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Network Architecture Search (NAS) methods have recently gathered much attention. They design networks with better performance and use a much shorter search time compared to traditional manual tuning. Despite their efficiency in model deployments, mos t NAS algorithms target a single task on a fixed hardware system. However, real-life few-shot learning environments often cover a great number of tasks (T ) and deployments on a wide variety of hardware platforms (H ). The combinatorial search complexity T times H creates a fundamental search efficiency challenge if one naively applies existing NAS methods to these scenarios. To overcome this issue, we show, for the first time, how to rapidly adapt model architectures to new tasks in a many-task many-hardware few-shot learning setup by integrating Model Agnostic Meta Learning (MAML) into the NAS flow. The proposed NAS method (H-Meta-NAS) is hardware-aware and performs optimisation in the MAML framework. H-Meta-NAS shows a Pareto dominance compared to a variety of NAS and manual baselines in popular few-shot learning benchmarks with various hardware platforms and constraints. In particular, on the 5-way 1-shot Mini-ImageNet classification task, the proposed method outperforms the best manual baseline by a large margin (5.21% in accuracy) using 60% less computation.
Deep convolutional neural networks are susceptible to adversarial attacks. They can be easily deceived to give an incorrect output by adding a tiny perturbation to the input. This presents a great challenge in making CNNs robust against such attacks. An influx of new defense techniques have been proposed to this end. In this paper, we show that latent features in certain robust models are surprisingly susceptible to adversarial attacks. On top of this, we introduce a unified $ell_infty$-norm white-box attack algorithm which harnesses latent features in its gradient descent steps, namely LAFEAT. We show that not only is it computationally much more efficient for successful attacks, but it is also a stronger adversary than the current state-of-the-art across a wide range of defense mechanisms. This suggests that model robustness could be contingent on the effective use of the defenders hidden components, and it should no longer be viewed from a holistic perspective.
107 - Yiren Zhao , Duo Wang , Xitong Gao 2020
We present the first differentiable Network Architecture Search (NAS) for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs show promising performance on a wide range of tasks, but require a large amount of architecture engineering. First, graphs are inherently a n on-Euclidean and sophisticated data structure, leading to poor adaptivity of GNN architectures across different datasets. Second, a typical graph block contains numerous different components, such as aggregation and attention, generating a large combinatorial search space. To counter these problems, we propose a Probabilistic Dual Network Architecture Search (PDNAS) framework for GNNs. PDNAS not only optimises the operations within a single graph block (micro-architecture), but also considers how these blocks should be connected to each other (macro-architecture). The dual architecture (micro- and marco-architectures) optimisation allows PDNAS to find deeper GNNs on diverse datasets with better performance compared to other graph NAS methods. Moreover, we use a fully gradient-based search approach to update architectural parameters, making it the first differentiable graph NAS method. PDNAS outperforms existing hand-designed GNNs and NAS results, for example, on the PPI dataset, PDNAS beats its best competitors by 1.67 and 0.17 in F1 scores.
460 - Yiren Zhao , Xitong Gao , Xuan Guo 2019
Modern deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are computationally demanding, yet real applications often require high throughput and low latency. To help tackle these problems, we propose Tomato, a framework designed to automate the process of gen erating efficient CNN accelerators. The generated design is pipelined and each convolution layer uses different arithmetics at various precisions. Using Tomato, we showcase state-of-the-art multi-precision multi-arithmetic networks, including MobileNet-V1, running on FPGAs. To our knowledge, this is the first multi-precision multi-arithmetic auto-generation framework for CNNs. In software, Tomato fine-tunes pretrained networks to use a mixture of short powers-of-2 and fixed-point weights with a minimal loss in classification accuracy. The fine-tuned parameters are combined with the templated hardware designs to automatically produce efficient inference circuits in FPGAs. We demonstrate how our approach significantly reduces model sizes and computation complexities, and permits us to pack a complete ImageNet network onto a single FPGA without accessing off-chip memories for the first time. Furthermore, we show how Tomato produces implementations of networks with various sizes running on single or multiple FPGAs. To the best of our knowledge, our automatically generated accelerators outperform closest FPGA-based competitors by at least 2-4x for lantency and throughput; the generated accelerator runs ImageNet classification at a rate of more than 3000 frames per second.
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are powerful tools for a wide range of vision tasks, but the enormous amount of memory and compute resources required by CNNs pose a challenge in deploying them on constrained devices. Existing compression te chniques, while excelling at reducing model sizes, struggle to be computationally friendly. In this paper, we attend to the statistical properties of sparse CNNs and present focused quantization, a novel quantization strategy based on power-of-two values, which exploits the weight distributions after fine-grained pruning. The proposed method dynamically discovers the most effective numerical representation for weights in layers with varying sparsities, significantly reducing model sizes. Multiplications in quantized CNNs are replaced with much cheaper bit-shift operations for efficient inference. Coupled with lossless encoding, we built a compression pipeline that provides CNNs with high compression ratios (CR), low computation cost and minimal loss in accuracy. In ResNet-50, we achieved a 18.08x CR with only 0.24% loss in top-5 accuracy, outperforming existing compression methods. We fully compressed a ResNet-18 and found that it is not only higher in CR and top-5 accuracy, but also more hardware efficient as it requires fewer logic gates to implement when compared to other state-of-the-art quantization methods assuming the same throughput.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used to solve classification tasks in computer vision. However, they can be tricked into misclassifying specially crafted `adversarial samples -- and samples built to trick one model often work alarming ly well against other models trained on the same task. In this paper we introduce Sitatapatra, a system designed to block the transfer of adversarial samples. It diversifies neural networks using a key, as in cryptography, and provides a mechanism for detecting attacks. Whats more, when adversarial samples are detected they can typically be traced back to the individual device that was used to develop them. The run-time overheads are minimal permitting the use of Sitatapatra on constrained systems.
Making deep convolutional neural networks more accurate typically comes at the cost of increased computational and memory resources. In this paper, we reduce this cost by exploiting the fact that the importance of features computed by convolutional l ayers is highly input-dependent, and propose feature boosting and suppression (FBS), a new method to predictively amplify salient convolutional channels and skip unimportant ones at run-time. FBS introduces small auxiliary connections to existing convolutional layers. In contrast to channel pruning methods which permanently remove channels, it preserves the full network structures and accelerates convolution by dynamically skipping unimportant input and output channels. FBS-augmented networks are trained with conventional stochastic gradient descent, making it readily available for many state-of-the-art CNNs. We compare FBS to a range of existing channel pruning and dynamic execution schemes and demonstrate large improvements on ImageNet classification. Experiments show that FBS can respectively provide $5times$ and $2times$ savings in compute on VGG-16 and ResNet-18, both with less than $0.6%$ top-5 accuracy loss.

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