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90 - Wen-Rong Sun 2021
The stability of the elliptic solutions to the defocusing complex modified Korteweg-de Vries (cmKdV) equation is studied. The orbital stability of the cmKdV equation was established in [19] when the periodic orbits do not oscillate around zero. In th is paper, we study the periodic solutions corresponding to the case that the orbits oscillate around zero. Using the integrability of the defocusing cmKdV equation, we prove the spectral stability of the elliptic solutions. We show that one special linear combination of the first five conserved quantities produces a Lyapunov functional, which implies that the elliptic solutions are orbitally stable with respect to the subharmonic perturbations.
Using the integrability of the sinh-Gordon equation, we demonstrate the spectral stability of its elliptic solutions. By constructing a Lyapunov functional using higher-order conserved quantities of the sinh-Gordon equation, we show that these ellipt ic solutions are orbitally stable with respect to subharmonic perturbations of arbitrary period.
We unveil a mechanism enabling a fundamental rogue wave, expressed by a rational function of fourth degree, to reach a peak amplitude as high as a thousand times the background level in a system of coupled nonlinear Schru007fodinger equations involvi ng both incoherent and coherent coupling terms with suitable coefficients. We obtain the exact explicit vector rational solutions using a Darboux-dressing transformation. We show that both components of such coupled equations can reach extremely high amplitudes. The mechanism is confirmed in direct numerical simulations and its robustness confirmed upon noisy perturbations. Additionally, we showcase the fact that extremely high peak-amplitude vector fundamental rogue waves (of about 80 times the background level) can be excited even within a chaotic background field.

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