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In this talk, we review our recent work on direct evaluation of tree-level MHV amplitudes by Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula. We also investigate the correspondence between solutions to scattering equations and amplitudes in four dimensions along this line. By substituting the MHV solution of scattering equations into the integrated CHY formula, we explicitly calculate the tree-level MHV amplitudes for four dimensional Yang-Mills theory and gravity. These results naturally reproduce the Parke-Taylor and Hodges formulas. In addition, we derive a new compact formula for tree-level single-trace MHV amplitudes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, which is equivalent to the known Selivanov-Bern-De Freitas-Wong (SBDW) formula. Other solutions do not contribute to the MHV amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory, gravity and Einstein-Yang-Mills theory. We further investigate the correspondence between solutions of scattering equation and helicity configurations beyond MHV and proposed a method for characterizing solutions of scattering equations.
We study the bulk-edge correspondence in topological insulators by taking Fu-Kane spin pumping model as an example. We show that the Kane-Mele invariant in this model is Z2 invariant modulo the spectral flow of a single-parameter family of 1+1-dimens ional Dirac operators with a global boundary condition induced by the Kramers degeneracy of the system. This spectral flow is defined as an integer which counts the difference between the number of eigenvalues of the Dirac operator family that flow from negative to non-negative and the number of eigenvalues that flow from non-negative to negative. Since the bulk states of the insulator are completely gapped and the ground state is assumed being no more degenerate except the Kramers, they do not contribute to the spectral flow and only edge states contribute to. The parity of the number of the Kramers pairs of gapless edge states is exactly the same as that of the spectral flow. This reveals the origin of the edge-bulk correspondence, i.e., why the edge states can be used to characterize the topological insulators. Furthermore, the spectral flow is related to the reduced eta-invariant and thus counts both the discrete ground state degeneracy and the continuous gapless excitations, which distinguishes the topological insulator from the conventional band insulator even if the edge states open a gap due to a strong interaction between edge modes. We emphasize that these results are also valid even for a weak disordered and/or weak interacting system. The higher spectral flow to categorize the higher-dimensional topological insulators are expected.

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