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This technical report presents an overview of our solution used in the submission to 2021 HACS Temporal Action Localization Challenge on both Supervised Learning Track and Weakly-Supervised Learning Track. Temporal Action Localization (TAL) requires to not only precisely locate the temporal boundaries of action instances, but also accurately classify the untrimmed videos into specific categories. However, Weakly-Supervised TAL indicates locating the action instances using only video-level class labels. In this paper, to train a supervised temporal action localizer, we adopt Temporal Context Aggregation Network (TCANet) to generate high-quality action proposals through ``local and global temporal context aggregation and complementary as well as progressive boundary refinement. As for the WSTAL, a novel framework is proposed to handle the poor quality of CAS generated by simple classification network, which can only focus on local discriminative parts, rather than locate the entire interval of target actions. Further inspired by the transfer learning method, we also adopt an additional module to transfer the knowledge from trimmed videos (HACS Clips dataset) to untrimmed videos (HACS Segments dataset), aiming at promoting the classification performance on untrimmed videos. Finally, we employ a boundary regression module embedded with Outer-Inner-Contrastive (OIC) loss to automatically predict the boundaries based on the enhanced CAS. Our proposed scheme achieves 39.91 and 29.78 average mAP on the challenge testing set of supervised and weakly-supervised temporal action localization track respectively.
Wave propagation problems have many applications in physics and engineering, and the stochastic effects are important in accurately modeling them due to the uncertainty of the media. This paper considers and analyzes a fully discrete finite element m ethod for a class of nonlinear stochastic wave equations, where the diffusion term is globally Lipschitz continuous while the drift term is only assumed to satisfy weaker conditions as in [11]. The novelties of this paper are threefold. First, the error estimates cannot not be directly obtained if the numerical scheme in primal form is used. The numerical scheme in mixed form is introduced and several H{o}lder continuity results of the strong solution are proved, which are used to establish the error estimates in both $L^2$ norm and energy norms. Second, two types of discretization of the nonlinear term are proposed to establish the $L^2$ stability and energy stability results of the discrete solutions. These two types of discretization and proper test functions are designed to overcome the challenges arising from the stochastic scaling in time issues and the nonlinear interaction. These stability results play key roles in proving the probability of the set on which the error estimates hold approaches one. Third, higher order moment stability results of the discrete solutions are proved based on an energy argument and the underlying energy decaying property of the method. Numerical experiments are also presented to show the stability results of the discrete solutions and the convergence rates in various norms.
Ferromagnet/heavy metal multilayer thin films with $C_{2v}$ symmetry have the potential to host antiskyrmions and other chiral spin textures via an anisotropic Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Here, we present a candidate material system that also has a strong uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy aligned in the plane of the film. This system is based on a new Co/Pt epitaxial relationship, which is the central focus of this work: hexagonal closed-packed Co(10.0)[00.1] $parallel$ face-centered cubic Pt(110)[001]. We characterized the crystal structure and magnetic properties of our films using X-ray diffraction techniques and magnetometry respectively, including q-scans to determine stacking fault densities and their correlation with the measured magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant and thickness of Co. In future ultrathin multilayer films, we expect this epitaxial relationship to further enable an anisotropic DMI and interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The anticipated confluence of these properties, along with the tunability of multilayer films, make this material system a promising testbed for unveiling new spin configurations in FM/HM films.
103 - Yukun Liu , Ta Li , Pengyuan Zhang 2021
Recently neural architecture search(NAS) has been successfully used in image classification, natural language processing, and automatic speech recognition(ASR) tasks for finding the state-of-the-art(SOTA) architectures than those human-designed archi tectures. NAS can derive a SOTA and data-specific architecture over validation data from a pre-defined search space with a search algorithm. Inspired by the success of NAS in ASR tasks, we propose a NAS-based ASR framework containing one search space and one differentiable search algorithm called Differentiable Architecture Search(DARTS). Our search space follows the convolution-augmented transformer(Conformer) backbone, which is a more expressive ASR architecture than those used in existing NAS-based ASR frameworks. To improve the performance of our method, a regulation method called Dynamic Search Schedule(DSS) is employed. On a widely used Mandarin benchmark AISHELL-1, our best-searched architecture outperforms the baseline Conform model significantly with about 11% CER relative improvement, and our method is proved to be pretty efficient by the search cost comparisons.
This paper proposes and analyzes two fully discrete mixed interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the fourth order nonlinear Cahn-Hilliard equation. Both methods use the backward Euler method for time discretization and interior pena lty discontinuous Galerkin methods for spatial discretization. They differ from each other on how the nonlinear term is treated, one of them is based on fully implicit time-stepping and the other uses the energy-splitting time-stepping. The primary goal of the paper is to prove the convergence of the numerical interfaces of the DG methods to the interface of the Hele-Shaw flow. This is achieved by establishing error estimates that depend on $epsilon^{-1}$ only in some low polynomial orders, instead of exponential orders. Similar to [14], the crux is to prove a discrete spectrum estimate in the discontinuous Galerkin finite element space. However, the validity of such a result is not obvious because the DG space is not a subspace of the (energy) space $H^1$ and it is larger than the finite element space. This difficult is overcome by a delicate perturbation argument which relies on the discrete spectrum estimate in the finite element space proved in cite{Feng_Prohl04}. Numerical experiment results are also presented to gauge the theoretical results and the performance of the proposed fully discrete mixed DG methods.

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