only in improving system performance and resource utilization, but also in saving costs and enabling fairer benchmarking.
Although ACID is the previous golden rule for transaction support, durability is now not a basic requirement for data storage. Rather, high availability is becoming the first-class property required by online applications. We show that high availabil ity of data is almost surely a stronger property than durability. We thus propose ACIA (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Availability) as the new standard for transaction support. Essentially, the shift from ACID to ACIA is due to the change of assumed conditions for data management. Four major condition changes exist. With ACIA transactions, more diverse requirements can be flexibly supported for applications through the specification of consistency levels, isolation levels and fault tolerance levels. Clarifying the ACIA properties enables the exploitation of techniques used for ACID transactions, as well as bringing about new challenges for research.
Highly-available datastores are widely deployed for online applications. However, many online applications are not contented with the simple data access interface currently provided by highly-available datastores. Distributed transaction support is d emanded by applications such as large-scale online payment used by Alipay or Paypal. Current solutions to distributed transaction can spend more than half of the whole transaction processing time in distributed commit. An efficient atomic commit protocol is highly desirable. This paper presents the HACommit protocol, a logless one-phase commit protocol for highly-available systems. HACommit has transaction participants vote for a commit before the client decides to commit or abort the transaction; in comparison, the state-of-the-art practice for distributed commit is to have the client decide before participants vote. The change enables the removal of both the participant logging and the coordinator logging steps in the distributed commit process; it also makes possible that, after the client initiates the transaction commit, the transaction data is visible to other transactions within one communication roundtrip time (i.e., one phase). In the evaluation with extensive experiments, HACommit outperforms recent atomic commit solutions for highly-available datastores under different workloads. In the best case, HACommit can commit in one fifth of the time 2PC does.

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