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We report the observation of an intriguing behaviour in the transport properties of nanodevices operating in a regime between the Fabry-Perot and the Kondo limits. Using ultra-high quality nanotube devices, we study how the conductance oscillates whe n sweeping the gate voltage. Surprisingly, we observe a four-fold enhancement of the oscillation period upon decreasing temperature, signaling a crossover from single-electron tunneling to Fabry-Perot interference. These results suggest that the Fabry-Perot interference occurs in a regime where electrons are correlated. The link between the measured correlated Fabry-Perot oscillations and the SU(4) Kondo effect is discussed.
81 - J. H. Xu , A. X. Chen , W. Yang 2019
Performing homodyne detection at one port of squeezed-state light interferometer and then binarzing measurement data are important to achieve super-resolving and super-sensitive phase measurements. Here we propose a new data-processing technique by d ividing the measurement quadrature into three bins (equivalent to a multi-outcome measurement), which leads to a higher improvement in the phase resolution and the phase sensitivity under realistic experimental condition. Furthermore, we develop a new phase-estimation protocol based on a combination of the inversion estimators of each outcome and show that the estimator can saturate the Cramer-Rao lower bound, similar to asymptotically unbiased maximum likelihood estimator.
Control of structural couplings at the complex-oxide interfaces is a powerful platform for creating new ultrathin layers with electronic and magnetic properties unattainable in the bulk. However, with the capability to design and control the electron ic structure of such buried layers and interfaces at a unit-cell level, a new challenge emerges to be able to probe these engineered emergent phenomena with depth-dependent atomic resolution as well as element- and orbital selectivity. Here, we utilize a combination of core-level and valence-band soft x-ray standing-wave photoemission spectroscopy, in conjunction with scanning transmission electron microscopy, to probe the depth-dependent and single-unit-cell resolved electronic structure of an isovalent manganite superlattice [Eu0.7Sr0.3MnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3]x15 wherein the electronic-structural properties are intentionally modulated with depth via engineered oxygen octahedra rotations/tilts and A-site displacements. Our unit-cell resolved measurements reveal significant transformations in the local chemical and electronic valence-band states, which are consistent with the layer-resolved first-principles theoretical calculations, thus opening the door for future depth-resolved studies of a wide variety of hetero-engineered material systems.
73 - W. Yang , H. Graef , X. Lu 2018
Breakdown of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) is commonly associated with an electric field approaching the inter Landau-level (LL) Zener field, ratio of the Landau gap and cyclotron radius. Eluded in semiconducting heterostructures, in spite of extensi ve investigation, the intrinsic Zener limit is reported here using high-mobility bilayer graphene and high-frequency current noise. We show that collective excitations arising from electron-electron interactions are essential. Beyond a noiseless ballistic QHE regime a large superpoissonian shot noise signals the breakdown via inter-LL scattering. The breakdown is ultimately limited by collective excitations in a regime where phonon and impurity scattering are quenched. The breakdown mechanism can be described by a Landau critical velocity as it bears strong similarities with the roton mechanism of superfluids.
55 - W. Yang , S. Berthou , X. Lu 2017
Engineering of cooling mechanisms is a bottleneck in nanoelectronics. Whereas thermal exchanges in diffusive graphene are mostly driven by defect assisted acoustic phonon scattering, the case of high-mobility graphene on hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) is radically different with a prominent contribution of remote phonons from the substrate. A bi-layer graphene on hBN transistor with local gate is driven in a regime where almost perfect current saturation is achieved by compensation of the decrease of the carrier density and Zener-Klein tunneling (ZKT) at high bias. Using noise thermometry, we show that this Zener-Klein tunneling triggers a new cooling pathway due to the emission of hyperbolic phonon polaritons (HPP) in hBN by out-of-equilibrium electron-hole pairs beyond the super-Planckian regime. The combination of ZKT-transport and HPP-cooling promotes graphene on BN transistors as a valuable nanotechnology for power devices and RF electronics.
65 - P. Liu , P. Wang , W. Yang 2016
Squeezed-state interferometry plays an important role in quantum-enhanced optical phase estimation, as it allows the estimation precision to be improved up to the Heisenberg limit by using ideal photon-number-resolving detectors at the output ports. Here we show that for each individual $N$-photon component of the phase-matched coherent $otimes$ squeezed vacuum input state, the classical Fisher information always saturates the quantum Fisher information. Moreover, the total Fisher information is the sum of the contributions from each individual $N$-photon components, where the largest $N$ is limited by the finite number resolution of available photon counters. Based on this observation, we provide an approximate analytical formula that quantifies the amount of lost information due to the finite photon number resolution, e.g., given the mean photon number $bar{n}$ in the input state, over $96$ percent of the Heisenberg limit can be achieved with the number resolution larger than $5bar{n}$.
We investigate the role of electrothermal feedback in the operation of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs). It is found that the desired mode of operation for SNSPDs is only achieved if this feedback is unstable, which happens n aturally through the slow electrical response associated with their relatively large kinetic inductance. If this response is sped up in an effort to increase the device count rate, the electrothermal feedback becomes stable and results in an effect known as latching, where the device is locked in a resistive state and can no longer detect photons. We present a set of experiments which elucidate this effect, and a simple model which quantitatively explains the results.
A characteristic feature of the copper oxide high-temperature superconductors is the dichotomy between the electronic excitations along the nodal (diagonal) and antinodal (parallel to the Cu-O bonds) directions in momentum space, generally assumed to be linked to the d-wave symmetry of the superconducting state. Angle-resolved photoemission measurements in the superconducting state have revealed a quasiparticle spectrum with a d-wave gap structure that exhibits a maximum along the antinodal direction and vanishes along the nodal direction. Subsequent measurements have shown that, at low doping levels, this gap structure persists even in the high-temperature metallic state, although the nodal points of the superconducting state spread out in finite Fermi arcs. This is the so-called pseudogap phase, and it has been assumed that it is closely linked to the superconducting state, either by assigning it to fluctuating superconductivity or by invoking orders which are natural competitors of d-wave superconductors. Here we report experimental evidence that a very similar pseudogap state with a nodal-antinodal dichotomous character exists in a system that is markedly different from a superconductor: the ferromagnetic metallic groundstate of the colossal magnetoresistive bilayer manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7. Our findings therefore cast doubt on the assumption that the pseudogap state in the copper oxides and the nodal-antinodal dichotomy are hallmarks of the superconductivity state.

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