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Vision Transformers (ViT) have been shown to attain highly competitive performance for a wide range of vision applications, such as image classification, object detection and semantic image segmentation. In comparison to convolutional neural networks , the Vision Transformers weaker inductive bias is generally found to cause an increased reliance on model regularization or data augmentation (``AugReg for short) when training on smaller training datasets. We conduct a systematic empirical study in order to better understand the interplay between the amount of training data, AugReg, model size and compute budget. As one result of this study we find that the combination of increased compute and AugReg can yield models with the same performance as models trained on an order of magnitude more training data: we train ViT models of various sizes on the public ImageNet-21k dataset which either match or outperform their counterparts trained on the larger, but not publicly available JFT-300M dataset.
There is a growing discrepancy in computer vision between large-scale models that achieve state-of-the-art performance and models that are affordable in practical applications. In this paper we address this issue and significantly bridge the gap betw een these two types of models. Throughout our empirical investigation we do not aim to necessarily propose a new method, but strive to identify a robust and effective recipe for making state-of-the-art large scale models affordable in practice. We demonstrate that, when performed correctly, knowledge distillation can be a powerful tool for reducing the size of large models without compromising their performance. In particular, we uncover that there are certain implicit design choices, which may drastically affect the effectiveness of distillation. Our key contribution is the explicit identification of these design choices, which were not previously articulated in the literature. We back up our findings by a comprehensive empirical study, demonstrate compelling results on a wide range of vision datasets and, in particular, obtain a state-of-the-art ResNet-50 model for ImageNet, which achieves 82.8% top-1 accuracy.
Attention-based neural networks such as the Vision Transformer (ViT) have recently attained state-of-the-art results on many computer vision benchmarks. Scale is a primary ingredient in attaining excellent results, therefore, understanding a models s caling properties is a key to designing future generations effectively. While the laws for scaling Transformer language models have been studied, it is unknown how Vision Transformers scale. To address this, we scale ViT models and data, both up and down, and characterize the relationships between error rate, data, and compute. Along the way, we refine the architecture and training of ViT, reducing memory consumption and increasing accuracy the resulting models. As a result, we successfully train a ViT model with two billion parameters, which attains a new state-of-the-art on ImageNet of 90.45% top-1 accuracy. The model also performs well on few-shot learning, for example, attaining 84.86% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with only 10 examples per class.
Automatically finding good and general remote sensing representations allows to perform transfer learning on a wide range of applications - improving the accuracy and reducing the required number of training samples. This paper investigates developme nt of generic remote sensing representations, and explores which characteristics are important for a dataset to be a good source for representation learning. For this analysis, five diverse remote sensing datasets are selected and used for both, disjoint upstream representation learning and downstream model training and evaluation. A common evaluation protocol is used to establish baselines for these datasets that achieve state-of-the-art performance. As the results indicate, especially with a low number of available training samples a significant performance enhancement can be observed when including additionally in-domain data in comparison to training models from scratch or fine-tuning only on ImageNet (up to 11% and 40%, respectively, at 100 training samples). All datasets and pretrained representation models are published online.
Yes, and no. We ask whether recent progress on the ImageNet classification benchmark continues to represent meaningful generalization, or whether the community has started to overfit to the idiosyncrasies of its labeling procedure. We therefore devel op a significantly more robust procedure for collecting human annotations of the ImageNet validation set. Using these new labels, we reassess the accuracy of recently proposed ImageNet classifiers, and find their gains to be substantially smaller than those reported on the original labels. Furthermore, we find the original ImageNet labels to no longer be the best predictors of this independently-collected set, indicating that their usefulness in evaluating vision models may be nearing an end. Nevertheless, we find our annotation procedure to have largely remedied the errors in the original labels, reinforcing ImageNet as a powerful benchmark for future research in visual recognition.
Transfer of pre-trained representations improves sample efficiency and simplifies hyperparameter tuning when training deep neural networks for vision. We revisit the paradigm of pre-training on large supervised datasets and fine-tuning the model on a target task. We scale up pre-training, and propose a simple recipe that we call Big Transfer (BiT). By combining a few carefully selected components, and transferring using a simple heuristic, we achieve strong performance on over 20 datasets. BiT performs well across a surprisingly wide range of data regimes -- from 1 example per class to 1M total examples. BiT achieves 87.5% top-1 accuracy on ILSVRC-2012, 99.4% on CIFAR-10, and 76.3% on the 19 task Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark (VTAB). On small datasets, BiT attains 76.8% on ILSVRC-2012 with 10 examples per class, and 97.0% on CIFAR-10 with 10 examples per class. We conduct detailed analysis of the main components that lead to high transfer performance.
Given the importance of remote sensing, surprisingly little attention has been paid to it by the representation learning community. To address it and to establish baselines and a common evaluation protocol in this domain, we provide simplified access to 5 diverse remote sensing datasets in a standardized form. Specifically, we investigate in-domain representation learning to develop generic remote sensing representations and explore which characteristics are important for a dataset to be a good source for remote sensing representation learning. The established baselines achieve state-of-the-art performance on these datasets.
Representation learning promises to unlock deep learning for the long tail of vision tasks without expensive labelled datasets. Yet, the absence of a unified evaluation for general visual representations hinders progress. Popular protocols are often too constrained (linear classification), limited in diversity (ImageNet, CIFAR, Pascal-VOC), or only weakly related to representation quality (ELBO, reconstruction error). We present the Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark (VTAB), which defines good representations as those that adapt to diverse, unseen tasks with few examples. With VTAB, we conduct a large-scale study of many popular publicly-available representation learning algorithms. We carefully control confounders such as architecture and tuning budget. We address questions like: How effective are ImageNet representations beyond standard natural datasets? How do representations trained via generative and discriminative models compare? To what extent can self-supervision replace labels? And, how close are we to general visual representations?
Unsupervised visual representation learning remains a largely unsolved problem in computer vision research. Among a big body of recently proposed approaches for unsupervised learning of visual representations, a class of self-supervised techniques ac hieves superior performance on many challenging benchmarks. A large number of the pretext tasks for self-supervised learning have been studied, but other important aspects, such as the choice of convolutional neural networks (CNN), has not received equal attention. Therefore, we revisit numerous previously proposed self-supervised models, conduct a thorough large scale study and, as a result, uncover multiple crucial insights. We challenge a number of common practices in selfsupervised visual representation learning and observe that standard recipes for CNN design do not always translate to self-supervised representation learning. As part of our study, we drastically boost the performance of previously proposed techniques and outperform previously published state-of-the-art results by a large margin.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of deep generative models which aim to learn a target distribution in an unsupervised fashion. While they were successfully applied to many problems, training a GAN is a notoriously challenging task and requires a significant number of hyperparameter tuning, neural architecture engineering, and a non-trivial amount of tricks. The success in many practical applications coupled with the lack of a measure to quantify the failure modes of GANs resulted in a plethora of proposed losses, regularization and normalization schemes, as well as neural architectures. In this work we take a sober view of the current state of GANs from a practical perspective. We discuss and evaluate common pitfalls and reproducibility issues, open-source our code on Github, and provide pre-trained models on TensorFlow Hub.

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