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Intimately connected to the rule of life, chirality remains a long-time fascination in biology, chemistry, physics and materials science. Chiral structures, e.g., nucleic acid and cholesteric phase developed from chiral molecules are common in nature and synthetic soft materials. While it was recently discovered that achiral but bent core mesogens can also form chiral helices, the assembly of chiral microstructures from achiral polymers has rarely been explored. Here, we reveal chiral emergence from achiral conjugated polymers for the first time, in which hierarchical helical structures are developed through a multistep assembly pathway. Upon increasing concentration beyond a threshold volume fraction, pre-aggregated polymer nanofibers form lyotropic liquid crystalline (LC) mesophases with complex, chiral morphologies. Combining imaging, X-ray and spectroscopy techniques with molecular simulations, we demonstrate that this structural evolution arises from torsional polymer molecules which induce multiscale helical assembly, progressing from nano- to micron scale helical structures as the solution concentration increases. This study unveils a previously unknown complex state of matter for conjugated polymers that can pave way to a new field of chiral (opto)electronics. We anticipate that hierarchical chiral helical structures can profoundly impact how conjugated polymers interact with light, transport charges, and transduce signals from biomolecular interactions and even give rise to properties unimagined before.
In many applications of computer graphics, art and design, it is desirable for a user to provide intuitive non-image input, such as text, sketch, stroke, graph or layout, and have a computer system automatically generate photo-realistic images that a dhere to the input content. While classic works that allow such automatic image content generation have followed a framework of image retrieval and composition, recent advances in deep generative models such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and flow-based methods have enabled more powerful and versatile image generation tasks. This paper reviews recent works for image synthesis given intuitive user input, covering advances in input versatility, image generation methodology, benchmark datasets, and evaluation metrics. This motivates new perspectives on input representation and interactivity, cross pollination between major image generation paradigms, and evaluation and comparison of generation methods.
Synthesizing realistic medical images provides a feasible solution to the shortage of training data in deep learning based medical image recognition systems. However, the quality control of synthetic images for data augmentation purposes is under-inv estigated, and some of the generated images are not realistic and may contain misleading features that distort data distribution when mixed with real images. Thus, the effectiveness of those synthetic images in medical image recognition systems cannot be guaranteed when they are being added randomly without quality assurance. In this work, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL) based synthetic sample selection method that learns to choose synthetic images containing reliable and informative features. A transformer based controller is trained via proximal policy optimization (PPO) using the validation classification accuracy as the reward. The selected images are mixed with the original training data for improved training of image recognition systems. To validate our method, we take the pathology image recognition as an example and conduct extensive experiments on two histopathology image datasets. In experiments on a cervical dataset and a lymph node dataset, the image classification performance is improved by 8.1% and 2.3%, respectively, when utilizing high-quality synthetic images selected by our RL framework. Our proposed synthetic sample selection method is general and has great potential to boost the performance of various medical image recognition systems given limited annotation.
When training the parameters of a linear dynamical model, the gradient descent algorithm is likely to fail to converge if the squared-error loss is used as the training loss function. Restricting the parameter space to a smaller subset and running th e gradient descent algorithm within this subset can allow learning stable dynamical systems, but this strategy does not work for unstable systems. In this work, we look into the dynamics of the gradient descent algorithm and pinpoint what causes the difficulty of learning unstable systems. We show that observations taken at different times from the system to be learned influence the dynamics of the gradient descent algorithm in substantially different degrees. We introduce a time-weighted logarithmic loss function to fix this imbalance and demonstrate its effectiveness in learning unstable systems.
Simulation of a quantum many-body system at finite temperatures is crucially important but quite challenging. Here we present an experimentally feasible quantum algorithm assisted with continuous-variable for simulating quantum systems at finite temp eratures. Our algorithm has a time complexity scaling polynomially with the inverse temperature and the desired accuracy. We demonstrate the quantum algorithm by simulating finite temperature phase diagram of the Kitaev model. It is found that the important crossover phase diagram of the Kitaev ring can be accurately simulated by a quantum computer with only a few qubits and thus the algorithm may be readily implemented on current quantum processors. We further propose a protocol implementable with superconducting or trapped ion quantum computers.
122 - Yanglan Ou , Yuan Xue , Ye Yuan 2020
Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer affecting women today. As the early detection of cervical carcinoma relies heavily upon screening and pre-clinical testing, digital cervicography has great potential as a primary or auxiliary screen ing tool, especially in low-resource regions due to its low cost and easy access. Although an automated cervical dysplasia detection system has been desirable, traditional fully-supervised training of such systems requires large amounts of annotated data which are often labor-intensive to collect. To alleviate the need for much manual annotation, we propose a novel graph convolutional network (GCN) based semi-supervised classification model that can be trained with fewer annotations. In existing GCNs, graphs are constructed with fixed features and can not be updated during the learning process. This limits their ability to exploit new features learned during graph convolution. In this paper, we propose a novel and more flexible GCN model with a feature encoder that adaptively updates the adjacency matrix during learning and demonstrate that this model design leads to improved performance. Our experimental results on a cervical dysplasia classification dataset show that the proposed framework outperforms previous methods under a semi-supervised setting, especially when the labeled samples are scarce.
Supervised training of an automated medical image analysis system often requires a large amount of expert annotations that are hard to collect. Moreover, the proportions of data available across different classes may be highly imbalanced for rare dis eases. To mitigate these issues, we investigate a novel data augmentation pipeline that selectively adds new synthetic images generated by conditional Adversarial Networks (cGANs), rather than extending directly the training set with synthetic images. The selection mechanisms that we introduce to the synthetic augmentation pipeline are motivated by the observation that, although cGAN-generated images can be visually appealing, they are not guaranteed to contain essential features for classification performance improvement. By selecting synthetic images based on the confidence of their assigned labels and their feature similarity to real labeled images, our framework provides quality assurance to synthetic augmentation by ensuring that adding the selected synthetic images to the training set will improve performance. We evaluate our model on a medical histopathology dataset, and two natural image classification benchmarks, CIFAR10 and SVHN. Results on these datasets show significant and consistent improvements in classification performance (with 6.8%, 3.9%, 1.6% higher accuracy, respectively) by leveraging cGAN generated images with selective augmentation.
Time series data are prevalent in electronic health records, mostly in the form of physiological parameters such as vital signs and lab tests. The patterns of these values may be significant indicators of patients clinical states and there might be p atterns that are unknown to clinicians but are highly predictive of some outcomes. Many of these values are also missing which makes it difficult to apply existing methods like decision trees. We propose a recurrent neural network model that reduces overfitting to noisy observations by limiting interactions between features. We analyze its performance on mortality, ICD-9 and AKI prediction from observational values on the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) dataset. Our models result in an improvement of 1.1% [p<0.01] in AU-ROC for mortality prediction under the MetaVision subset and 1.0% and 2.2% [p<0.01] respectively for mortality and AKI under the full MIMIC-III dataset compared to existing state-of-the-art interpolation, embedding and decay-based recurrent models.
In order to exploit quantum advantages, quantum algorithms are indispensable for operating machine learning with quantum computers. We here propose an intriguing hybrid approach of quantum information processing for quantum linear regression, which u tilizes both discrete and continuous quantum variables, in contrast to existing wisdoms based solely upon discrete qubits. In our framework, data information is encoded in a qubit system, while information processing is tackled using auxiliary continuous qumodes via qubit-qumode interactions. Moreover, it is also elaborated that finite squeezing is quite helpful for efficiently running the quantum algorithms in realistic setup. Comparing with an all-qubit approach, the present hybrid approach is more efficient and feasible for implementing quantum algorithms, still retaining exponential quantum speed-up.
We present a feasible protocol to mimic topological Weyl semimetal phase in a small one-dimensional circuit-QED lattice. By modulating the photon hopping rates and on-site photon frequencies in parametric spaces, we demonstrate that the momentum spac e of this one-dimensional lattice model can be artificially mapped to three dimensions accompanied by the emergence of topological Weyl semimetal phase. Furthermore, via a lattice-based cavity input-output process, we show that all the essential topological features of Weyl semimetal phase, including the topological charge associated with each Weyl point and the open Fermi arcs, can be unambiguously detected in a circuit with four dissipative resonators by measuring the reflection spectra. These remarkable features may open a new prospect in using well-controlled small quantum lattices to mimic and study topological phases.

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