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We consider the regression problem of estimating functions on $mathbb{R}^D$ but supported on a $d$-dimensional manifold $ mathcal{M} subset mathbb{R}^D $ with $ d ll D $. Drawing ideas from multi-resolution analysis and nonlinear approximation, we co nstruct low-dimensional coordinates on $mathcal{M}$ at multiple scales, and perform multiscale regression by local polynomial fitting. We propose a data-driven wavelet thresholding scheme that automatically adapts to the unknown regularity of the function, allowing for efficient estimation of functions exhibiting nonuniform regularity at different locations and scales. We analyze the generalization error of our method by proving finite sample bounds in high probability on rich classes of priors. Our estimator attains optimal learning rates (up to logarithmic factors) as if the function was defined on a known Euclidean domain of dimension $d$, instead of an unknown manifold embedded in $mathbb{R}^D$. The implemented algorithm has quasilinear complexity in the sample size, with constants linear in $D$ and exponential in $d$. Our work therefore establishes a new framework for regression on low-dimensional sets embedded in high dimensions, with fast implementation and strong theoretical guarantees.
Causal inference explores the causation between actions and the consequent rewards on a covariate set. Recently deep learning has achieved a remarkable performance in causal inference, but existing statistical theories cannot well explain such an emp irical success, especially when the covariates are high-dimensional. Most theoretical results in causal inference are asymptotic, suffer from the curse of dimensionality, and only work for the finite-action scenario. To bridge such a gap between theory and practice, this paper studies doubly robust off-policy learning by deep neural networks. When the covariates lie on a low-dimensional manifold, we prove nonasymptotic regret bounds, which converge at a fast rate depending on the intrinsic dimension of the manifold. Our results cover both the finite- and continuous-action scenarios. Our theory shows that deep neural networks are adaptive to the low-dimensional geometric structures of the covariates, and partially explains the success of deep learning for causal inference.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved great success in unsupervised learning. Despite the remarkable empirical performance, there are limited theoretical understandings on the statistical properties of GANs. This paper provides statist ical guarantees of GANs for the estimation of data distributions which have densities in a H{o}lder space. Our main result shows that, if the generator and discriminator network architectures are properly chosen (universally for all distributions with H{o}lder densities), GANs are consistent estimators of the data distributions under strong discrepancy metrics, such as the Wasserstein distance. To our best knowledge, this is the first statistical theory of GANs for H{o}lder densities. In comparison with existing works, our theory requires minimum assumptions on data distributions. Our generator and discriminator networks utilize general weight matrices and the non-invertible ReLU activation function, while many existing works only apply to invertible weight matrices and invertible activation functions. In our analysis, we decompose the error into a statistical error and an approximation error by a new oracle inequality, which may be of independent interest.
Real world data often exhibit low-dimensional geometric structures, and can be viewed as samples near a low-dimensional manifold. This paper studies nonparametric regression of H{o}lder functions on low-dimensional manifolds using deep ReLU networks. Suppose $n$ training data are sampled from a H{o}lder function in $mathcal{H}^{s,alpha}$ supported on a $d$-dimensional Riemannian manifold isometrically embedded in $mathbb{R}^D$, with sub-gaussian noise. A deep ReLU network architecture is designed to estimate the underlying function from the training data. The mean squared error of the empirical estimator is proved to converge in the order of $n^{-frac{2(s+alpha)}{2(s+alpha) + d}}log^3 n$. This result shows that deep ReLU networks give rise to a fast convergence rate depending on the data intrinsic dimension $d$, which is usually much smaller than the ambient dimension $D$. It therefore demonstrates the adaptivity of deep ReLU networks to low-dimensional geometric structures of data, and partially explains the power of deep ReLU networks in tackling high-dimensional data with low-dimensional geometric structures.

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