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During the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, almost everyone wears a facial mask, which poses a huge challenge to deep face recognition. In this workshop, we organize Masked Face Recognition (MFR) challenge and focus on bench-marking deep face recogniti on methods under the existence of facial masks. In the MFR challenge, there are two main tracks: the InsightFace track and the WebFace260M track. For the InsightFace track, we manually collect a large-scale masked face test set with 7K identities. In addition, we also collect a children test set including 14K identities and a multi-racial test set containing 242K identities. By using these three test sets, we build up an online model testing system, which can give a comprehensive evaluation of face recognition models. To avoid data privacy problems, no test image is released to the public. As the challenge is still under-going, we will keep on updating the top-ranked solutions as well as this report on the arxiv.
76 - Xiang An , Xuhan Zhu , Yang Xiao 2020
Face recognition has been an active and vital topic among computer vision community for a long time. Previous researches mainly focus on loss functions used for facial feature extraction network, among which the improvements of softmax-based loss fun ctions greatly promote the performance of face recognition. However, the contradiction between the drastically increasing number of face identities and the shortage of GPU memories is gradually becoming irreconcilable. In this paper, we thoroughly analyze the optimization goal of softmax-based loss functions and the difficulty of training massive identities. We find that the importance of negative classes in softmax function in face representation learning is not as high as we previously thought. The experiment demonstrates no loss of accuracy when training with only 10% randomly sampled classes for the softmax-based loss functions, compared with training with full classes using state-of-the-art models on mainstream benchmarks. We also implement a very efficient distributed sampling algorithm, taking into account model accuracy and training efficiency, which uses only eight NVIDIA RTX2080Ti to complete classification tasks with tens of millions of identities. The code of this paper has been made available https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/tree/master/recognition/partial_fc.

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