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We investigate quantum turbulence in a two-dimensional trapped supersolid and demonstrate that both the wave and vortex turbulence involve triple rather than dual cascades, as in a superfluid. Because of the presence of a second gapless mode associat ed with translation symmetry breaking, a new $k^{-13/3}$ scaling law is predicted to occur in the wave turbulence. Simultaneous fast vortex-antivortex creation and annihilation in the interior of the oscillating supersolid results in a $k^{-1}$ scaling law in the vortex turbulence. Numerical simulations based on the Gross-Pitaevskii equation confirmed the predictions.
198 - S.-W. Su , I.-K. Liu , Y.-C. Tsai 2011
The non-equilibrium dynamics of a rapidly quenched spin-1 Bose gas with spin-orbit coupling is studied. By solving the stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we show that crystallization of merons can occur in a spinor condensate of ^{87}Rb. Analytic form and stability of the crystal structure are given. Likewise, inverted merons can be created in a spin-polarized spinor condensate of ^{23}Na. Our studies provide a chance to explore the fundamental properties of meron-like matter.

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