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It is appealing but challenging to achieve real-time deep neural network (DNN) inference on mobile devices because even the powerful modern mobile devices are considered as ``resource-constrained when executing large-scale DNNs. It necessitates the s parse model inference via weight pruning, i.e., DNN weight sparsity, and it is desirable to design a new DNN weight sparsity scheme that can facilitate real-time inference on mobile devices while preserving a high sparse model accuracy. This paper designs a novel mobile inference acceleration framework GRIM that is General to both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and that achieves Real-time execution and high accuracy, leveraging fine-grained structured sparse model Inference and compiler optimizations for Mobiles. We start by proposing a new fine-grained structured sparsity scheme through the Block-based Column-Row (BCR) pruning. Based on this new fine-grained structured sparsity, our GRIM framework consists of two parts: (a) the compiler optimization and code generation for real-time mobile inference; and (b) the BCR pruning optimizations for determining pruning hyperparameters and performing weight pruning. We compare GRIM with Alibaba MNN, TVM, TensorFlow-Lite, a sparse implementation based on CSR, PatDNN, and ESE (a representative FPGA inference acceleration framework for RNNs), and achieve up to 14.08x speedup.
There have been long-standing controversies and inconsistencies over the experiment setup and criteria for identifying the winning ticket in literature. To reconcile such, we revisit the definition of lottery ticket hypothesis, with comprehensive and more rigorous conditions. Under our new definition, we show concrete evidence to clarify whether the winning ticket exists across the major DNN architectures and/or applications. Through extensive experiments, we perform quantitative analysis on the correlations between winning tickets and various experimental factors, and empirically study the patterns of our observations. We find that the key training hyperparameters, such as learning rate and training epochs, as well as the architecture characteristics such as capacities and residual connections, are all highly correlated with whether and when the winning tickets can be identified. Based on our analysis, we summarize a guideline for parameter settings in regards of specific architecture characteristics, which we hope to catalyze the research progress on the topic of lottery ticket hypothesis.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are effective in solving many real-world problems. Larger DNN models usually exhibit better quality (e.g., accuracy) but their excessive computation results in long training and inference time. Model sparsification can red uce the computation and memory cost while maintaining model quality. Most existing sparsification algorithms unidirectionally remove weights, while others randomly or greedily explore a small subset of weights in each layer. The inefficiency of the algorithms reduces the achievable sparsity level. In addition, many algorithms still require pre-trained dense models and thus suffer from large memory footprint and long training time. In this paper, we propose a novel scheduled grow-and-prune (GaP) methodology without pre-training the dense models. It addresses the shortcomings of the previous works by repeatedly growing a subset of layers to dense and then pruning back to sparse after some training. Experiments have shown that such models can match or beat the quality of highly optimized dense models at 80% sparsity on a variety of tasks, such as image classification, objective detection, 3D object part segmentation, and translation. They also outperform other state-of-the-art (SOTA) pruning methods, including pruning from pre-trained dense models. As an example, a 90% sparse ResNet-50 obtained via GaP achieves 77.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, improving the SOTA results by 1.5%.
Recent research demonstrated the promise of using resistive random access memory (ReRAM) as an emerging technology to perform inherently parallel analog domain in-situ matrix-vector multiplication -- the intensive and key computation in deep neural n etworks (DNNs). However, hardware failure, such as stuck-at-fault defects, is one of the main concerns that impedes the ReRAM devices to be a feasible solution for real implementations. The existing solutions to address this issue usually require an optimization to be conducted for each individual device, which is impractical for mass-produced products (e.g., IoT devices). In this paper, we rethink the value of weight pruning in ReRAM-based DNN design from the perspective of model fault tolerance. And a differential mapping scheme is proposed to improve the fault tolerance under a high stuck-on fault rate. Our method can tolerate almost an order of magnitude higher failure rate than the traditional two-column method in representative DNN tasks. More importantly, our method does not require extra hardware cost compared to the traditional two-column mapping scheme. The improvement is universal and does not require the optimization process for each individual device.
To address the large model size and intensive computation requirement of deep neural networks (DNNs), weight pruning techniques have been proposed and generally fall into two categories, i.e., static regularization-based pruning and dynamic regulariz ation-based pruning. However, the former method currently suffers either complex workloads or accuracy degradation, while the latter one takes a long time to tune the parameters to achieve the desired pruning rate without accuracy loss. In this paper, we propose a unified DNN weight pruning framework with dynamically updated regularization terms bounded by the designated constraint, which can generate both non-structured sparsity and different kinds of structured sparsity. We also extend our method to an integrated framework for the combination of different DNN compression tasks.
The high computation and memory storage of large deep neural networks (DNNs) models pose intensive challenges to the conventional Von-Neumann architecture, incurring substantial data movements in the memory hierarchy. The memristor crossbar array has emerged as a promising solution to mitigate the challenges and enable low-power acceleration of DNNs. Memristor-based weight pruning and weight quantization have been seperately investigated and proven effectiveness in reducing area and power consumption compared to the original DNN model. However, there has been no systematic investigation of memristor-based neuromorphic computing (NC) systems considering both weight pruning and weight quantization. In this paper, we propose an unified and systematic memristor-based framework considering both structured weight pruning and weight quantization by incorporating alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) into DNNs training. We consider hardware constraints such as crossbar blocks pruning, conductance range, and mismatch between weight value and real devices, to achieve high accuracy and low power and small area footprint. Our framework is mainly integrated by three steps, i.e., memristor-based ADMM regularized optimization, masked mapping and retraining. Experimental results show that our proposed framework achieves 29.81X (20.88X) weight compression ratio, with 98.38% (96.96%) and 98.29% (97.47%) power and area reduction on VGG-16 (ResNet-18) network where only have 0.5% (0.76%) accuracy loss, compared to the original DNN models. We share our models at link http://bit.ly/2Jp5LHJ.
Most existing person re-identification (ReID) methods rely only on the spatial appearance information from either one or multiple person images, whilst ignore the space-time cues readily available in video or image-sequence data. Moreover, they often assume the availability of exhaustively labelled cross-view pairwise data for every camera pair, making them non-scalable to ReID applications in real-world large scale camera networks. In this work, we introduce a novel video based person ReID method capable of accurately matching people across views from arbitrary unaligned image-sequences without any labelled pairwise data. Specifically, we introduce a new space-time person representation by encoding multiple granularities of spatio-temporal dynamics in form of time series. Moreover, a Time Shift Dynamic Time Warping (TS-DTW) model is derived for performing automatically alignment whilst achieving data selection and matching between inherently inaccurate and incomplete sequences in a unified way. We further extend the TS-DTW model for accommodating multiple feature-sequences of an image-sequence in order to fuse information from different descriptions. Crucially, this model does not require pairwise labelled training data (i.e. unsupervised) therefore readily scalable to large scale camera networks of arbitrary camera pairs without the need for exhaustive data annotation for every camera pair. We show the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method by extensive comparisons with related state-of-the-art approaches using two benchmarking ReID datasets, PRID2011 and iLIDS-VID.

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