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The exact solution of the interacting many-body system is important and is difficult to solve. In this paper, we introduce a group method to solve the interacting many-body problem using the relation between the permutation group and the unitary grou p. We prove a group theorem first, then using the theorem, we represent the Hamiltonian of the interacting many-body system by the Casimir operators of unitary group. The eigenvalues of Casimir operators could give the exact values of energy and thus solve those problems exactly. This method maps the interacting many-body system onto an intermediate statistical representation. We give the relation between the conjugacy-class operator of permutation group and the Casimir operator of unitary group in the intermediate statistical representation, called the Gentile representation. Bose and Fermi cases are two limitations of the Gentile representation. We also discuss the representation space of symmetric and unitary group in the Gentile representation and give an example of the Heisenberg model to demonstrate this method. It is shown that this method is effective to solve interacting many-body problems.
Quantum teleportation provides a way to transfer unknown quantum states from one system to another, without physical transmission of the object itself. The quantum channels in perfect teleportation (with 100% success probability and fidelity) to date were limited to maximally entangled states. Here, we propose a scheme for perfect teleportation of a qubit through a high-dimensional quantum channel, in a pure state with two equal largest Schmidt coefficients. The quantum channel requires appropriate joint measurement by the sender, Alice, and enough classical information sent to the receiver, Bob. The entanglement of Alices measurement and classical bits she sends, increasing with the entanglement of quantum channel, can be regard as Alices necessary capabilities to use the quantum channel. The two capabilities appears complementary to each other, as the entanglement in Alices measurement may be partially replaced by the classical bits.
In this paper, we convert the lattice configurations into networks with different modes of links and consider models on networks with arbitrary numbers of interacting particle-pairs. We solve the Heisenberg model by revealing the relation between the Casimir operator of the unitary group and the conjugacy-class operator of the permutation group. We generalize the Heisenberg model by this relation and give a series of exactly solvable models. Moreover, by numerically calculating the eigenvalue of Heisenberg models and random walks on network with different numbers of links, we show that a system on lattice configurations with interactions between more particle-pairs have higher degeneracy of eigenstates. The highest degeneracy of eigenstates of a lattice model is discussed.
We report thermodynamic and neutron scattering measurements of the triangular-lattice quantum Ising magnet TmMgGaO 4 in longitudinal magnetic fields. Our experiments reveal a quasi-plateau state induced by quantum fluctuations. This state exhibits an unconventional non-monotonic field and temperature dependence of the magnetic order and excitation gap. In the high field regime where the quantum fluctuations are largely suppressed, we observed a disordered state with coherent magnon-like excitations despite the suppression of the spin excitation intensity. Through detailed semi-classical calculations, we are able to understand these behaviors quantitatively from the subtle competition between quantum fluctuations and frustrated Ising interactions.
A popular method in practice offloads computation and storage in blockchains by relying on committing only hashes of off-chain data into the blockchain. This mechanism is acknowledged to be vulnerable to a stalling attack: the blocks corresponding to the committed hashes may be unavailable at any honest node. The straightforward solution of broadcasting all blocks to the entire network sidesteps this data availability attack, but it is not scalable. In this paper, we propose ACeD, a scalable solution to this data availability problem with $O(1)$ communication efficiency, the first to the best of our knowledge. The key innovation is a new protocol that requires each of the $N$ nodes to receive only $O(1/N)$ of the block, such that the data is guaranteed to be available in a distributed manner in the network. Our solution creatively integrates coding-theoretic designs inside of Merkle tree commitments to guarantee efficient and tamper-proof reconstruction; this solution is distinct from Asynchronous Verifiable Information Dispersal (in guaranteeing efficient proofs of malformed coding) and Coded Merkle Tree (which only provides guarantees for random corruption as opposed to our guarantees for worst-case corruption). We implement ACeD with full functionality in 6000 lines of Rust code, integrate the functionality as a smart contract into Ethereum via a high-performance implementation demonstrating up to 10,000 transactions per second in throughput and 6000x reduction in gas cost on the Ethereum testnet Kovan.
Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols allow a group of replicas to come to a consensus even when some of the replicas are Byzantine faulty. There exist multiple BFT protocols to securely tolerate an optimal number of faults $t$ under different net work settings. However, if the number of faults $f$ exceeds $t$ then security could be violated. In this paper we mathematically formalize the study of forensic support of BFT protocols: we aim to identify (with cryptographic integrity) as many of the malicious replicas as possible and in as a distributed manner as possible. Our main result is that forensic support of BFT protocols depends heavily on minor implementation details that do not affect the protocols security or complexity. Focusing on popular BFT protocols (PBFT, HotStuff, Algorand) we exactly characterize their forensic support, showing that there exist minor variants of each protocol for which the forensic supports vary widely. We show strong forensic support capability of LibraBFT, the consensus protocol of Diem cryptocurrency; our lightweight forensic module implemented on a Diem client is open-sourced and is under active consideration for deployment in Diem. Finally, we show that all secure BFT protocols designed for $2t+1$ replicas communicating over a synchronous network forensic support are inherently nonexistent; this impossibility result holds for all BFT protocols and even if one has access to the states of all replicas (including Byzantine ones).
Extreme multi-label classification (XMC) is the problem of finding the relevant labels for an input, from a very large universe of possible labels. We consider XMC in the setting where labels are available only for groups of samples - but not for ind ividual ones. Current XMC approaches are not built for such multi-instance multi-label (MIML) training data, and MIML approaches do not scale to XMC sizes. We develop a new and scalable algorithm to impute individual-sample labels from the group labels; this can be paired with any existing XMC method to solve the aggregated label problem. We characterize the statistical properties of our algorithm under mild assumptions, and provide a new end-to-end framework for MIML as an extension. Experiments on both aggregated label XMC and MIML tasks show the advantages over existing approaches.
34 - Yao Shen 2020
Gentile statistics describes fractional statistical systems in the occupation number representation. Anyon statistics researches those systems in the winding number representation. Both of them are intermediate statistics between Bose-Einstein and Fe rmi-Dirac statistics. The second quantization of Gentile statistics shows a lot of advantages. According to the symmetry requirement of the wave function, we give the general construction of transformation between anyon and Gentile statistics. In other words, we introduce the second quantization form of anyons in a easy way. Basic relations of second quantization operators, the coherent state and Berry phase are also discussed.
Given a linear regression setting, Iterative Least Trimmed Squares (ILTS) involves alternating between (a) selecting the subset of samples with lowest current loss, and (b) re-fitting the linear model only on that subset. Both steps are very fast and simple. In this paper we analyze ILTS in the setting of mixed linear regression with corruptions (MLR-C). We first establish deterministic conditions (on the features etc.) under which the ILTS iterate converges linearly to the closest mixture component. We also provide a global algorithm that uses ILTS as a subroutine, to fully solve mixed linear regressions with corruptions. We then evaluate it for the widely studied setting of isotropic Gaussian features, and establish that we match or better existing results in terms of sample complexity. Finally, we provide an ODE analysis for a gradient-descent variant of ILTS that has optimal time complexity. Our results provide initial theoretical evidence that iteratively fitting to the best subset of samples -- a potentially widely applicable idea -- can provably provide state of the art performance in bad training data settings.
In this paper, a novel real-time acceleration-continuous path-constrained trajectory planning algorithm is proposed with an appealing built-in tradability mechanism between cruise motion and time-optimal motion. Different from existing approaches, th e proposed approach smoothens time-optimal trajectories with bang-bang input structures to generate acceleration-continuous trajectories while preserving the completeness property. More importantly, a novel built-in tradability mechanism is proposed and embedded into the trajectory planning framework, so that the proportion of the cruise motion and time-optimal motion can be flexibly adjusted by changing a user-specified functional parameter. Thus, the user can easily apply the trajectory planning algorithm for various tasks with different requirements on motion efficiency and cruise proportion. Moreover, it is shown that feasible trajectories are computed more quickly than optimal trajectories. Rigorous mathematical analysis and proofs are provided for these aforementioned results. Comparative simulation and experimental results on omnidirectional wheeled mobile robots demonstrate the capability of the proposed algorithm in terms of flexible tunning between cruise and time-optimal motions, as well as higher computational efficiency.

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