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113 - Liming Zhu , Xiwei Xu , Qinghua Lu 2021
In the last few years, AI continues demonstrating its positive impact on society while sometimes with ethically questionable consequences. Building and maintaining public trust in AI has been identified as the key to successful and sustainable innova tion. This chapter discusses the challenges related to operationalizing ethical AI principles and presents an integrated view that covers high-level ethical AI principles, the general notion of trust/trustworthiness, and product/process support in the context of responsible AI, which helps improve both trust and trustworthiness of AI for a wider set of stakeholders.
As the killer application of blockchain technology, blockchain-based payments have attracted extensive attention ranging from hobbyists to corporates to regulatory bodies. Blockchain facilitates fast, secure, and cross-border payments without the nee d for intermediaries such as banks. Because blockchain technology is still emerging, systematically organised knowledge providing a holistic and comprehensive view on designing payment applications that use blockchain is yet to be established. If such knowledge could be established in the form of a set of blockchain-specific patterns, architects could use those patterns in designing a payment application that leverages blockchain. Therefore, in this paper, we first identify a tokens lifecycle and then present 12 patterns that cover critical aspects in enabling the state transitions of a token in blockchain-based payment applications. The lifecycle and the annotated patterns provide a payment-focused systematic view of system interactions and a guide to effective use of the patterns.
93 - Qinghua Lu , Xiwei Xu , Yue Liu 2019
Blockchain is an innovative distributed ledger technology which has attracted a wide range of interests for building the next generation of applications to address lack-of-trust issues in business. Blockchain as a service (BaaS) is a promising soluti on to improve the productivity of blockchain application development. However, existing BaaS deployment solutions are mostly vendor-locked: they are either bound to a cloud provider or a blockchain platform. In addition to deployment, design and implementation of blockchain-based applications is a hard task requiring deep expertise. Therefore, this paper presents a unified blockchain as a service platform (uBaaS) to support both design and deployment of blockchain-based applications. The services in uBaaS include deployment as a service, design pattern as a service and auxiliary services. In uBaaS, deployment as a service is platform agnostic, which can avoid lock-in to specific cloud platforms, while design pattern as a service applies design patterns for data management and smart contract design to address the scalability and security issues of blockchain. The proposed solutions are evaluated using a real-world quality tracing use case in terms of feasibility and scalability.

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