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In the last decade, convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) have dominated and achieved state-of-the-art performances in a variety of medical imaging applications. However, the performances of ConvNets are still limited by lacking the understanding of long-range spatial relations in an image. The recently proposed Vision Transformer (ViT) for image classification uses a purely self-attention-based model that learns long-range spatial relations to focus on the relevant parts of an image. Nevertheless, ViT emphasizes the low-resolution features because of the consecutive downsamplings, result in a lack of detailed localization information, making it unsuitable for image registration. Recently, several ViT-based image segmentation methods have been combined with ConvNets to improve the recovery of detailed localization information. Inspired by them, we present ViT-V-Net, which bridges ViT and ConvNet to provide volumetric medical image registration. The experimental results presented here demonstrate that the proposed architecture achieves superior performance to several top-performing registration methods.
363 - Yufan He , Dong Yang , Holger Roth 2021
Recently, neural architecture search (NAS) has been applied to automatically search high-performance networks for medical image segmentation. The NAS search space usually contains a network topology level (controlling connections among cells with dif ferent spatial scales) and a cell level (operations within each cell). Existing methods either require long searching time for large-scale 3D image datasets, or are limited to pre-defined topologies (such as U-shaped or single-path). In this work, we focus on three important aspects of NAS in 3D medical image segmentation: flexible multi-path network topology, high search efficiency, and budgeted GPU memory usage. A novel differentiable search framework is proposed to support fast gradient-based search within a highly flexible network topology search space. The discretization of the searched optimal continuous model in differentiable scheme may produce a sub-optimal final discrete model (discretization gap). Therefore, we propose a topology loss to alleviate this problem. In addition, the GPU memory usage for the searched 3D model is limited with budget constraints during search. Our Differentiable Network Topology Search scheme (DiNTS) is evaluated on the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) challenge, which contains ten challenging segmentation tasks. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance and the top ranking on the MSD challenge leaderboard.
Domain shift is a major problem for deploying deep networks in clinical practice. Network performance drops significantly with (target) images obtained differently than its (source) training data. Due to a lack of target label data, most work has foc used on unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Current UDA methods need both source and target data to train models which perform image translation (harmonization) or learn domain-invariant features. However, training a model for each target domain is time consuming and computationally expensive, even infeasible when target domain data are scarce or source data are unavailable due to data privacy. In this paper, we propose a novel self domain adapted network (SDA-Net) that can rapidly adapt itself to a single test subject at the testing stage, without using extra data or training a UDA model. The SDA-Net consists of three parts: adaptors, task model, and auto-encoders. The latter two are pre-trained offline on labeled source images. The task model performs tasks like synthesis, segmentation, or classification, which may suffer from the domain shift problem. At the testing stage, the adaptors are trained to transform the input test image and features to reduce the domain shift as measured by the auto-encoders, and thus perform domain adaptation. We validated our method on retinal layer segmentation from different OCT scanners and T1 to T2 synthesis with T1 from different MRI scanners and with different imaging parameters. Results show that our SDA-Net, with a single test subject and a short amount of time for self adaptation at the testing stage, can achieve significant improvements.
Medical images are increasingly used as input to deep neural networks to produce quantitative values that aid researchers and clinicians. However, standard deep neural networks do not provide a reliable measure of uncertainty in those quantitative va lues. Recent work has shown that using dropout during training and testing can provide estimates of uncertainty. In this work, we investigate using dropout to estimate epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty in a CT-to-MR image translation task. We show that both types of uncertainty are captured, as defined, providing confidence in the output uncertainty estimates.
Medical images are often used to detect and characterize pathology and disease; however, automatically identifying and segmenting pathology in medical images is challenging because the appearance of pathology across diseases varies widely. To address this challenge, we propose a Bayesian deep learning method that learns to translate healthy computed tomography images to magnetic resonance images and simultaneously calculates voxel-wise uncertainty. Since high uncertainty occurs in pathological regions of the image, this uncertainty can be used for unsupervised anomaly segmentation. We show encouraging experimental results on an unsupervised anomaly segmentation task by combining two types of uncertainty into a novel quantity we call scibilic uncertainty.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging modality which can be used to obtain depth images of the retina. The changing layer thicknesses can thus be quantified by analyzing these OCT images, moreover these changes have been shown t o correlate with disease progression in multiple sclerosis. Recent automated retinal layer segmentation tools use machine learning methods to perform pixel-wise labeling and graph methods to guarantee the layer hierarchy or topology. However, graph parameters like distance and smoothness constraints must be experimentally assigned by retinal region and pathology, thus degrading the flexibility and time efficiency of the whole framework. In this paper, we develop cascaded deep networks to provide a topologically correct segmentation of the retinal layers in a single feed forward propagation. The first network (S-Net) performs pixel-wise labeling and the second regression network (R-Net) takes the topologically unconstrained S-Net results and outputs layer thicknesses for each layer and each position. Relu activation is used as the final operation of the R-Net which guarantees non-negativity of the output layer thickness. Since the segmentation boundary position is acquired by summing up the corresponding non-negative layer thicknesses, the layer ordering (i.e., topology) of the reconstructed boundaries is guaranteed even at the fovea where the distances between boundaries can be zero. The R-Net is trained using simulated masks and thus can be generalized to provide topology guaranteed segmentation for other layered structures. This deep network has achieved comparable mean absolute boundary error (2.82 {mu}m) to state-of-the-art graph methods (2.83 {mu}m).

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