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Conditional text generation has been a challenging task that is yet to see human-level performance from state-of-the-art models. In this work, we specifically focus on the Commongen benchmark, wherein the aim is to generate a plausible sentence for a given set of input concepts. Despite advances in other tasks, large pre-trained language models that are fine-tuned on this dataset often produce sentences that are syntactically correct but qualitatively deviate from a human understanding of common sense. Furthermore, generated sequences are unable to fulfill such lexical requirements as matching part-of-speech and full concept coverage. In this paper, we explore how commonsense knowledge graphs can enhance model performance, with respect to commonsense reasoning and lexically-constrained decoding. We propose strategies for enhancing the semantic correctness of the generated text, which we accomplish through: extracting commonsense relations from Conceptnet, injecting these relations into the Unified Language Model (UniLM) through attention mechanisms, and enforcing the aforementioned lexical requirements through output constraints. By performing several ablations, we find that commonsense injection enables the generation of sentences that are more aligned with human understanding, while remaining compliant with lexical requirements.
Recognizing Video events in long, complex videos with multiple sub-activities has received persistent attention recently. This task is more challenging than traditional action recognition with short, relatively homogeneous video clips. In this paper, we investigate the problem of recognizing long and complex events with varying action rhythms, which has not been considered in the literature but is a practical challenge. Our work is inspired in part by how humans identify events with varying rhythms: quickly catching frames contributing most to a specific event. We propose a two-stage emph{end-to-end} framework, in which the first stage selects the most significant frames while the second stage recognizes the event using the selected frames. Our model needs only emph{event-level labels} in the training stage, and thus is more practical when the sub-activity labels are missing or difficult to obtain. The results of extensive experiments show that our model can achieve significant improvement in event recognition from long videos while maintaining high accuracy even if the test videos suffer from severe rhythm changes. This demonstrates the potential of our method for real-world video-based applications, where test and training videos can differ drastically in rhythms of sub-activities.
Hand pose estimation from the monocular 2D image is challenging due to the variation in lighting, appearance, and background. While some success has been achieved using deep neural networks, they typically require collecting a large dataset that adeq uately samples all the axes of variation of hand images. It would, therefore, be useful to find a representation of hand pose which is independent of the image appearance~(like hand texture, lighting, background), so that we can synthesize unseen images by mixing pose-appearance combinations. In this paper, we present a novel technique that disentangles the representation of pose from a complementary appearance factor in 2D monochrome images. We supervise this disentanglement process using a network that learns to generate images of hand using specified pose+appearance features. Unlike previous work, we do not require image pairs with a matching pose; instead, we use the pose annotations already available and introduce a novel use of cycle consistency to ensure orthogonality between the factors. Experimental results show that our self-disentanglement scheme successfully decomposes the hand image into the pose and its complementary appearance features of comparable quality as the method using paired data. Additionally, training the model with extra synthesized images with unseen hand-appearance combinations by re-mixing pose and appearance factors from different images can improve the 2D pose estimation performance.

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