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The conventional detectors tend to make imbalanced classification and suffer performance drop, when the distribution of the training data is severely skewed. In this paper, we propose to use the mean classification score to indicate the classificatio n accuracy for each category during training. Based on this indicator, we balance the classification via an Equilibrium Loss (EBL) and a Memory-augmented Feature Sampling (MFS) method. Specifically, EBL increases the intensity of the adjustment of the decision boundary for the weak classes by a designed score-guided loss margin between any two classes. On the other hand, MFS improves the frequency and accuracy of the adjustment of the decision boundary for the weak classes through over-sampling the instance features of those classes. Therefore, EBL and MFS work collaboratively for finding the classification equilibrium in long-tailed detection, and dramatically improve the performance of tail classes while maintaining or even improving the performance of head classes. We conduct experiments on LVIS using Mask R-CNN with various backbones including ResNet-50-FPN and ResNet-101-FPN to show the superiority of the proposed method. It improves the detection performance of tail classes by 15.6 AP, and outperforms the most recent long-tailed object detectors by more than 1 AP. Code is available at https://github.com/fcjian/LOCE.
Pair-wise loss functions have been extensively studied and shown to continuously improve the performance of deep metric learning (DML). However, they are primarily designed with intuition based on simple toy examples, and experimentally identifying t he truly effective design is difficult in complicated, real-world cases. In this paper, we provide a new methodology for systematically studying weighting strategies of various pair-wise loss functions, and rethink pair weighting with an embedding memory. We delve into the weighting mechanisms by decomposing the pair-wise functions, and study positive and negative weights separately using direct weight assignment. This allows us to study various weighting functions deeply and systematically via weight curves, and identify a number of meaningful, comprehensive and insightful facts, which come up with our key observation on memory-based DML: it is critical to mine hard negatives and discard easy negatives which are less informative and redundant, but weighting on positive pairs is not helpful. This results in an efficient but surprisingly simple rule to design the weighting scheme, making it significantly different from existing mini-batch based methods which design various sophisticated loss functions to weight pairs carefully. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on three large-scale visual retrieval benchmarks, and demonstrate the superiority of memory-based DML over recent mini-batch based approaches, by using a simple contrastive loss with momentum-updated memory.
Siamese-based trackers have achieved excellent performance on visual object tracking. However, the target template is not updated online, and the features of the target template and search image are computed independently in a Siamese architecture. I n this paper, we propose Deformable Siamese Attention Networks, referred to as SiamAttn, by introducing a new Siamese attention mechanism that computes deformable self-attention and cross-attention. The self attention learns strong context information via spatial attention, and selectively emphasizes interdependent channel-wise features with channel attention. The cross-attention is capable of aggregating rich contextual inter-dependencies between the target template and the search image, providing an implicit manner to adaptively update the target template. In addition, we design a region refinement module that computes depth-wise cross correlations between the attentional features for more accurate tracking. We conduct experiments on six benchmarks, where our method achieves new state of-the-art results, outperforming the strong baseline, SiamRPN++ [24], by 0.464->0.537 and 0.415->0.470 EAO on VOT 2016 and 2018. Our code is available at: https://github.com/msight-tech/research-siamattn.
Training an object detector on a data-rich domain and applying it to a data-poor one with limited performance drop is highly attractive in industry, because it saves huge annotation cost. Recent research on unsupervised domain adaptive object detecti on has verified that aligning data distributions between source and target images through adversarial learning is very useful. The key is when, where and how to use it to achieve best practice. We propose Image-Instance Full Alignment Networks (iFAN) to tackle this problem by precisely aligning feature distributions on both image and instance levels: 1) Image-level alignment: multi-scale features are roughly aligned by training adversarial domain classifiers in a hierarchically-nested fashion. 2) Full instance-level alignment: deep semantic information and elaborate instance representations are fully exploited to establish a strong relationship among categories and domains. Establishing these correlations is formulated as a metric learning problem by carefully constructing instance pairs. Above-mentioned adaptations can be integrated into an object detector (e.g. Faster RCNN), resulting in an end-to-end trainable framework where multiple alignments can work collaboratively in a coarse-tofine manner. In two domain adaptation tasks: synthetic-to-real (SIM10K->Cityscapes) and normal-to-foggy weather (Cityscapes->Foggy Cityscapes), iFAN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with a boost of 10%+ AP over the source-only baseline.
Most existing 3D CNNs for video representation learning are clip-based methods, and thus do not consider video-level temporal evolution of spatio-temporal features. In this paper, we propose Video-level 4D Convolutional Neural Networks, referred as V 4D, to model the evolution of long-range spatio-temporal representation with 4D convolutions, and at the same time, to preserve strong 3D spatio-temporal representation with residual connections. Specifically, we design a new 4D residual block able to capture inter-clip interactions, which could enhance the representation power of the original clip-level 3D CNNs. The 4D residual blocks can be easily integrated into the existing 3D CNNs to perform long-range modeling hierarchically. We further introduce the training and inference methods for the proposed V4D. Extensive experiments are conducted on three video recognition benchmarks, where V4D achieves excellent results, surpassing recent 3D CNNs by a large margin.
Mining informative negative instances are of central importance to deep metric learning (DML), however this task is intrinsically limited by mini-batch training, where only a mini-batch of instances is accessible at each iteration. In this paper, we identify a slow drift phenomena by observing that the embedding features drift exceptionally slow even as the model parameters are updating throughout the training process. This suggests that the features of instances computed at preceding iterations can be used to considerably approximate their features extracted by the current model. We propose a cross-batch memory (XBM) mechanism that memorizes the embeddings of past iterations, allowing the model to collect sufficient hard negative pairs across multiple mini-batches - even over the whole dataset. Our XBM can be directly integrated into a general pair-based DML framework, where the XBM augmented DML can boost performance considerably. In particular, without bells and whistles, a simple contrastive loss with our XBM can have large R@1 improvements of 12%-22.5% on three large-scale image retrieval datasets, surpassing the most sophisticated state-of-the-art methods, by a large margin. Our XBM is conceptually simple, easy to implement - using several lines of codes, and is memory efficient - with a negligible 0.2 GB extra GPU memory. Code is available at: https://github.com/MalongTech/research-xbm.
Recent progress has been made on developing a unified framework for joint text detection and recognition in natural images, but existing joint models were mostly built on two-stage framework by involving ROI pooling, which can degrade the performance on recognition task. In this work, we propose convolutional character networks, referred as CharNet, which is an one-stage model that can process two tasks simultaneously in one pass. CharNet directly outputs bounding boxes of words and characters, with corresponding character labels. We utilize character as basic element, allowing us to overcome the main difficulty of existing approaches that attempted to optimize text detection jointly with a RNN-based recognition branch. In addition, we develop an iterative character detection approach able to transform the ability of character detection learned from synthetic data to real-world images. These technical improvements result in a simple, compact, yet powerful one-stage model that works reliably on multi-orientation and curved text. We evaluate CharNet on three standard benchmarks, where it consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches [25, 24] by a large margin, e.g., with improvements of 65.33%->71.08% (with generic lexicon) on ICDAR 2015, and 54.0%->69.23% on Total-Text, on end-to-end text recognition. Code is available at: https://github.com/MalongTech/research-charnet.
We propose a Dual-Stream Pyramid Registration Network (referred as Dual-PRNet) for unsupervised 3D medical image registration. Unlike recent CNN-based registration approaches, such as VoxelMorph, which explores a single-stream encoder-decoder network to compute a registration fields from a pair of 3D volumes, we design a two-stream architecture able to compute multi-scale registration fields from convolutional feature pyramids. Our contributions are two-fold: (i) we design a two-stream 3D encoder-decoder network which computes two convolutional feature pyramids separately for a pair of input volumes, resulting in strong deep representations that are meaningful for deformation estimation; (ii) we propose a pyramid registration module able to predict multi-scale registration fields directly from the decoding feature pyramids. This allows it to refine the registration fields gradually in a coarse-to-fine manner via sequential warping, and enable the model with the capability for handling significant deformations between two volumes, such as large displacements in spatial domain or slice space. The proposed Dual-PRNet is evaluated on two standard benchmarks for brain MRI registration, where it outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin, e.g., having improvements over recent VoxelMorph [2] with 0.683->0.778 on the LPBA40, and 0.511->0.631 on the Mindboggle101, in term of average Dice score.
We present a novel hierarchical triplet loss (HTL) capable of automatically collecting informative training samples (triplets) via a defined hierarchical tree that encodes global context information. This allows us to cope with the main limitation of random sampling in training a conventional triplet loss, which is a central issue for deep metric learning. Our main contributions are two-fold. (i) we construct a hierarchical class-level tree where neighboring classes are merged recursively. The hierarchical structure naturally captures the intrinsic data distribution over the whole database. (ii) we formulate the problem of triplet collection by introducing a new violate margin, which is computed dynamically based on the designed hierarchical tree. This allows it to automatically select meaningful hard samples with the guide of global context. It encourages the model to learn more discriminative features from visual similar classes, leading to faster convergence and better performance. Our method is evaluated on the tasks of image retrieval and face recognition, where it outperforms the standard triplet loss substantially by 1%-18%. It achieves new state-of-the-art performance on a number of benchmarks, with much fewer learning iterations.
189 - Pan He , Weilin Huang , Tong He 2017
We present a novel single-shot text detector that directly outputs word-level bounding boxes in a natural image. We propose an attention mechanism which roughly identifies text regions via an automatically learned attentional map. This substantially suppresses background interference in the convolutional features, which is the key to producing accurate inference of words, particularly at extremely small sizes. This results in a single model that essentially works in a coarse-to-fine manner. It departs from recent FCN- based text detectors which cascade multiple FCN models to achieve an accurate prediction. Furthermore, we develop a hierarchical inception module which efficiently aggregates multi-scale inception features. This enhances local details, and also encodes strong context information, allow- ing the detector to work reliably on multi-scale and multi- orientation text with single-scale images. Our text detector achieves an F-measure of 77% on the ICDAR 2015 bench- mark, advancing the state-of-the-art results in [18, 28]. Demo is available at: http://sstd.whuang.org/.

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