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Tactile sensing plays an important role in robotic perception and manipulation tasks. To overcome the real-world limitations of data collection, simulating tactile response in a virtual environment comes as a desirable direction of robotic research. In this paper, we propose Elastic Interaction of Particles (EIP) for tactile simulation. Most existing works model the tactile sensor as a rigid multi-body, which is incapable of reflecting the elastic property of the tactile sensor as well as characterizing the fine-grained physical interaction between the two objects. By contrast, EIP models the tactile sensor as a group of coordinated particles, and the elastic property is applied to regulate the deformation of particles during contact. With the tactile simulation by EIP, we further propose a tactile-visual perception network that enables information fusion between tactile data and visual images. The perception network is based on a global-to-local fusion mechanism where multi-scale tactile features are aggregated to the corresponding local region of the visual modality with the guidance of tactile positions and directions. The fusion method exhibits superiority regarding the 3D geometric reconstruction task.
It has been a challenge to learning skills for an agent from long-horizon unannotated demonstrations. Existing approaches like Hierarchical Imitation Learning(HIL) are prone to compounding errors or suboptimal solutions. In this paper, we propose Opt ion-GAIL, a novel method to learn skills at long horizon. The key idea of Option-GAIL is modeling the task hierarchy by options and train the policy via generative adversarial optimization. In particular, we propose an Expectation-Maximization(EM)-style algorithm: an E-step that samples the options of expert conditioned on the current learned policy, and an M-step that updates the low- and high-level policies of agent simultaneously to minimize the newly proposed option-occupancy measurement between the expert and the agent. We theoretically prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm. Experiments show that Option-GAIL outperforms other counterparts consistently across a variety of tasks.
Tactile sensing plays an important role in robotic perception and manipulation. To overcome the real-world limitations of data collection, simulating tactile response in virtual environment comes as a desire direction of robotic research. Most existi ng works model the tactile sensor as a rigid multi-body, which is incapable of reflecting the elastic property of the tactile sensor as well as characterizing the fine-grained physical interaction between two objects. In this paper, we propose Elastic Interaction of Particles (EIP), a novel framework for tactile emulation. At its core, EIP models the tactile sensor as a group of coordinated particles, and the elastic theory is applied to regulate the deformation of particles during the contact process. The implementation of EIP is conducted from scratch, without resorting to any existing physics engine. Experiments to verify the effectiveness of our method have been carried out on two applications: robotic perception with tactile data and 3D geometric reconstruction by tactile-visual fusion. It is possible to open up a new vein for robotic tactile simulation, and contribute to various downstream robotic tasks.
Deep multimodal fusion by using multiple sources of data for classification or regression has exhibited a clear advantage over the unimodal counterpart on various applications. Yet, current methods including aggregation-based and alignment-based fusi on are still inadequate in balancing the trade-off between inter-modal fusion and intra-modal processing, incurring a bottleneck of performance improvement. To this end, this paper proposes Channel-Exchanging-Network (CEN), a parameter-free multimodal fusion framework that dynamically exchanges channels between sub-networks of different modalities. Specifically, the channel exchanging process is self-guided by individual channel importance that is measured by the magnitude of Batch-Normalization (BN) scaling factor during training. The validity of such exchanging process is also guaranteed by sharing convolutional filters yet keeping separate BN layers across modalities, which, as an add-on benefit, allows our multimodal architecture to be almost as compact as a unimodal network. Extensive experiments on semantic segmentation via RGB-D data and image translation through multi-domain input verify the effectiveness of our CEN compared to current state-of-the-art methods. Detailed ablation studies have also been carried out, which provably affirm the advantage of each component we propose. Our code is available at https://github.com/yikaiw/CEN.
Increasing the depth of GCN, which is expected to permit more expressivity, is shown to incur performance detriment especially on node classification. The main cause of this lies in over-smoothing. The over-smoothing issue drives the output of GCN to wards a space that contains limited distinguished information among nodes, leading to poor expressivity. Several works on refining the architecture of deep GCN have been proposed, but it is still unknown in theory whether or not these refinements are able to relieve over-smoothing. In this paper, we first theoretically analyze how general GCNs act with the increase in depth, including generic GCN, GCN with bias, ResGCN, and APPNP. We find that all these models are characterized by a universal process: all nodes converging to a cuboid. Upon this theorem, we propose DropEdge to alleviate over-smoothing by randomly removing a certain number of edges at each training epoch. Theoretically, DropEdge either reduces the convergence speed of over-smoothing or relieves the information loss caused by dimension collapse. Experimental evaluations on simulated dataset have visualized the difference in over-smoothing between different GCNs. Moreover, extensive experiments on several real benchmarks support that DropEdge consistently improves the performance on a variety of both shallow and deep GCNs.
There have been a fairly of research interests in exploring the disentanglement of appearance and shape from human images. Most existing endeavours pursuit this goal by either using training images with annotations or regulating the training process with external clues such as human skeleton, body segmentation or cloth patches etc. In this paper, we aim to address this challenge in a more unsupervised manner---we do not require any annotation nor any external task-specific clues. To this end, we formulate an encoder-decoder-like network to extract both the shape and appearance features from input images at the same time, and train the parameters by three losses: feature adversarial loss, color consistency loss and reconstruction loss. The feature adversarial loss mainly impose little to none mutual information between the extracted shape and appearance features, while the color consistency loss is to encourage the invariance of person appearance conditioned on different shapes. More importantly, our unsupervised (Unsupervised learning has many interpretations in different tasks. To be clear, in this paper, we refer unsupervised learning as learning without task-specific human annotations, pairs or any form of weak supervision.) framework utilizes learned shape features as masks which are applied to the input itself in order to obtain clean appearance features. Without using fixed input human skeleton, our network better preserves the conditional human posture while requiring less supervision. Experimental results on DeepFashion and Market1501 demonstrate that the proposed method achieves clean disentanglement and is able to synthesis novel images of comparable quality with state-of-the-art weakly-supervised or even supervised methods.
We address the problem of video grounding from natural language queries. The key challenge in this task is that one training video might only contain a few annotated starting/ending frames that can be used as positive examples for model training. Mos t conventional approaches directly train a binary classifier using such imbalance data, thus achieving inferior results. The key idea of this paper is to use the distances between the frame within the ground truth and the starting (ending) frame as dense supervisions to improve the video grounding accuracy. Specifically, we design a novel dense regression network (DRN) to regress the distances from each frame to the starting (ending) frame of the video segment described by the query. We also propose a simple but effective IoU regression head module to explicitly consider the localization quality of the grounding results (i.e., the IoU between the predicted location and the ground truth). Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-arts on three datasets (i.e., Charades-STA, ActivityNet-Captions, and TACoS).
The richness in the content of various information networks such as social networks and communication networks provides the unprecedented potential for learning high-quality expressive representations without external supervision. This paper investig ates how to preserve and extract the abundant information from graph-structured data into embedding space in an unsupervised manner. To this end, we propose a novel concept, Graphical Mutual Information (GMI), to measure the correlation between input graphs and high-level hidden representations. GMI generalizes the idea of conventional mutual information computations from vector space to the graph domain where measuring mutual information from two aspects of node features and topological structure is indispensable. GMI exhibits several benefits: First, it is invariant to the isomorphic transformation of input graphs---an inevitable constraint in many existing graph representation learning algorithms; Besides, it can be efficiently estimated and maximized by current mutual information estimation methods such as MINE; Finally, our theoretical analysis confirms its correctness and rationality. With the aid of GMI, we develop an unsupervised learning model trained by maximizing GMI between the input and output of a graph neural encoder. Considerable experiments on transductive as well as inductive node classification and link prediction demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised counterparts, and even sometimes exceeds the performance of supervised ones.
In this paper, we study Reinforcement Learning from Demonstrations (RLfD) that improves the exploration efficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) by providing expert demonstrations. Most of existing RLfD methods require demonstrations to be perfect a nd sufficient, which yet is unrealistic to meet in practice. To work on imperfect demonstrations, we first define an imperfect expert setting for RLfD in a formal way, and then point out that previous methods suffer from two issues in terms of optimality and convergence, respectively. Upon the theoretical findings we have derived, we tackle these two issues by regarding the expert guidance as a soft constraint on regulating the policy exploration of the agent, which eventually leads to a constrained optimization problem. We further demonstrate that such problem is able to be addressed efficiently by performing a local linear search on its dual form. Considerable empirical evaluations on a comprehensive collection of benchmarks indicate our method attains consistent improvement over other RLfD counterparts.
The goal of task transfer in reinforcement learning is migrating the action policy of an agent to the target task from the source task. Given their successes on robotic action planning, current methods mostly rely on two requirements: exactly-relevan t expert demonstrations or the explicitly-coded cost function on target task, both of which, however, are inconvenient to obtain in practice. In this paper, we relax these two strong conditions by developing a novel task transfer framework where the expert preference is applied as a guidance. In particular, we alternate the following two steps: Firstly, letting experts apply pre-defined preference rules to select related expert demonstrates for the target task. Secondly, based on the selection result, we learn the target cost function and trajectory distribution simultaneously via enhanced Adversarial MaxEnt IRL and generate more trajectories by the learned target distribution for the next preference selection. The theoretical analysis on the distribution learning and convergence of the proposed algorithm are provided. Extensive simulations on several benchmarks have been conducted for further verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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