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We propose a novel parameterized family of Mixed Membership Mallows Models (M4) to account for variability in pairwise comparisons generated by a heterogeneous population of noisy and inconsistent users. M4 models individual preferences as a user-spe cific probabilistic mixture of shared latent Mallows components. Our key algorithmic insight for estimation is to establish a statistical connection between M4 and topic models by viewing pairwise comparisons as words, and users as documents. This key insight leads us to explore Mallows components with a separable structure and leverage recent advances in separable topic discovery. While separability appears to be overly restrictive, we nevertheless show that it is an inevitable outcome of a relatively small number of latent Mallows components in a world of large number of items. We then develop an algorithm based on robust extreme-point identification of convex polygons to learn the reference rankings, and is provably consistent with polynomial sample complexity guarantees. We demonstrate that our new model is empirically competitive with the current state-of-the-art approaches in predicting real-world preferences.
We propose a topic modeling approach to the prediction of preferences in pairwise comparisons. We develop a new generative model for pairwise comparisons that accounts for multiple shared latent rankings that are prevalent in a population of users. T his new model also captures inconsistent user behavior in a natural way. We show how the estimation of latent rankings in the new generative model can be formally reduced to the estimation of topics in a statistically equivalent topic modeling problem. We leverage recent advances in the topic modeling literature to develop an algorithm that can learn shared latent rankings with provable consistency as well as sample and computational complexity guarantees. We demonstrate that the new approach is empirically competitive with the current state-of-the-art approaches in predicting preferences on some semi-synthetic and real world datasets.
We propose a novel approach for designing kernels for support vector machines (SVMs) when the class label is linked to the observation through a latent state and the likelihood function of the observation given the state (the sensing model) is availa ble. We show that the Bayes-optimum decision boundary is a hyperplane under a mapping defined by the likelihood function. Combining this with the maximum margin principle yields kernels for SVMs that leverage knowledge of the sensing model in an optimal way. We derive the optimum kernel for the bag-of-words (BoWs) sensing model and demonstrate its superior performance over other kernels in document and image classification tasks. These results indicate that such optimum sensing-aware kernel SVMs can match the performance of rather sophisticated state-of-the-art approaches.
The simplicial condition and other stronger conditions that imply it have recently played a central role in developing polynomial time algorithms with provable asymptotic consistency and sample complexity guarantees for topic estimation in separable topic models. Of these algorithms, those that rely solely on the simplicial condition are impractical while the practical ones need stronger conditions. In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time, that the simplicial condition is a fundamental, algorithm-independent, information-theoretic necessary condition for consistent separable topic estimation. Furthermore, under solely the simplicial condition, we present a practical quadratic-complexity algorithm based on random projections which consistently detects all novel words of all topics using only up to second-order empirical word moments. This algorithm is amenable to distributed implementation making it attractive for big-data scenarios involving a network of large distributed databases.

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